Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/154

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. in. FEB. 24, 1917.

Dr. Oliver) as the " Priory of St. James, Exeter."

My contention is that the Christian name James was not known in the early centuries from the Conquest, and perhaps was not rendered familiar until after the Reforma- tion, or even not before the days of the first Stuart ; that the proper translation of Jacobus, found in early deeds, should be Jacob (pronounced Yahkob), and not James as generally rendered.

HUGH R. WATKIN. Torquay, Devon.

[The question of the early use of the names James and Jacob, and their relationship, was dis- cussed at 6 S. iv. 308, 354, 374, 393, 476 ; v. 257 ; vi. 98,476; 78. ix. 189, 354; x. 130, 212, 294; xi. 211, the instances cited including some from documents in Hebrew.]

AUTHOHS WANTED. Who wrote the fol- lowing?

1. But when they came to Easter Gate,

Easter Gate stood wide. "Ye are late, ye are late," the porter said, " This morn my lady died."

2. I'd not give room for an Emperor

I'd hold my road for a King. To the Triple Crown I'd not bow down

But this is a different thing I I'll not fight with the Powers of Air

Sentries, pass him through ! Drawbridge let fall He's the Lord of us all,

The Dreamer whose dream came true !

' The Siege of the Fairies.' (Used by Kipling as chapter-heading in ' Kim.')

3. Lines beginning :

"I have a thousand men," said he, "to wait

upon my will," and ending :

He has slipped his foot from the stirrup- bar,

The bridle from his hand ; And he is bound bv hand and foot

To the Queen o' Faery-land. ' Sir Hoggie and the Fairies.' (Used as chapter- headings in ' Light that Failed.')

S. W.

There rolls the deep where grew the tree ; Oh Earth ! what changes hast thou seen !

This stanza, I feel sure, is almost a transla- tion from the Latin (Ovid ?) and that again from the Greek (Menander ?), but I cannot find either. Will some reader kindly give the references ? LTTCIS.

Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' tell me where I can find the following quotation ? When the golden sun is sinking

And your mind from care set free , When of others you are thinking, Will you sometimes think of me ?

A. E. B.

ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL SUBSCEIBEBS TO- KNIGHT'S 'LIFE or COLET.' Among the- names appearing in the list of subscribers to Samuel Knight's ' Life of Colet,' published in 1718, there occur the following amongst others which are marked as being those of pupils of St. Paul's School. I shall be glad to receive any further information concerning them :

Thomas Slater Bacon. He was, I believe,, of Catley, near Lynton, Cambs (vide Knight's ; ' Life of Colet,' Introd., p. xvii), and was elected F.R.S. in 1721, being M.P. for the Borough of Cambridge from 1721, with certain intervals, until his death in 1736. Can he be identified with Thomas Bacon/ who was a B.A. of St. Catherine's in 1718,. and who proceeded M.A. in 1718 ? What was his parentage ?

Thomas Bradford. All that is known of him is that he was in Holy Orders. Was he related to Samuel Bradford, Master of" Corpus and subsequently Bishop of Carlisle and of Rochester, or to his son William*' Bradford, Archdeacon of Rochester, both of whom were educated at St. Paul's School ?

Thomas Dickson. Of him I know nothing..

Joseph Downing. Was this the bookseller- and printer to the S.P.G., who died in 1743 ?

Francis Motteux. Of him I know nothing^

John Nicks. Nothing is known of him, save that he was a bookseller.

Robert Stevens." Of the Middle Temple."" The name is also spelt " Stephens."

John Price. "In Holy Orders." Of" Thetford, Norfolk.

Thomas Savage. Of him I know nothing^

John Smith. Of him I know nothing.

Major Snow. Of him I know nothing.

Robert Swynborne (or Swinborne). "I Holy Orders."

George Taylor, Vicar of Wymondhanc Norfolk.

Robert Ward. Of him I know nothing.

Hammond Ward. Of him I know nothing

Thomas Wotton. Of him I know nothing MICHAEL F. J. MCDONNELL.

Bathurst, Gambia, British West Africa.

NOTABLES BOBN IN 1809. Allusion is no infrequently made to the fact that a larg number of distinguished people were bor in the year 1809, such as Darwin, Glac stone, Tennyson, O. W. Holmes, &c. I hai a longer list a while ago, containing, believe, the name of at least one distin guished woman. Can readers of ' N. & Q kindly add to the names mentioned above

T. F. H. [Elizabeth Barrett was born in this year.]