Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/268

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 1 12 s.n. SEPT. 30,1916.

Among my own books and pamphlets are the following :


I. Barbou. Alfred. Le general Boulanger : l>i'iL,Taphie illustree de cinquante gravures et in irt rait.-. I'm is, n.d. [but published Dec. 31, 1886]. 228 pp.

'2. Prison, Georges. Le general Boulanger juge

partisans ct ses adversaires (Janvier, 1886-

m-rs. 1888). Xouvelle edition tres augmented du

' Dossier du general Boulanger.' Paris [1888].

iv + 568 pp.

3. Le proces du G* 1 Boulanger. Rochefort- Dillon devant la Haute Cour de Justice. Compte rendu jugeraent condamnation. Edition illus- tree. Paris, 1889. 266 pp.

4. Turner, F. General Boulanger : a Bio- graphy. London, 1889. xii+276 pp.

5. X. du Figaro. Les Coulisses du Boulan- gisme : revues et augmentees de plusieurs chapitres inedits, avec une preface de Mermeix, depute de Paris. Paris, 1890. xvi+380 pp.

<i. Millot, Maurice. La comedie Boulangiste : comedies et satires. Preface de Emmanuel Arene. Dessins de Steinlen. Paris, 1891. 352 pp.

7. Vt'rly, Albert. Le general Boulanger et la conspiration Monarchique. Paris, 1893. 324 pp.

8. Cahu, Theodore. Georges et Marguerite. Paris, 1893. 364 pp.

9. Denis, Pierre. Le Memorial de Saint- Brelade. Paris, 1894. x + 366 pp.

10. Barres, Maurice. L'Appel au Soldat. Paris, 1900. 552 pp.


II. Le general Boulanger. Paris, 1886. 8 pp- and coloured illustrated covers. (First appeared in the Royalist Paris- Journal, Oct. 1, 1881.)

12. Discours du general Boulanger, prononce a la chambre des Deputes le 4 juin, 1888. Paris, 1888. 16 pp.

13. Almanach Boulanger, 1889. 66 pp. (Con- tains speech of General Boulanger at Xt-vers. Dec. 2, 1888. )

14. Josseline, P. La carriere du general Boulanger. (Election pamphlet, January, 1889.) 12 pp., and portrait cover.

The Almanach Boulanger first appeared, I believe, for the year 1887. Among the books Barbou's is a fair and well-written biography, but, of course, deals only with the early years of the political career. Grison brings together a number of extracts from newspapers of all ways of thinking. The compte rendu of the trial before the High Court is a document pour servir. Turner's book is the work of a partisan, and of little account. As far as I know, it is the only work in English dealing with Boulanger. It appeared in September, 1889, just before the general election which marked the end of the Boulangist movement. Mermeix' s ' Coulisses ' are too well known to need comment. They appeared in the Figaro in the summer and autumn of 1 890. The works

of Baron Verly and Pierre Denis are serious contributions to history ; and Theodore ( 'aim's book puts into the form of a romance the story of Boulanger and Madame de Bonnemain. Maurice Barres, in the second volume of his ' Roman de 1'energie nationale,' shows the best side of the Nationalist move- ment of the eighties, and gives a sympathetic portrait of its figure-head.*

I have also notes of the following books and pamphlets, but have not seen them :

15. Le general Boulanger (brochure). Paris, A. Clavel, imprimerie-editeur, 1886. Price 10 c. (125,000 copies are said to have been sold on the boulevards in July and August, 1886.)

16. Lettre au general Boulanger, par le general T. W. [? Wolff]. Paris, Jules Levy, 1886. (Described as a serious military criticism of the Minister of War. )

17. Histoire patriotique du general Boulanger ("by Michel Morphy] : edition populaire avec gravures. 10 c. le livraison. Paris, 1887. (The fifteenth part was issued about the middle of Xovember.)

18. DerBcese Boulanger (brochure). Stuttgart, 1887. (Described as a heroi-comic poem in five cantos.)

19. Iluhemann, Alfred. General Boulanger, Lebensbild des franzujsischeu Kriegsminister. Second edition, Berlin, 1887. (Described as a sympathetic biography.)

20. Lermina, J. Le general Boulanger, bio- graphic et discours (brochure). ? Date.

M. Barbou mentions al>o a work by M Bois, ' La Campagne de Tunisie,' which deals with Boulanger's career as Commander- in- Chief of the Tunisian Army of Occupation (1884-5), and a brochure by the Marquis de Rochambeau entitled ' York-town,' in which the centenary fetes of 1881, at which France was represented by General Boulanger, are described.

Among the periodical literature of the day may be mentioned :

(a) The Boulangist Movement, by Henri Rochefort, in The Fortnvjhtly P.eeiew, July, 1888.

(b) General Bouianger : His Case, by Alfred Xaquet ; and His Impeachment, by Camille- Pelletan, in The New Bevieic, June, 1889.

(c) Will General Boulanger Succeed ? by M. Xaquet, Madame Adam. Comte de Mun, Louise Michel, and others, in The Ot/tvm// lievieic, June, 1889.

(d) General Boulanger : a Character Sketch, by W. T. Stead, in The Revieic of Reviews, October, 1890.

There are references to Boulanger in Lady Dorothy Nevill's ' Under Five Reigns ' (1910), chap, v., and Sir Henry Lucy's ' Sixty Years in the Wilderness,' chap. xv.

  • See article on AJaurice Barres by Madame

Duclaux in The Quarterly Review, July, 1912, p. 125.