Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/65

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us. vi. JULY 20, i9i2.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


and how did they respectively cease to be ? What postage stamps are used by Andorra and San Marino, Goust and Tavolara re- spectively ? What stamps were used in Morsenet before its incorporation with the German Empire ?


ATJTHOB OF QUOTATION WANTED. In a correspondence which I am editing I have come across, in a letter dated 11 Feb., 1808, the following verses :

When I consider life, 'tis all a cheat. Yet, fool'd with hope, Man favours the deceit. Trusts on, and thinks to-morrow will repay To-morrow, falser than the former day.

Can any of your readers tell me from what poem it is quoted and who is the author?

ARTHUR LOWNDES. 143, East 37th Street, New York.

" THOUGH LOST TO SIGHT, TO MEMORY DEAR." According to an editorial reply to a correspondent in a weekly paper, the verses containing this passage, which is a great favourite with cemetery masons, are said to have been written by one Ruthven Jenkins, and published in the Greenwich Magazine for Marines (?) in 1701 or 1702, but the editor thinks the whole statement is a hoax. Can ' N. & Q.' shed light on it ?

L. L. K.

[MR. H. P. BOWIE stated at 10 S. xi. 249 that the Magazine for the Marines was a hoax perpe- trated by his friend Mr. H. F. Cutler. For the well-known line see the editorial note appended to MR. BOWIE'S communication, and 10 8. xi. 317, 438,498,518; xii. 55,288.]

ARMS ON A SEAT.. Can any reader help me to identify a seal on which is the following coat of arms : Argent, a cross gules in the upper sinister canton, a leopard's face ? Above the shield there is a crown, and above the crown, on a wreath, a lion rampant holding between its paws another crown. The motto, as far as can be deciphered, is " [sus]picio regis senatus angus[ta]."

E. F.


I . should be glad if any of your readers could tell me if there is any English equivalent to this German proverb. " The early bird catches the worm " approximates to it roughly, but the two do not appear to be used in quite the same way. If none can be found in English, I should be glad to hear of one in any other language, with, if possible, a translation appended.


W. PETITOT : BOYD PORTERFIELD : COL. H. B. DOLPHIN : MAJOR HATSELL. Can any of your subscribers give me the parent- age of, or biographical information regarding, the following ?fc Ml ^,.,

1. Wm. Petitot, 19th Foot, wounded at Fontenoy and Lauffeldt, who died at Northallerton 26 July, 1764.

2. Boyd Porterfield, 19th Foot, 1744; wounded at Fontenoy.

3. Henry Benedict Dolphin, C.B., Lieut.- Col. 1st West India Regt., 1807. Died 4 April, 1816.

4. William Hatsell, 19th Foot, 1755 to 1780, when he retired as major.

M. LL. FERRAR, Major.

Forwood, Belfast.

EMPLOYMENT OF COUNSEL IN TRIAL FOR TREASON. Can any of your readers inform me what was the rule in the seventeenth century in England with regard to the employment of counsel by persons accused of treason ? W T ere counsel ever allowed ? Was it an act of special tyranny to refuse the request of a particular prisoner to be permitted to employ counsel ? Of course, one has to remember that it was regarded as a sacred duty on the part of judges to advise prisoners in legal matters that affected their interests. Did not this fact diminish the need for the employment of counsel or the hardship connected with refusal to allow it ? JOHN WILLCOCK.


WILLIAM PENN, OR GEORGE PENNE. Is it known who the Mr. Walden was who was associated with Penne as an agent tor making a composition with the relations ol the Maids of Taunton ? Macaulay, in a note to his 'History,' lays stress on the probability that the agents would be men of position and influence, and he shows that the Maids of Honour at first wanted t< employ a man who was a baronet member of Parliament. If Walden was a man of position and a fit associate with William Perm, Macaulay's argument is a good one; if otherwise, it falls to the ground. H. BEVERIDGE.

' THE LONGSHIPS LIGHTHOUSE,' BY DANIELL. I am desirous of ascertaining the present whereabouts of a picture by William Daniell, R.A., entitled ' The Long- ships Lighthouse, off the Land s End, Cornwall,' at one time in the possession ot " John Woolmore, Esq., Deputy Master ot the Corporation of the Trinity House, to whom the artist dedicated his engraving