Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/444

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362 NOTES AND QUERIES. r i 2 s. x. MAY 13, 1022.

Menzies, Robert

Michy, Jno.

Mundell, Jno.

Murray, Jas.

*Noble, William

Ogilvy, Jno.

Paterson, James

Peter, James

Peter, Jno.

Pitillo, John

Pray, James

Prophet, Silvester

Robertson, James

Robertson, Robert

Rutherford, Jno.

*Shaw, William

Stroack, William

Stewart, Alex.

Stewart, Alex.

Stewart, Donald

Stewart, James

Stewart, Jno.

Stewart, Patrick

Stewart, Robert

Urquhart, James

Watson, Jas.

Watson, Jas.

Watt, Alex.

Wite, Alex.

Wite, Jno.

Wood, James

Wright, William

Died at Sea.

*McFale (Macphail), Duncan

Bought off at Liverpool

*Farquharson, Donald, for £50.

Gunter, Jno.

Johnston, Robert

Kerr, John

Montgomerie, Nicholas

Ogston, James

Rose, Robert, for 40

Rutherford, George

Rutherford, John

Tankard, Walter

Bought off at Cork.

McLachlan, Arch.

Powhows, Joe

*Smith, Charles

Stewart, Alex.

2. Petition of Rebel Prisoners transported to Virginia.

Unto His Excellency, Governor Spotiswood of Virginia—This humble representation of the Gentlemen and othere Prisoners transported aboard the Elizabeth and Anne of Liverpool from Brittain to York, in Virginia.

Whereas pursuant to the orders of the Government we are brought to this place which as is humblie conceded is all that we are obliged to perform. Notwithstanding to our great surprise we were not only before our coming off from Liverpool but even since our arrivall in this Country are menaced and threatened to be bound in a solitude of a certain number of years yea and a good many of us actually disposed of and all this to make up a sum of money for Sir Thomas Johnstone Parliament man for Liverpool (who pretends a right to us) and some other merchants concerned with him in this matter. Wherefore wee are obleidged to apply ourselves in all Submissiveness to your Excellency for Justice, seeing wee humblie imagine that upon our being transported to this place, the intent of the Government to be fulfilled and no more lyable to any further punishment, since by the known laws of Brittain, not only in the reign of the late King Charles, but more particularlie extended, ratified and approven in the eight year of the late King William that even in the cases of treason and Rebellion, no man can be transported out of the Kingdom unless he be first judiciallie convict of the crime and likewise give his free consent to the transportation in open Court. Far less can any British subject with out consenting thereto be sold or oblidged to serve for any space of years unless the former Laws were either altogether abrogate or the effect of them suspended for a certain time neither of which as we conceive can here be pretended. Wee are all of us now

  • Clan Chattan (Mackintosh) names.

taken from aboard the Ship, and the remaining part of us imprisoned in York Town (where our entertainment is very ordinary) except seven or eight of our number, who each of them pay the Master of the Ship five guineas for their passage, who are still detained aboard, upon what design wee conceive not, only two of that number excepted, John Stewart and William Maxwell, who upon Sunday last were carried from aboard, and taken up the River upon what design wee know not.

It is therefore hoped your Excellency will consider our present circumstances and give such orders for our liberation as in Justice you shall see fitt, or be pleased to call one or two of our number before you and hear us upon the subject

Norman Shaw.

Swatow, China.


(See ante, p. 341.)

A letter of September, 1625, sent by the Company to Capt. Henry Woodhouse, Governor, printed in Lefroy's ' Memorials,' is of interest in itself, and because it is signed by 12 of the Company who subscribe them- selves " Your euer loving ffrends." The name of " George Etheredge " is the last. This letter asserts : The Somer Islands, we take to be noe comon- wealth but a private Inheritance inclosed to the use of the Purchasers, Yet we graunt that if a Virginia shipp- be driven distressed indeed vpon those Islands as sometymes it soe falls out It ought in reason to be relieved. But this case is farr otherwise, forr if shippes of Holland or of our own coast townes wch haue noe interest nor inheritance here, under couller of distresse to be relieved, shall observe there tymes to prvent us in bringinge pmisions, and driving a trade wth our Tennants and Servants bearing away our Cropp, and taking the pryme of our marketts here, whereby (as the proverbe is) we fish after there netts, as this late shipp of Bristol, wch returned wth as much tobacco as of that kind furnished halfe this kingdome for one whole yeare for what case are wee if you suffer these t hinges. Wee plant and they reape. The Bermudans are advised to deny such traders " trade or entertaynment." If the Bristol ship returns she is not to leave port until she has paid 4d. a pound for the Company's use on the tobacco she had previously carried away. Then comes com- plaint of the quality of the tobacco shipped. Then advice to the planters to plant sugar- cane, grape-vines and mulberry-shoots, and to look out for them once planted, keeping them free from ants and worms. They send " silke seeds w<* came of this last yeares