Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/448

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. VH. MAY 31, 1013.

with English folk - medicine ; and a number of ancient microscopes and optical instruments, gathered from all quarters of Europe, together with a selection of surgical instruments used by famous surgeons when operating on historical per- sonages.


MR. P. M. BARNARD of Tunbridsce Wells sends two Catalogues. No. 69 contains Bibliographical Books, and auction, library, and other catalogues, including the Term Catalogues, 1668-1709, privately printed by Edward Arber, 3 vols., 4to, 1903-6, at the price of 101. 10s. Mr. Barnard offers them for 15s. Mr. William Jaggard's ' Shakespeare Bibliography,' the hand-made edition, is 21. 18-s. Mr. Barnard devotes his next Catalogue, No. 70, to Rare and Valuable Spanish Books.

MR. HENRY DAVEY'S Catalogue 40 contains a number of works under London Guilds. Under Art there are works on Raeburn, Rembrandt, and Romney. There is also a general list of books at moderate prices.

MESSRS. MAGGS BROS.' latest Catalogue of Auto- graph Letters and MSS. (306) is no less varied and interesting than its predecessors.* They have a good letter of Tolstoi's, dated Nov., 1897. dealing with his work, to which an English translation is appended, 91. 10s. An important item is a series of seven entertaining letters from Scott to Croker, dated from Abbotsford and Edinburgh between 1816 and 1818, on the subject of the lost Regalia of Scotland. These are inlaid and bound (by Riviere), and two pamphlets by Scott on the Regalia are included in the volume, 1751. For a lengthy letter of some historical value from William Penn, then (Sept., 1705) in London, to John Evans in charge of the government of Pennsylvania, 1151. is asked; and another autograph of American interest the price of which is 100/. is a letter from Capt. John Paul Jones to Jefferson, then Minister Pleni- potentiary of the U.S.A. in France, L'Orient, July, 1785. A small collection of Byron treasures a letter from Byron, dated Brighton, 1808, to Grey de Ruthyn, and Grey's reply, together with a lock of Byron's hair is offered for 68^. ; and for 251. a letter of Byron's to an Eton boy, whom he thanks for his " readiness to patronize the son of my friend Mr. Hanson. ' ' There are several good Stuart items, among which we may mention a letter of Charles II. to D'Estrees, 1673, 22?. 10-s., and the exceptionally fine letter of Henry, Prince of Wales, in which he tells the Dauphin (afterwards Louis XIII.) that he is sending him "a pack of small dogs," 1605, 78Z. William Davison's letter to Sir Nathaniel Bacon, describing the Massacre of St. Bartholomew 1572, 32Z. must be mentioned, as also the letter, dated 1634, written by Louis XII f. to Monsieur Boutilier on the subject of three musketeers who are being sent to Richelieu, 151. 15s. The literary items are numerous and good. We have space only to mention the letter of Landor's to Leigh Hunt, criticizing Shelley's 'Cenci,' and including verses of his own on Shelley, undated, 26Z.

MR. W. M. MURPHY'S Liverpool Catalogue 184 is a good miscellaneous list, and the prices are mode- rate. A copy, new. in cloth, of Haydn's ' Royal Copenhagen Porcelain,' 1911, is 21. 2s.

MR. LUDWIG ROSENTHAL of Munich sends h: Catalogue 149, containing old French books. Ther are 6,800 items. Lists are given under Africa Agriculture, Bibliography, Germany and Alsace-Loi raine, Mathematics, and Military. Under Americ are the voyages of Lahontan, La Perouse, and La Casas. Among works under Paris are Couche 'Galerie du Palais Royal,' 3 vols., folio, 300 francs and Cosway's ' Galerie du Louvre,' 100 francs. Thei are some choice manuscripts, including ' La D scription des douze Cesars abregees avec ques leur figures faictes et portraictes selon le naturel,' o vellum of the sixteenth century, 7,500 francs.

MESSRS. SOTHERAN'S Catalogue 735 is full c curious interest. We select for notice a few of tl older items, though there are several more moder works which might equally deserve it. There i a copy of William Adlington's translation c Apuleius, in black - letter, with large wooden initials, Thomas Harper for Thomas Alchon 1639, 51. There is the translation by E. G[rimston< Val. Sims for Edward Blount and Williai Apsley, 1604 of Acosta's ' The Natvrall and Mora Historic of the East and West Indies,' 101. 10*. Also the 'Grooten Atlas oft VVerelt Beschrj ying,' by Joan Blaeu, vols. i.-iii. and vi.-ix in the original Dutch vellum, Amsterdam, 1664-; 25?. We noticed also a first edition offered fc 9/. 9s. of Hennepin's ' New Discovery of a Vas Country in America,' having sundry additior which do not appear in the first French editior 1698 ; the ' Historia de la Conquista de la Provinci

de el Itza by Juan de Villagutierre Sotomayor

Madrid, 1701, 51. 5s. ; and a copy of the 1539 editio of ' The Castel of Helth,' by Syr Thomas Elyot black-letter quarto bound by W. Pratt, 101. 10 But the best of these items is a copy of the black letter first edition of Holinshed's ' Chronicles,' i two thick folio volumes, imprinted for John Harr son, 1577, which is offered for 251.

MESSRS. SUCKLING have a Catalogue (No. 8) c Engraved Portraits, most of them at moderat prices. We note Bacon, folio engraving by Mai shall, 1640, 5s : Braham the singer, 5s. ; John Brighi 2.s. Qd. ; Rajah Brooke, 21. 2s. ; Chapman, the trans lator of Homer, 26. Qd. ; Cobden, 2s. Qd. ; Cap Cook, reprinted from the original plate, 5s. ; D Quincey, 5s. ; Elizabeth Fry, 11. 15s. ; Hengis Home, author of 'Orion,' Is.; George Henry Lewe? 2s.; and Phil May, drawn in crayon by himsel (this drawing was made at the Savage Club on th night of Dr. Nansen's reception), 4Z. 4*.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


ON all communications must be written the nam and address of the sender, not necessarily for pul lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries pri vatelj nor can we advise correspondents as to the valu of old books and other objects or as to the means c disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressei to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Advei tisements and Business Letters to " The Put Ushers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancer Lane, E.C.