Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/396

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. MAY 13, me.

difficult of access. Have others read those letters otherwise, or better ? Does that formula occur elsewhere on mediaeval bells in honour of St. Mary ? The other bell in that towe'r was cast in 1732, by Tosier of Salisbury. E. S. DODGSON.

9 Kingston Road, Oxford.

ST. GEORGE MUMMING PLAY. (12 S. i. 327.)

MB. F. GORDON BROWN will, I think, find a copy of this play in " Everyman's Library " (London, J. M. Dent & Sons). Reference should also be made to The Gentleman's Magazine, June, 1830 ; * The Vindication of Christmas,' 4to, 1653 ; ' Christmas Mummers in Dorsetshire,' by J. S. UDAL, in Folk-Lore Record, vol. iii. pt. i. ; and W. Sandys's

  • Christmas Cards ' (London, 1833).

I have in my note-book a copy of ' The Peace Egg, or St. George's Annual Play for the Amusement of Youth ' (Preston, printed by J. Harkness, 31 Church Street, n.d.), and a curious and interesting copy made by me from a MS. used by some Cornish performers in the latter half of last century. The players of this Cornish version which ] subjoin went from house to house anc performed in the open, borrowing a mal "for the Turkish knight to die on" if the ground were damp.

The libretto is from a MS. in the posses- sion of John D. Enys (1905), who got it from Mylor. The original is written by a very illiterate man ; but T have followed it closely for fear of a wrong conjecture. For the same reason I have kept the lines of the original.

P. 1.


William Solomon first part.

Rume rume Galants rume Give me a rume to

rime for in this house i mine to shew some of my past


Now gentlemen an Ladys it is Christmas time i am a blade that knew my trade all people doth a dear me i will swager an banter an i will drive the town be fore me if i am naked or if i am prict i will give aman an answer the very first man or boy i mits my soard shall be is fencer be hind the


thare lye a score pray Git it out if you can sur i walke away have nothing to pay an let in the

swagering man sur

John Rowe part the second.

lare comes i ould father Christmas welcom or

welcom not

hope ould father Christmas will never be forgot ould father Christmas a pair but woance a yare le lucks like an ould man of 4 score yare

Penty Landin part the third

icpen the doar and Lat me in i hope your faver i shall wind wether irise or wether ifoll i will do my ndeavour to please you all

P. 2.

St. George is at the doar and swear he will com in with soard an buckler by is side i fear he will

purs my skin i now he is no fool i now he is some stoute

why he will say more by wan inch of candle than ican

performe White ten pound born out and if you would not

believe What i say let the king of eagipt com in and clare

the way

Wm. Williams King of Egipt Fouth

here am i the king of eagipt Ho plainly doth apare St. George he is my only son my only son an hear walk in St George and boldly act thy part let all

the royal family see the royal act

F Roice 12*

here comes i ould belzey bob upon my shoulder i cary my club and in my hand a d ripen and ham not i a hansam good loocking ould man

P. 3.

Henry Crossmans part 5 Hear come's I son George from England have I

sprung sum of my worndras works now for to begin first into

a Closat I was put then into a Cave was lock I sot my foot

upon a Eockhe stone their did I make my sad an grievus

mone how many men have I slew and rund the firehe

dragon thrue I fought them all Courragesly and stil got

of thire victory England's right England admorration now

ear I drow my bloody weepon ho is the man that doth

be fore me Stand I will cut him down with my Courrageus


Penty Landin 6

Hear come's I the Turkish Knight came from the

Turkish land to fight I will fight sun George that man of

Courrage and if is blood is hot soon will I make it could

  • Altered : qu. 12 or 13. It is clearly out of place.

Probably the numbering was intended to show the sequence of the parts, of which this was omitted in the proper place, and inserted on a blank space on p. 2 of MS.