Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/297

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IIS. VII. April 12,1913.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 289 A Cumberland Song.—Can any one say where I can find the words of an old Climber- land song t It begins :— If thou axe where I comes fra', I '11 say the fell-side, &c. R. H.-W. Portrait : Identification Sought.— The lines, Me, as you find my soul, neglect or love, And show by Virtue, Virtue you approve. R. 1738. are printed under an etched portrait which has otherwise no clue to its subject. Does this inscription enable any reader of ' N. & Q.' to supply the gentleman's name ? The back-stroke of the R has an outward curl at the foot, and so pre- sumably stands for J. R. F. J. Hytch. French Premiers : Christian Names Wanted.—Can you, or any of your readers, give me the full Christian names of the following French Premiers ?— 1877 (23 Nov. to 13 Dec), General de Rochebouet. 1887 (12 Dec.) to 1888 (4 April). M. Tirard. 1911 (28 Feb. to 28 June), M. Monis. 1911 (28 June) to 1912 (13 Jan.), M. C'aillau. Also the present one, M. Barthou. R. Thomas. Forest Gate, E. The Date-Letters of Old Plate.—It is now sixty years since the important ' Table of the Annual Essay Office Letters ' appeared from the pen of the late Mr. Octavius Morgan in The Archaeological Journal. The author only gave letters which had been actually " found on pieces of plate, or copied from the books of the Goldsmiths' Com- pany." At that time (a.d. 1853) there were a great many years unrepresented; but the author makes an appeal in his Prefatory Note for impressions of all fresh instances, " in order to complete the Table, which will then be printed in a separate form." Could any reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me whether this proposed complete Table was ever printed ? and, if it was, where it can be found ? If this proposed Table was not brought out, can any one tell me where the best Table of the date-letters on plate has aj>|>eared in a published form ? There were some obvious slips in Mr. Octavius Morgan's Table—e.g., p=157I in Alphabet VII.,- b=1598, and k= 1606, in Alphabet IX.; r=1633 in Alphabet X. T. Llechid Jones. Yspytty Vicarage, Bettws-y-coed. Picture of General John Livesay : Eighteenth Century.—In a history of Puddington (Beds), ' Bibliotheca Topo- graphica Britannica,' vol. viii., published in 1783, reference is made to Hinwick Hall, built by General Livesay, and occupied by Mr. Richard Wagstaff, whose wife Jane was one of the sisters and coheirs of St. Andrew Livesay, great-nephew of the General. There is mention also of a picture of General Livesay, then in the possession of Mr. Wagstaff. This picture, if now in existence, would be of interest in connexion with a proposed History of the old East Suffolk Regiment (12th Foot), of which General John Livesay was colonel from 1702 to 1712. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' give informa- tion as to the present owner of the picture f Mrs. Wagstaff had a sister Elizabeth, married to the Rev. Christopher Nicholls, described as " late fellow of Sidney College, Cambridge," and it is supposed that the picture may be in the possession of the present representatives of the Wagstaffs or Nichollses. John Livesey. .Salisbury. ' Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey,' 1849.—Can any of your corre- spondents identify the following school- fellows of Southey at Westminster ? (1) The boy in whose room Southey was quartered, and who " afterwards married that sweet creature Lady " (i. 137-8). (2) W. F—, for whom Southey had to write his Latin verses, and who subsequently went into the Army, and perished in the expedi- tion to St. Domingo of yellow fever (i. 151-2). (3) B—, another fellow in Southey's house, who " was a greater beast " than W. F— (i. 150). Was Charles Henry Blair, captain in the 23rd Foot, the Blair who went to the West Indies and died of fever (i. 152-3) ? When was William Bean, who became a doctor in the Army, murdered by some Malay boatmen (i. 154-7)? When did Charles Collins, who became Rector of Milstead and Frinstead in Kent, die (i. 188) ? G. F. R. B. Churchwarden Pipe.—Will any reader of ' N. & Q.' kindly furnish information as to the origin of the " churchwarden pipe " ? Where, and when, was it first so called, and why ? Had it always the curved stem ? and,- if there are any early specimens open to public view, where may they be seen ? J. E. Smith.