Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/292

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THE PKICE OF CEREALS IN 1550. I have come across an ancient inscription upon a house as follows :

" Thys howse was builded in the fourth yere of the ryne of Kyng Edwarde the sex whan a bouschel of wete [wheat] was at vii [or viii]. A bouschel of bere [barley] a nowbel [noble]. Mault iiii s more."

The price must have been very abnormal to have it recorded as the time when a house was built. Can any of your readers identify the prices ? Was wheat at 7 or 8 (? shil- lings) a bushel ; barley at 6s. Sd. ; and malt 10s. Sd. ? JOHN F. CUB WEN.

Horncop, Heversham, Milnthorpe.


reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me the age of the

above ship at the time of the Battle of


^[FLAG-LIEUT, stated at 4 S. ix. 96 that the

Victory was launched at Chatham on 7 May, 1765.]

PRIORY OF ST. JAMES, BRISTOL. Is a chartularyof this Priory extant ? and, if so, has it been published ? What book deals fully with the history of this Priory and with its early benefactors ? J. H. R.

ROYAL EAST LONDON VOLUNTEERS. Can any one give me any particulars con- cerning the Royal East London Volunteers, to which Gabriel Varden belonged (' Barnaby Rudge'), or tell me where an illustration of them could be obtained ? J. ARDAGH.

40, Richmond Road, Drumcondra, Dublin.

REFERENCE AND QUOTATION WANTED. In a manuscript of date 1844 the following sentence is attributed to Sir Humphry Davy :

" There are very few persons who pursue science with true dignity ; it is followed more as connected with objects of profit than those of fame."

I should be glad to know if the quotation is correct, and also where I may see it in print.

H. S. GLADSTONE. Capenoch, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.

HUXLEY ON POSITIVISM. Did Huxley call Positivism " eviscerated Christianity " ? and, if so, will any reader kindly name the book or essay, with chapter and page, where he did so ? T A. H. THOMAS.

Baza, 5, Wootton Gardens, Bournemouth.

H. C. ANDREWS'S ' THE HEATHERY.' The 'D.N.B.' speaks of this as being in six volumes. The British Museum and the second - hand booksellers have only four volumes (vol. iv. published 1806 or 1807). Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' say whether vols. v. and vi. Were ever published ?


MEMENTOES OF ROYAL VISITS. Was it the custom in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries for our kings and queens to leave behind them some article of attire hat, gloves, boots, or so forth at houses they honoured with a visit ? I make this inquiry as one not infrequently finds these relics preserved in manor-houses, and it seems they may have been purposely left to be evidence to future generations of the Royal visit. W. B. GERISH.

Bishop's Stortford.

DR. JOSEPH WARTON AND THE REV. JOHN WOOLL. The Rev. John Wooll (1767-1833), Head Master of Rugby School 1807-28, published in 1806 the first volume of ' Bio- graphical Memoirs of Joseph Warton, D.D.' On p. 407 of that volume he states that the second volume of the work would appear in November of that year. It was never published. Can any one give information as to what became of WoolFs material, or as to any descendants of his now living ?


7, Hillmarton Koad, N.

HOPE OF AMSTERDAM. Does any one- know of any record of the brothers Hope r of the firm of Hope & Co. in Amsterdam, ins the eighteenth century, besides what is given in the ' D.N.B.' ? R. L. CRU.

New York.

OLD CHARING CROSS. The following pas- sage occurs in Dekker and Webster's ' West- ward Ho ! ' II. i. :

" They say Charing-Cross is fallen down since I went to Rochelle ; but that 's no wonder ; 'twas old, and stood awry "

Can any reader supply information con- cerning this ? BARON BOURGEOIS.


S. A. GRUNDY- NEWMAN. Walsall.


deed (1698) relating to land on the banks of the River Hodder reference is made to " Oxendoles " or " Aughendols " of fishing. Can any reader kindly give the meaning of the term ? R. ASHTON.

1. CALENDAR OF STATE PAPERS, IRELAND. Are there none from 1670 to 1705 ?

2. COPE. Wanted, any entries of the name from parish registers and deeds before 1700, especially from Ireland.

E. E. COPE. Finchamstead Place, Berks,