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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S. X. FEB. 11, 1922. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Alumni Cantabrigienses. A A Volume of Oriental Studies biographical list of all known students, presented to Edward G. Browne, M.A., M.B., graduates, and holders of office at the F.B.A., F.R.C.P., on his 60th Birthday University of Cambridge, from the earliest (February 7, 1922). Edited by T. W. times to 1900. Compiled by Dr. J. VENN ARNOLD and R. A. NICHOLSON. With and J. A. VENN, M.A. Part I, (in four a portrait of Professor Browne and 10 volumes), from the earliest times to 1751. illustrations. Royal 8vo. 4 4s net. Volume I, Abbas-Cutts, now ready. Crown (Edition limited to 500 copies.) 4to. 7 10s net. (Edition limited to Forty-three of Professor Browne's fellow-workers and pupils, representing eleven different nationalities. 500 copies.) have contributed to this volume. The essays deal with subjects connected with Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Horace: Odes and Epodes. literature. A study in poetic word-order. By H. DARNLEY NAYLOR, M.A. Demy 8vo. 20s net. The Life of Henry, Third Earl of Southampton, Shakes- This book is not a new commentary, but a study in poetic word-order with illustrations from the Odes, Carmen Saeculare. and Epodes of Horace, intended to be used side by side with any edition of the poet. peare's Patron. By CHARLOTTE CARMICHAEL STOPES. With 8 plates. The author's aim is to show that word-order is no Demy ,8vo. 42s net. more negligible in poetry than it is in prose, and that the rules laid down by Prof. J. P. Postgate and ex- emplified by the author in certain Livian studies are observed by the poet no less than by the writer of prose. " A very interesting and informative work. . . Every original document bearing in any way upon the noble Earl's life-story appears to have been consulted. One is almost lost in admiration at the patient industry which has thus collated and digested so great and The Origin of Tyranny. By varied a mass of literary matter." Truth. P. N. URE, M.A. With 46 illustrations. History of Holland. B Y G. Demy 8vo. 35s net. The view that the prevalence of tyranny in the EDMUNDSON, D. Litt., F. R. G. S., seventh and sixth centuries, B.C., one of the most F.R.Hist.S. With 2 maps. Demy 8vo. momentous periods in the whole of the world's his- 22s 6d net. Cambridge Historical Series. tory, was in some way connected with the invention of coinage has been occasionally expressed. The author is of opinion that the evidence points to con- clusions of a more wide-reaching character. The aim of the series to which this book belongs is to sketch the history of Modern Europe, with that of its chief colonies and conquests, from about the end of the fifteenth century down to the present The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney, voin. contain- time. The Provinces of Ireland. A new series under the general editorship of ing the last part of The Countesse of Pem- GEORGE FLETCHER, F.G.S., M.R.I.A., broke's Arcadia, Astrophel and Stella and of the Department of Agriculture and other Poems, The Lady of May. Edited by Technical Instruction for Ireland, con- A. FEUILLERAT. Crown 8vo. 12s 6d sisting of four volumes on Ulster, Mun- net. ster, Leinster, and Connaught and a " Students of Elizabethan literature will welcome this fresh instalment of the three-volume edition of larger volume dealing with Ireland as a the complete works of Sir Philip Sidney. . . . whole. Anyone who intends to make a thorough study of him, will do well to possess himself of this delightful edition." -Notes and Queries. The volumes on Ulster and Munster are now ready. Crown 8vo. With maps, diagrams, and illustrations. 6s 6d net Selections from the Poems each. A prospectus giving particulars will be sent on request. of Sir Walter Scott. Edited " Should become the pocket companion of every traveller in Ireland." The Times Literary Supple- by A. HAMILTON THOMPSON, M.A., ment. F.S.A. Crown 8vo. 4s 6d net. English Romantic Poets. Hampshire . By TELFORD VARLE Y This volume concludes the series of Selections from English Romantic Poets. The principle of selection has been that which has guided the editor hi making his selections for the previous volumes, namely, to exhibit Crown 8vo. 4s 6d net. Cambridge County Handbooks. Each volume of the Cambridge County Handbooks the characteristic genius of the author through pas- sages which, so far as possible, are complete in them- gives an account not only of the topography of the county with which it deals, but also of its history. selves, and may be read independently of the context for the sake of their own merits. industries, and general characteristics, and contains physical and geological maps and many illustrations. Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4 : C. F. Clay, Manager Printed and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, Printing House Square, London, E.O.4. February 11, 1922.