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12 S. X. FEB. 25, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 147

also showed literary talent and wrote a history of Balliol College.

Owen Williams, second son of W. W. W., became Colonel of the Suffolk Regiment after serving with distinction in the Afghan War, 1879-1880 (medal), and with the Hazara Expedition in 1888 (medal, clasp and mentioned in dispatches). He married Eva Marian Waddington of Cavenham Park, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, in 1887.

A third son of W. W. W. was the Rev. Gerard Williams, sometime vicar of Lulworth.

His elder son, Gerard, a mining engineer, married Doris Swire Sowler, the daughter of the late Tom Sowler, M.P. for N.W. Manchester, and granddaughter of the late Sir Tom Sowler, editor and proprietor of The Manchester Courier, also M.P. for N.W. Manchester. Gerard and his brother Geoffrey, an architect, fought with the utmost gallantry all through the late war.

To get back to John Charles Williams, his second daughter, Kate (1819-1916), married Peter Samuel Fry. Peter Samuel Fry was articled to my grandfather—he afterwards became a partner in the firm of Fry, Loxley and Fry—now Elam and Gardner, of 80, Cheapside (Charles Gardner being the uncle of Dr. Francis Tidcombe of Bognor, whom my sister Alice married). The senior partner in the firm at that time was Peter Wickens Fry, who married successively two daughters of his partner, Thomas Arnold Loxley. His brother (Peter Samuel's father) was the Rev. Thomas Fry, vicar of Eniberton, both being sons of Peter Fry of Compton House, Oxbridge, County Treasurer of Somerset, who married three times. His first wife was a Cresswell of Bibery, Glos, heiress of the Woottons of Ashburton, Devon, who died childless. His second was Margaret Henrietta Middleton, orphan protegee of the great Wilberforce (1759-1833; 'D.N.B.'), married from his house in Kensington Gore afterwards Lady Blessington's (1799-1849; 'D.N.B.'). His third wife was Mrs. Mary Ann Foster, nee Bagshawe, of The Oaks, Derbyshire.

Edward Haycock Williams (1823-1853), J. C. Williams' s fourth son, was a midshipman on H.M.S. Medusa and was captured in the Chinese War and killed in India.

Henry Headly Williams, the fifth son (1824-1888), fought at Sobraon, Ferozepur, and at the storming of Lahore (medal) under Sir Hugh Gough (1779-1869; 'D.N.B.'). He helped the late Lord Carrington (1794-1868) to found the Bucks Volunteers and became a brilliant rifle shot. He was captain of the English eight and the English twenty, and once, I think, came in second for the Queen's Prize at Wimbledon; retired as a Colonel of Volunteers and decorated with the Order of Christ by the King of Portugal, 1878.

His only child, Marie Constance, married, first, in 1895, Gordon Robert Rogers (d. 1902), son of the Hon. Alexander Rogers, senior member of the Council of Bombay, a distinguished Indian Civil Servant and Oriental scholar, who translated the 'Shah-Namah' of Firdusi from the original Persian into English couplets. They had an only daughter, Joan. She (M.C.) married, secondly, in 1919, Alfred W. Winterbottom of Shiplake, Oxon.

Thomas Middleton Williams, the seventh son (1829-1866), became a doctor at Worksop, Notts. He married Emma Maria Major, the daughter of the late Dr. J. R. Major, D.D., principal of King's College, London. One of her granddaughters, Agnes Ethel Wilding, married Major Hector Fitzroy Maclean of the Scots Guards, the son and heir of Sir Fitzroy Maclean, tenth baronet, head of the Clan Maclean.

J. C. Williams's sixth daughter married the Rev. Leigh Spencer, vicar of Renhold, Bedfordshire.

One of her sons, Oliph Leigh Spencer, raised a body of men known as Spencer's Light Horse, who did good work in the Louis Riel (1844-1885; 'D.N.B.') Rebellion in Canada in 1885. His daughter, Maud Leigh Spencer, married the Rev. Arthur W. Mozley in 1886. He was related to Cardinal Newman (1801-1890; 'D.N.B.') and to Professor Thomas Mozley of Oxford (1806-1893; 'D.N.B.').

The seventh daughter of J. C. W. married, in 1863, Francis Ellis, who was agent and land steward to Viscount Dillon and Sir Humphrey de Trafford of. Trafford Park, Manchester.

It is obvious that I have omitted to mention a great many other of the descendants of the curate-in-charge, but I think I have shown that he was founder of a family who have served the State manfully in various ways and have thus done credit to the old vicarage at the back of the parish church of High Wycombe.

Here is his epitaph in Highgate cemetery redolent of the time but not, I think, unpleasing:

Beneath this stone are deposited the mortal remains of the Rev. John Charles Williams,