Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.



P. (V. D.) on armorial bearings sought, 38

Page (John T.) on accidental likenesses, 438. Baker's Chop-House, 53. " Descendants' Din- ners," 470. Doddridge (Philip), D.D., 38. Eighteenth- century Virginian letters, 415. Haycock or Heycock family, 57. Hill (Rev. Rowland), 336. Mack surname, 494. Mansel (Sip Robert), 454. Mid-nineteenth-century literature for boys, 436. " Murray's Railway Reading," 75.. Poe (Edgar Allan), 51. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 65, 243, 406. Village pounds, 79. Wellington at Brighton and Rottingdean, 476. Whittington's house, Cratched Friars, 73

Palmer (Dr. A. Smythe) on authors of quotations wanted, 495

Palmer (G. H.) on armorial bearings sought, 389. ' Comic Arundines Cami,' 36. Heraldic query : Ferrers, 9. ' Vicar of Bray,' 12, 139

Pardoe (A.) on ' Ascanius,' 369

Parry (Lieut.-Col. G. S.) on inscriptions in St. John's Church, St. John's Wood Road, 145, 204, 306

Patching (John) on mediaeval Latin, 489

Paterson (R. J.) on " Government for the people, of the people, by the people," 127

Payen-Payne (de V.) on authors of quotations wanted, 473. " Blighty," 151. Pace-egging, 488

Payne (A.) on hymn-tune ' Lydia,' 377, 495

Peachey (George C.) on Pechey's ' Whole Works of Sydenham,' 287

Pearce (William) on authors of quotations wanted, 467. Fourteenth-century stained glass, 267

Pearson (Howard S.) on folk-lore at sea : the rabbit in England, 235. Sixteenth- century Dutch print, 98

Peddie (R. A.) on clockmakers, 47. Early circu- lating library, 27. Mid - nineteenth - century literature for boys, 257

Peet (W. H.) on ' Anecdotes of Monkeys,' 232. Authors wanted, 348. English books printed on the Continent, 245. ' Game Preservers and Bird Preservers ' : Morant, 396. Lamb's (Charles) folio * Beaumont and Fletcher,' 376. " Marksman," 315. Mid-nineteenth-century lite.ature for boys, 315. Song wanted, 273

Pengelly (R. S.) on Julian Hibbert, printer, 410. Hill (Rowland), 273. Newspaper placard, 230, 435. Stuart, Count d'Albanie, 190

Penney (Norman) on Chanelhouse : Ion : Or- mondy : Twisaday, 207

Penny (Rev. Frank) on Mrs. Quon or Quane : Major Roach, 334. Turkish crescent and star, 255

Penthorne (Walter A.) on Haycock or Heycock family, 57

Peregrinus on ' The Last Chronicle of Barset ' : an inconsistency, 507

Perrin (W.) on authors wanted, 228

Peter (Thurstan) on St. George mumming play, 390

Petty (S. L.) on George Inn, Borough, 216. Mean- ing of " Trent," 35

Phillott (Lieut.-Col. D. C.) on Phillott will wanted, 70

Pierpoint (Robert) on Queen Anne's " three realms," 152. Author of French song wanted, 56. Baronetage, 358. British herb : herb tobacco, 136, 474. Cromwell's alleged league with the Devil, 52. Eighteen seventies : ' Pinafore ' and tennis, 252. Emerald and chastity, 291. Father Christmas and Christmas

stockings, 173. Gunfire and rain, 171. " Har- pastum " : football, 276. Heart burial, 132. Kennett, M.P., 34. King's Own Scottish Borderers and the 20th Regiment, 314. ' Loath to Depart,' 373. Loca (Joanna la), 255. Motto of Richard III. : " Lovalto Melie," 9. Napo- leon's bequest to Cantillon, 34. Newspaper placard, 231. Parliamentary election for Queensferry, &c., District of Burghs, 1754, 507. Pigott (Col. John), d. 1763, 156. P R S V R Y, &c. = Persevere ye, &c., 96. Rebellion at Eton, 176. Regimental loving-cup : 14th Hussars, 314. Resemblances between Semitic and Mexi- can languages, 234. " Swaddy," 333. Tavo- lara : Moresnet : Goust (? Llivia) : alleged small republics, 42, 195, 456. ' Vicar of Brav,' 72, 213

Pigott (Wm. Jackson) on Col. John Pigott, d. 1763, 69, 216. Pigott (John) of the 12th Regiment, 288

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on Radcliffe of Leigh : Faza- kerley, 395

Pink (W. D.) on William Bromley Chester, M.P., 455. Mansel (Sir Robert), Kt., 398. May (Thomas), Recorder of Chichester, 75. Rad- cliffe of Leigh: Fazakerley, 395. Wyvill of Constable Burton, 135

Piper (A. Cecil) on David Compigne, clockmaker, 296

Pitman (Clement F.) on smokers' superstition, 276

Platt (Charles) on cat queries, 15. Thelma : Christian name, 429

Plummer (Rev. James F.) on eighteenth-century Virginian letters, 309

Poland (Sir Harry B.) on death warrants, 111, 210. Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, 367. " Fat, fair, and forty," 10. " Government for the people, of the people, by the people," 197. Letter of warrant from Queen Elizabeth to Sir Thomas Smith and Dr. Wilson, for putting two of the Duke of Norfolk's servants to the rack, 407. "Meddle and muddle," 75. Westbury (Baron) : mock epitaph, 95

Potts (R. A.) on Thomas Fuller : " Man is im- mortal till his work is done," 388. Rushton, 110. Shakespeare portrait, 418. Sources of Southey's ' Thalaba,' 217

Powlett (Col. N.) on " agnostic " and " agnosco," 429. " Blighty," 194. " Burd," 217. " Correi," 458. Erzerum, 287, 476. Scott's ' Eve of St. John,' 128. Sources of Southey's ' Tha- laba,' 111. " Three -a -penny colonels," 510. Turkish crescent and star, 189. Unities of time, place, and action, 388

Price (Leonard C.) on Allsworth, artist, 151. Baronetage, 229. Carruthers (Richard), artist, 329. " Descendants' Dinners," 410. Jous- terant, miniature painter, 111. Knighthood and coat armour, 449. Old family church livings, 388. Rochard, artist in wax portraits, 208. Stanfery (Joshua), artist, 128. Wright family arms, 415

Prideaux (H. Maxwell) on Annoyance Juries, 287

Put (A. Van de) on old serving - knife and the " Sire de Dancourt," 41

Quill on British herb : herb tobacco, 136 Quinn (J. Henry) on ' God save the King,' 293