Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/550

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542 AUT. HORb lNDiiX. Nole3 aDa Queries, July 26,1913 Ellacombe (Canon H. N.) on Curfew bell, 17. Reference wanted, 127 Kills (A. S.)on Thomas Chippendale, upholsterer,91 Ellis (H. D.) on " ampersand," 247 Emeritus on dolls buried in a Scottish cave, 89, 274. " Hypergamy," 229. " Itte-dhandu," Indian game, 354. Reference in Burke wanted, 150 Ewing (John 0.) on Ewing of Ireland, 387. Raleigh (James) of Rawleystown, Ireland, 367 F. on Myless, Essex, 513 F. (O. U.) on St. Loe : Kingston : Wortinge, 207 F. (H. A.) on Myless, Essex, 450. Touchet, 290 F. (J. T.) on boy bishops, 78. Curious stone vessels, 255. Died in his coffin, 131. Faith- healing at St. Albans, 238. Files: tools in the Middle Ages, 515. Octagonal meeting- houses, 72. St. Mary's, Scarborough, 396. Signs of the fifteen last days of the world, 266, 352 F. (L. B.) on " The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea," 317 F. (S. J. B.) on payment for Good Friday sermon, 9 F. (T.) on author wanted, 138 F. (W. O. D.) on Sir John Greville of Binton, 1480, 8. Hesba Stretton, 484 Fairbank (F. R.) on Saint Sunday, 197 Figarola-Caneda (E.) on Belshazzar's feast, 178 Finch (J.) on Beckett, 489 Firebrace (C. W.) on Sir John Moore, 414 Fishwick (Col. H.) on curious entry in register: nicknames, 36. " Houlte Cuppe,' 216. Morris (Henry), 476. ' Old Man's Legacy,' 228. Theatre lit by gas, 469 Fletcher (J. M. J.) on consecration crosses, 33. Curious epitaphs, 266 Fletcher (W. G. D.), F.S.A., on Lord of Burleigh and Sarah Hoggins, 61, 83, 143, 166. Dymoke (Charles), Champion to Charles I., 207. Lingen family, 95. Vanden Bempde family, 448. Warenne (Gundrada de), 509 Flint (T.) on " Vox populi vox musse," 377 Folmer (A.) on Francis Lodwick, 49 Fortescue (Mrs.) on Dominick, 251. Norleigh, 251. Smith : Richardson, 287 Foster (J. J.) on " Lucasia," 228 Francis (J. Collins) on ' Church Times,' 111, 161 Franklin (A. H.) on files : tools in the Middle Ages, 448 Fraser (Galloway) on ' Tomahawk,' 413 Freeman (J. J.) on Grillion's Club, 474. Thames bridge at Walton, 104 Fronsac (Vicomte de), Herald-Marshal, on Where shall the College of Arms of Canada go ? 188 Frost (F. C), F.S.A., on " esquire " by charter, 287. •'Molliwig,"346 Frost (W. A.) on Sir John Gilbert, J. F. Smith, and ' Tho London Journal,' 297 Fry (E. A.) on demolition of Dickensian landmarks in Birmingham, 432 Fynmore (HT H. W.) on stones of London, 16 Fynmore (Col. R. J.) on antecedents of Job Char- nock, 473. Baker (Rev. H.De Foe), 296. Benamor Dr.), 397. Carr (W.), artist, 274. Cawsley (Martin) of Cambridge, 488. Cawthorne, 53. Descent of Darnley, 31. Died in his ooffin, 298. Gill (Exciseman), 34, 236. Lancaster (Rev. William), 510. Lovelace: Turner, 206. Norris, 275. St. Bridget's Bower, Kent, 231. Smuggling poem.*, 356, 491. Two Kentish memorials, 378 G. on St. Alban the Martyr, Holborn, 186 G. (E. L.) on John Walker, 70 G. (H. S.) on references and quotations wanted, 269 G. (J. R. F.) on "of sorts," 454 G. (P.) on lions in the Tower, 150 G. (R. H.l on late Edward Solly and ' The Dun- ciad,' 68 G. (S.) on Format's last theorem, 493. Petronius, Cap. LXXXI., 195 G. (V. D.) on General Beatson and the Crimean War, 237 G. (W.) on " a wyvern part-per-pale addressed," 228 Galbreath (D. L.) on German funeral custom, 93. Gironny, 487 Gallimore (T.) on Nottingham banker's seal, 489 Gaucho on Crecy, 190 Gaye (Arthur) on author wanted, 90. Brasidas s mouse, 90. " Four square humours," 287 Gerish (W. B.) on collection of tracts and pam- phlets at the London Institution, 350. Faith- healing at St. Albans, 170. Frog's Ball, Royston, 209. Lightning's victim, 265. Me- mentoes of royal visits, 288. Old-time chil- dren's books and stories, 310. " Raising feast," 488. Tolling on Good Friday, 395. Wonderment pamphlets of the Stuart era, 510 Gilbert (W.) on chained books, 37. Churchyard inscriptions: lists of transcriptions, 111. Diary of Timothy Burrcll of Cuckfleld, 138. Domi- nick : Norleigh, 315. " Gold lion " in Lom- bard Street, 67. History of churches in stiti, 156. Medal, 231. Myless, Essex, 513 Gill (A. A. R.) on boy bishops, 30. Prebendaries of Weighton, York Minster, 147 Gillman (C.) on " merrygreek," 415 Gillson (E.) on octagonal meeting-houses, 23K. Policemen on point-duty, 257 Gladstone (H. S.) on reference and quotation wanted, 288. Riddell (Robert). 510 Glencross (Reginald M.) on parish registers of Surrey, 10. Somerset (Earldom of) in the Mohun family, 196 Godbold (H. J.) on author of quotation wanted, 377 Gomme (Sir Laurence) on Svdney Smith anil L.C.C. tablets, 377 Gower (R. Vaughan) on Gray and the Antrobus family, 36 Greaves (I. I.) on Hosier Lane, West Sinithfiekl, 356. Wilderness Row, 495 Green (E. M.) on works of Richard White, 169 Grellier (G.) on Nelson's ship the Victory, 288 Grubb (E.) on Society of Friends: "thou,"' "thee," 517 Grundy-Newman (S. A.) on " a wyvern part-per- pale addressed," 291. Armorial, 154. Article ' Heraldrv' in the 'Encyclopaedia Lomli- nensis,' 288. Ashford family, 118. Christie of Babcrton, 37. Crecv, 258. Descent of Darnley, 31. Dominick: Norleigh, 315. Harvoys t,f Whittington, Staffordshire, 17. Heraldic : bearer of coat soueht, 37. Hitchins (Sir Edward V 318. Monuments at Warwick, 93. Rochfon! (Earls of), 178. " Sport of kings " : Williair Somerville, 138. Tong Church treasure, 225 Gurney (T.) on bishops' transcripts, 66 Gwyther (A.) on Grillion's Club, 349. 95. Pigments, 237 Lochow