Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/270

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 1 12 s.m. APRIL u, 1917.

by an exprest Cossid,* who engages to be with you in [blank] days, with which time, if he comply es not, you may please to give him So good a payment as may Serve for an example to others.

[Unsigned] [Endorsee!] To Mr Marshall June 20th 70


Richard Edwards to John Smith (rough draft).

(O.C. 3436.)

Cassumbuzar June the 24th 1670 Xo Mr Smith

Yours of the 29 past month received, and by it advice of your having Sold 10 of my Swordblades att 3 r. 8 a. Per ps., att which price, though Somewhat low, I could wish the rest were disposed of, and to that end earnestly begge you would use your utmost endeavour, that if possible I might have their produce to Invest this year ; and pray, if you hear any news of my Gohattee adventure, f give me advice by the next, and also how many Sword blades of mine you have in your hand.

I give you many thankes for your care to Procure the Jellolseys and desire you would doe me the favour, if you Shall Sell So many of my Swords as Shall pay their amount, to procure me 3 or 4 peeces of ad thy J att about 20 rs., or Somewhat more or lesse, Per peece, and in your cloth in- vestment I doubt not but you may meete with Some peeces about those prizes very good and good-cheape, and will I hope, with Such befriend


I have sent Per Mr Jones (who now goes again to reside with you) 2 ps. braid, the one Silver and gold, weight 6 : 14,11 the other Silver, weight 7J, which pray endeavour the Speedy disposall of, but if you find them not likely to Sell with you pray returne them Per the first. [Endorsed] To Mr Smith June 24th: 70

  • A special messenger. There is no example

of the spelling " exprest " in this sense in the N.E.D.'

t See Letter XXI.

j Commonly spelt adathy, adatie. The word i Hind, adhotar, a coarse kind of cloth.

{ Low-priced.

|| There is a sign above these figures which is illegible. It may be 11. (for Ib.) : if so, the weight waa 14 Ib. 8 OE.


John Vickers to Richard Edwards.

(O.C. 3437.)

Hugly the 25th June 1670 Dear Friend

Yours of the llth and 20th Instant I received the 15th and 23d do: Advising the Receipt of mine of the 3 do: Per Mr Vincent, and that through the roguery of them that drew the bill the Money was made payable 10 dayes after sight, but hope by this time it may be Received and giving out.

I should have Complyed with your Desire long before this in rendring Mr Bridges thankes,* but have not met with an oper- tunity, but shall, I hope, Suddenly effect it, with my owne, having said Nothing to- him yet.

For the Disposall of the braid, I leave it to you to doe what you think [e] Convenient, approving very well of your proposal of sending it to Mr Smith, Returning You many thanks for your Care in soe Trivial! a matter, it being Scarce worth your trouble.

Here Arriving lately A Dutch Ship from Goa, have enquired abroad for a eseritore, but Cannot hear of any. Pray by the Next advise what fashion you would have it, whither A Small flatt one for A Pallankee, or with dores, or of that fashion Mr Peacocks was, which suppose you have seen, having A promiss from 1 or 2 Dutch men to procure me one when the Shipps Come which suppose will bee suddenly.

In yours of the 20th you advise the Receipt of mine of the 13th, togither with the bill of Exchange upon ugersine having Received Another upon Goculdaes, a Mer- chant in Pattana and that D[ou]bting < A speedy Conveighan[ce], You had Di peeded A Cossetb on purpose (which ougl to have been incerted by me but was forgot and Returne you many thankes for yox Care therein, and have given you Cred for the 3 r: 8 an: Paid the Cosset t, and hoj You will as freely use me upon all occasion

The Goodes lyes as yet Unsold, thoug not for Want of Indeavouring. I suppoj it will Not be long before I may goe t Ballasore. Per the Next Pray advif whither You will venter the Goods ther or shall leave them here with Mr Bagnoh who desires kindly to be remembred to yoi and promises You A letter Per the Nex

  • For his commendation of Edwards an

Vickers. See Letter XXIX.