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n s. vi. JULY 13, 1912.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

of Edge-Hill, in October 1642. London Printed by T. Curson Hansard, Peterborough Court, Fleet-Street. Published by R. Bagshaw Brydges-Street, Covent Garden ; and sold by J. Budd, Pall-Mall ; R. Faulder, New Bond Street ; H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row Blacks and Parry, Leadenhall Street ; and J Archer, Dublin. July, 1807.

8vo, unnumbered Tables of Contents 150 columns.

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, during the First Session of the Third Parliament of th United Kingdom of Great. Britain and Ireland and of the Kingdom of Great Britain th Twentieth, Appointed to meet at Westminster the Twenty-eighth Day of August, One Thousanc Eight Hundred and Six ; and from thence continued, by Prorogation, to the Fifteenth Day of December, in the Forty-seventh Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George tfee Third, Annoque Domini One Thousand Eighl Hundred and Six. Vol. VIII. Comprising the Period between the 15th of December, 1806 and the 4th of March, 1807. [Vol. IX. Com- prising the Period between the 5th of March and the 14th of August, 1807.] London : Printed by J. Brettell, Marshall-Street, Golden Square ; Published by R. Bagshaw, Bow- Street, Covent-Garden ; and sold by J. Budd, Pall-Mall ; R. Faulder, New Bond-Street ; H. D. Symonds, Paternoster-Bow ; Blacks and Parry, Leadenhall-Strcet ; and J. Archer, Dublin. 1807.

8vo, vol. viii. pp. xv 1088 columns and cxxxviii columns, and 3 pp. Indices ; vol. ix. pp. xvi 1232 columns and cvi columns, and 3 pp. Indices.

LEWIS MELVILLE. Salcombe, Harpenden, Herts.

(To be continued.)


(See 11 S. iv. 164,428,489.)

'THE STEWARTS,' published by the Stewart Society, Edinburgh, into which I was admitted a year or two. ago, contains (vol. ii., No. 4, pp. 279-80) an as yet unanswered query ot mine, as follows :

"Sibilla Stewart, Edinburgh (obit 1698). The writer would be very grateful for any clues to the ancestry or descendants (direct or col- lateral) of Sibilla Stewart, who was interred in Greyfriars' Burying-ground, Edinburgh, ' east

end kirk,' 14 August, 1698 (cf. 'Register ,'

Scottish Record Society, 1902, p. 624). Did she have a daughter or a niece Sybilla, Stewart, born circa 1698, who migrated" to London or Greenwich ? "

A couple of generations later we get the will of a namesake in Dublin :

"I, Sibella Stuart, widow of James Stuart, late of Lazer's Hill, Dublin, Gent., deceased, do make this my last will. Therefore, as to all such houses, goods, and furniture left to me by my said husband, I bequeath the same to my mend Mary McDaniel, of Dame St., Dublin

widow, and I appoint her to be executrix of this my will. Signed this 30th Aug., 1760. Sibella Stuart. Witnesses : Patt McKinery, James Neill. Proved 18 Sept., 1760."

An incidental item which may or may not be relevant to my quest has been found by Mr. R. J. Beevor in the Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society (1906), vol. ix. p. 4, where appear some extracts from a letter written in 1690 by Elizabeth Wroth at Dublin to her friend Mrs. Warly of Witham, in Essex. The letter mentions the birth of her aunt's daughter Jane Sibella, of whom Sir John Cowper was godfather. This child, Jane Sibella Wroth, baptized at Loughton, Essex, 10 Nov., 1690, was a daughter of John and Dorothy Wroth, as Mr. J. G. Bradford of Loughton has kindly ascertained for me. She married one Wil- liam Hills, and apparently removed to Lee, near Greenwich, for in the printed register of the church of St. Margaret, Lee, is the entry of her burial there :

" 1722, Jan. 3. Mrs. Jane Sibella, wife of Mr. Hills, of St. Andrew's, Holbourn."

According to the ' Visitation of Hert- fordshire, 1634,' published by the Harleian Society, London, 1886 (xxii. 106), one Richard Wroth married Kymborough,

daughter of Halley of Middlesex. This

marriage is mentioned in a pedigree of Hawley of Leybourne Grange, Kent, given in ' The Baronetage of England,' by the Rev. William Betham, vol. iv. pp. 297-300, London, 1804, and dating from one John Hawley, who had son William living 17 Henry VII. (1502), who had son John of Auler in Somersetshire, Esq.

To digress a little further : the William Turner who married Sibylla Peake, 2 April. L727, both being of St. Saviour's Southwark see US. Hi. 127, 368, 388), " died," accord - ng to private advices to me from Dorking, Surrey,

' 1st April, 1739 ; his wife married eighteen months later a John Herder, by whom she had ix children, four boys and two girls. A descend- ant of hers, Mrs. Turner, lives in Brockham jrreen. .. .Sibylla survived her second husband jy nineteen years, and died at the age of eighty- line, and was buried at Betchworth, in Surrey.' 7

We have not yet determined the ancestry )f Mrs. Sybilla Freeman (? born Stewart ) vidow, of Greenwich, who as such, aged orty years, married Edmond Halley, jun., urgeon R.N., 4 May, 1738 (see 11 S. iv. 164). STor have we yet found the Christian name or

will of Freeman, her previous husband.

Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate hat her first marriage occurred not far from jrreenwich.