Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/133

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12 s. i. FEB. 12, i9i6.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


one having "H. James" as the artist or engraver. Were there issues of this 'New Pocket Cabinet' in other years, and is anything known of the "H. James" who is named? W. B. H.

"Government for the people, of the people, by the people."—Does any reader know the origin of this phrase? I have been told that it occurred in the preface to Caxton's 'Wyclif's Bible,' in the preface to the Wyclif and Hereford version of Wyclif's Bible, or in a pamphlet of the period bearing on that version, but it is extremely difficult to trace it to its source. I shall be glad if any one can shed any light on the matter. Robert J. Paterson.

Reference Wanted: Swinburne.—Perhaps one of your readers can tell me where to find the following Swinburnian lines. The first line of the stanza is missing:

Things that Fate fashions or forbids,
The Dust of Time-forgotten Kings
Whose name falls off the Pyramids.

Clement Shorter.

16 Marlborough Place, N.W.

Is the Only Child Ever Famous?—Some correspondence recently appeared in 'N. & Q.' as to a twin achieving greatness. May I ask what instances there are of an only child becoming famous, or if the fact of having no brothers and sisters usually results in the early spoiling of the infant, and its subsequent handicap through life? J. Landfear Lucas.

Glendora, Hindhead, Surrey.

SUDBURY HOSPITAL, LONDON. In what part of the parish of St. Olave, Hart Street, was located the hospital for ten aged poor persons established in the seventeenth century by Paul Bayning, Viscount Sud- bury ? ALBERT COOK MYERS.

Devonshire House, Bishopsgate, E.G.

" DOMUS CRUCIATA." The Cistercian Convent of Revesby took over land from the Knights Hospitallers of Maltby on the condition that the monks maintained a domus C:^4ciata on the land. What was a domus Cruciata ? W. M. MYDDELTON.

Woodhall Spa.

' DE IMITATIONS CHRISTI ' : AUTOGRAPH IS.- The precious autograph MS. of the original Latin work of Thomas a Kempis,

  • De Imitatione Christi,' dated A.D. 1424, is

wn to have been preserved in Brussels, would be worth while ascertaining

whether this priceless treasure has been removed, or lost, since the war, and what library of Brussels (probably the Bibliotheque Royale ?) happily owns the MS. Perhaps one of your readers may be able to enlighten us on this question. H. KREBS.

DAVID Ross. According to the ' Diet, of Nat. Biog.,' xlix. 259, Ross was the " son of a writer to the Signet in Edinburgh, who settled in London in 1722 as a solicitor of appeals." What were the Christian names of his father, and who was his mother ? Is there anv record of his marriage with Fanny Murray ? G. F. R. B.

BLANTYRE ESTATES IN Ross. Could any- one kindly inform me what estates or resi- dences were owned by Lord Blantyre in Eastern Ross before and after 1846 ?

M. R. R. M'G. G.

PER CENTUM : THE SYMBOL %. I shall be obliged if any reader of ' N. & Q.' can kindly explain the origin arid significance of the symbol % to note " per cent." J.


[This was discussed at 11 S. iv. 168, 238, 272.]

" HERMENTRUDE'S " COLLECTION OF PEDI- GREES. (See 8 S. v. 20, 25.) At these references in 1894 the death of " Hermen- trude " (Miss Emily S. Holt) was announced, and a desire expressed that her valuable collections of mediaeval pedigrees should be preserved by depositing them in some public institution where they could be consulted. Can any one inform me if they were so deposited, and where, or failing this in whose possession they now are ? E. A. FRY.

Thornhill, Kenley, Surrey.

SHILLETO FAMILY. Could any reader of ' N. & Q.' give information regarding the ancestry of Francis Shilleto of Heath Hall, near Wakefield, c. 1585, and state in what way he was connected with Francis Shilleto of Houghton, who was granted arms by Sir W. Dethick, Garter, on Jan. 24, 1602 ? R. J. SHILLETO.

61 St. John's Road, Oxford.

' THE BLAZON OF GENTRIE.' J. Pettit Andrews, in his ' Anecdotes ' (London, 1789), under ' Heraldry ' cites " a scarce treatise in quarto, entitled ' The Blazon of Gentrie ' (a book recommended by Peacham in his ' Compleat Gentleman')." What is the date of publication of ' The Blazon of Gentrie,' and is the author known ?