Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/114

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 8. HI. FE*. 10, 1917.

privilege of staying in the same house with a person whose grandfather also was born in the reign of Charles II., but who himself was living three-and-twenty years after the marriage of Queen Alexandra. My friend for I had known him for several years was the late Captain the Hon. Francis Maude, R.N., whom I last saw and spoke with in 1885. He died the following year.

KATHLEEN WARD. Beechwood, Rilliney, co. Dublin.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.




I HAVE in my possession a work published in four volumes, which belonged to the poet Shelley, entitled :




Written in French by


and translated into English by


Princes and Nations shall disappear from the face

of the Earth and this REVOLUTION shall be the

work of SECRET SOCIETIES. Weishaupt's Discourse for the Mysteries.


Vol. i. is missing. Vol. ii. bears the poet's autograph in full, and the date 1810, when Shelley was an undergraduate of University College, Oxford. He was expelled in March, 1811. The summary of the contents of vol. ii. is : Part I. The rise and progress of the conspiracy of the Sophisters, called Philosophers. Chap. i. Voltaire and D'Alembert passing from the hatred of Christianity to the hatred of kings. Chap. ii. Political systems of the sect D'Argenson and Montesquieu. Chap. iii. Jean Jacques Rousseau's system ; and so on. Part II. On the mysteries of Occult Masons (Arrieres Maons). Vol. iii. relates to the Atheistical Illuminees. Vol. iv. is a History o.f Illu- minism, founded by Weishaupt, its union with French Masonry, and the subsequent evolution of the Jacobins.

Can any of your readers say how far this work may have influenced Shelley*' and moulded his views ? How the* volumes came into the possession of my family I cannot explain, beyond the fact that there - was such a considerable degree of inti- macy existing between the poet's family and my ancestor William Sandham of " Horsham, a tenant and near neighbour of Sir Timothy Shelley of Field Place, that the poet was probably a frequent visitor, and ob- tained a loan of 100/. in January, 1811, before- beirg sent down from. Oxford, which he- never repaid. The unredeemed promissory note is in my possession, and also a holograph letter, requesting a further loan on the plea of " now being reduced to the very last extremity," written from Keswick shortly after his marriage to Harriet Westbrooke. JOHN H. SANDHAM GRIFFITH.

Llwynduris, Llechryd, Cardiganshire.

AUTHORS WANTED. Can any reader tell me who is the author of ' Quaerenda; or, Two Historical Secrets,' published by Simpkin,. Marshall & Co., 1879 ? The British Museum Catalogue gives it as by [Q. . . .].


Public Libraries, Nottingham.

Can any reader tell me the source of the following quotation ?

He who killeth a cow was as if he slew a man. ARTHUR ROGERS, MJnst.C.E. 44 Duke Street, St. James's Square, S.W.

1. " The multitude is more taken with appearance than reality, for the noise and glitter of a pretender shall excite their attention and flash upon their weakness at an irresistible rate, while the modest man passes unregarded, and often proves the object of their contempt."

This formed the subject of a beautifuP specimen of penmanship, dating apparently from about 1840.

2. " ' Books,' says Bacon, ' can never teach the use of books.' "

This double quotation is from a book-plate.

ALEX. MORING. 32 George Street, Hanover Square, W.

HERALDIC QUERY : SALAMANDER. Can any reader kindly say what is the meaning in heraldry of a salamander in flames ? Ii can hardly refer to any military achieve- ment. May it not refer to some spiritua or mental faculty possessed by the man on. whom it was first conferred ? R. H. J.

MARY BELLAMY, ACTRESS. I shall be obliged for any information with regard to* this lady. I am told that she was painted by Hoppner. HORACE BLEACKLEY.