-2 S. X. FEB. 18, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 123 for he not only adequately looked after his own parish but found time to found and carry on a preparatory school for young boys destined for Eton, Harrow and Rugby. My father, his nephew, Henry Bull, solicitor (1829-1878), went there from a dame's school at Dumpton in Kent in 1837, aged eight, and remained there until he went to Rugby in 1842, a term or two before Arnold (1795- 1842 ; 'D.N.B.') died. A great many of Williams' s sermons, in his neat handwriting, are in existence, and I possess some preached two or three times, over long intervals, on certain Sundays in Wycombe church. He also wrote some hymns of merit and became an active member of the Royal Geographical Society, of which he was a Fellow. He had very little means that I can dis- cover. He had only 200 a year from the living in High Wycombe and yet he was able to bring up and educate a large family putting several of his sons into the learned professions and educating some of his daughters at Campden House, Netting Hill, then the most expensive and fashionable school in London. (Burnt down Mar. 23, 1863.) Amongst his scholars were Charles Wycliffe Goodwin (1817-1878; 'D.N.B.'), the Egyptologist, and Harvey Goodwin (1818-1891 ; 'D.N.B.'), Bishop of Carlisle. WILLIAM BULL. (To be concluded.) SIR RICHARD WILLYS, TRAITOR. (See ante, p. 101.) SlR RlCHABD WlLLYS'S DEFENCE. SIB Richard Willys's defence is summarized on p. 232 of the Calendar of Domestic State Papers for 1661-1662, where it is asserted to have been " annexed " to a petition in which he prays for leave to come within " the verge of the Court " in order to defend several suits at law. But the defence is not annexed to the petition and has nothing whatever to do with it. The summary of the defence is not a satisfactory one, but as it is rather long I omit it and transcribe the original document instead : May 1660. In the year 1652 about the i middle of the summer Sir Richard Willys returned | into England from Italy, and retir'd to his brothers in Cambridgeshire where he remaymd for the most part till ye end of 1653. In 1654 about ye moneth of May he was taken prisoner and sent to ye Tower from wch he was released towards winter upon Bond of 5000. In 1655,. 14 June, he was again taken prisoner and caryed to Lyme where he remayn'd with ye rest of ye Prisoners till ye 12th of October and then was by special orders here detayn'd prisoner alone till the end of February following and then released, upon Bond of Ten thousand pounds. Thence he return'd home to his brothers and in. all this while had never seen with Oliver Cromwell, nor Thurloe, nor ever heard of Moorland. In- the end of this year 1656, or in the beginning of 1657 it hapn'd that Thurloe had intercepted some letters of Mr. Brodericks and others. Which he supposing to be Sir Richard, Thurloe imme- diately sent on purpose for him, and strictly examining him to this effect, What he knew of those letters and the persons and matters con- teyn'd in them. It being visible that one of ye feighned names often therein specified could meane no other person but himself e. So having thus shown him the danger of his condition,, and spread his nett over him. He began to say Miat his intention was not to destroy him, if he would be instrumentall for his reconciliation with the king, when time should serve, and that he would absolutely engage not to discover anything without his preacquaintance and leave, and that in the meantime the Royal party should speed the better for him, Which he is very confident has been effected by his management in pre- serving many of them (and that the most eminent) both in their lifes and fortunes, preventing many from, and delivering others out of, restraint. In this same year 1657, in the depth of winter^ Thurloe hearing that the Marquis of Ormond was landed in England, sent for Sir Richard W. and offered 1000 in ready gold, or what he would aske to discover him. Which Moorland violently and very often urged him to doe r telling him it would be his utter ruyne if he did not doe it, adding this, that it was in his power to oblige the Protector for ever. Prom this importunity he had not rest till he defy'd them by detesting and abhorring so perfidious an action. And from that tyme they absolutely desseyn'd his ruyne. For 1658, upon Good Friday [April 9] he was again taken prisoner, and sent to the Tower with more severity and close imprisonment than ever, and all the wayes imaginable us'd to take away his life by violent meanes, and promises us'd to one Mr Cooke of Suff. to accuse him. But when nothing could be made out against him he was releas'd [illegible} upon Bond and so continued till 1659 ; and in May or thereabouts Thurloe sent for him againe, telling him that now he visibly saw that the King could no longer be kept out and that now was the time, he must be beholding to him in the making of his peace, and that at this meeting Moorland was present where they combyne to post him, which was done on June 3. Having suspected that Sir Rich W. had a reall intention to be in the then present Rysing, which they resolve to hinder by throwing a suspicion amongst the party. Nor, did their Malice and revenge end there, but contryv'd an Act of Banishment out of England of all those that had not com- pounded, which Moorland confess'd to Sir Rich W. was particularly contriv'd for his sake and hindrance. And whereas they allege that his bonds the last summer were of his own pro-