Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/482

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. vi. NOV. 10, 1912.

first leased the manor of Compton Monceux of Serjeant Pengelly, and afterwards acquired it by purchase ; his daughter carried it in marriage to the Gatehouses, from whom it passed to the Edwardses. F. H. S.

THE ROYAL EXCHANGE (11 S. ii. 508 ; iii. 385 ; iv. 138, 176, 499). One is pleased to find from The City Press of 26 October that the promised publication of a booklet as guide to the pictures in the ambulatory of the Royal Exchange is being " expedited in every way possible " by the Gresham Committee. It is to be hoped this will also contain a key to the personages depicted upon the canvases, concerning whose iden- tity visitors frequently go astray.


Junior Athenaeum Club.

" MEMORIA TECHNICA " (11 S. vi. 309). In my schooldays I was taught the system of Slater's ' Sententiae Chronologicse,' which to this time I occasionally apply for the remembrance of dates and numbers. Long- man, Brown, Green & Longmans were pub- lishers of the book. In middle life Mr. William Stokes, who lectured on ' Memory,' attended by illustrative boys, at the Poly- technic Institution, and had classes at his house in Margaret Street and elsewhere, im- parted to me his system, which is excellent as long as you can keep it in mind. It needs perseverance, imagination, and some amount of the mental grip which one might call good memory. Houlston & Sons, of 7, Paternoster Buildings, were the publishers of Mr. William Stokes's little book, which, without revealing the secret of success, gave many useful hints and led the reader to wish to learn it. Very soon he would be able to distract an audience by telling it with cataractal fluency how the water comes down from Lodore.

Only the other day The Morning Post had the report of a lecture on ' Memory in Marketing,' given by Mr. William Lawton at the offices of the Society of Medical Officers of Health in Upper Montague Street, Russell Square, when reference was made to Prof. Feinaigle's mnemonic methods.

" These demonstrations were reported in The Morning Post over a century ago on April 18, 1812, to be precise. Turning back to this report, we find that the Professor gave some marvellous demonstrations of the way in which children could be taught langua-ges, geography, and statistics in a short space of time. A boy of thirteen years of age determined the geographical situation of fifty principal towns in different parts of the globe, and marked on a blank planisphere the true situation of the towns named to him. A girl of eleven repeated fifty stanzas of four lines

each from the second part of Mrs. More's ' Sir Eldred of the Bower.' Another girl, fifteen years of age, answered to all the declensions as well as substantives and adjectives of the Latin language, and gave a full account of all the conjugations, both active and passive, without any previous knowledge of that language. Another pupil of the same age answered to the declensions and conjugations of the Greek language, and declined and conjugated several regular nouns and verbs proposed to her."

Feinaigle's work is, I believe, still current in the lists of second-hand booksellers, where may also be found traces of Gray, who was at one lime a famous mnemonist.


COBBETT BIBLIOGRAPHY (11 S. vi. 1, 22, 62, 84, 122, 143, 183, 217). The subjoined appears in a catalogue of books issued by R. Atkinson for July, 1912 (Forest Hill, S.E.) : Cobbett (Win.) Paper Against Gold, or the

History and Mystery of the .Bank of England,

&c., 8vo, boards, uncut. 1828 3s. 6d. A Biography, by Edward Smith, 2 vols., port.,

8vo, cl., uncut. 1878 3s.

FREDERICK LAWRENCE TAVARE. 22, Trentham Street, Pendleton, Manchester.

MILTON PORTRAIT BY SAMUEL COOPER (11 S. vi. 30, 116). I have an engraving of the painting referred to ; it and a miniature in the Jones Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum labelled " John Thurloe, after Samuel Cooper," represent the same man.

According to the ' D.N.B.,' John Thurloe, after the Restoration, retired to Great Milton in Oxfordshire. John (Thurloe of Great) Milton ! Does not this point to the way the error has crept in ?


~ EYRE FAMILY (US. vi. 328). According to the Rev. A. S. Hartigan's ' Eyre of Wilts ' (Wiltshire Notes and Queries, v. 416-17), Christopher Eyre of Manuden, Essex, under 4 years of age in 1623, living at Manuden 1652 to 1679, was the third son of Thomas Eyre, Mayor of Salisbury in 1610, and Anne his wife, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Jaye of Littleton, Wilts.

Robert Eyre, eldest son of Christopher (whose marriage is not recorded, and the name of whose wife is not known), was admitted to the freedom of the City of London, 24 Dec., 1684 ; married in 1682 Anne, daughter of John Briscoe, citizen of London ; died 25 Aug., 1718, aged 60; and buried in Bath Abbey. J. J. H,