Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/295

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12 8. III. MAY, 1917.]



LONDON, MAY, 1917.

U O N T E N T S. No. 68.

NOTES : Coventry Churchwardens' Accounts, 289 Gray's Books and MSS.. 291 Correspondence of Richard Edwards, 293 "The King's Serjeant" En and Cu Epitaph on a Stonemason Australian Slang, 296 On a Legend used by Shakespeare - A March Hare Clerical Biographies and Testamentary Burials Curious Auditory Illusion, 297.

QUERIES : Mary Davies, 297 Pronunciation of "Dude"

Abp. Laud : Bibliography Henry Family Two Charades, 298 Picture by Maguire Sir Edward Boodle The MacBains of Scotland- Kirkpatrick of the Isle of Wight Artists in Stained Glass Petitions to Chan- ceryMaw, Game of Cards Henry Harland The Gorvin Hunt Keith Members of the Long Parliament--' Flat- land : a Romance of Many Dimensions' Bird : Villiers, 299 Bishop of Aleria Route of Charles I. to Uolmby Indexes Wanted -Tally Sticks Carlton House' Tales of my Landlord,' New Serif sJeatt : Vvalls: White: Moretus, 300 Metal-tipped Staff-Rushbrooke Hall Cobbett Authors Wanted, 301.

REPLIES : Montbovon to Thun in 1816, 301 Bristol Channel Frozen Over, 302 -Army List of 1740, 304 Thrale Hall, Streatlmm St. Burchard, 306 Millais : ' Christ in the Carpenter's Shop 'Representations of the Blessed Trinity H. C. Pidgeon Cutting off the Hair as a Preservative against Headache, 307 Major - General Champagne's Regiment Cassell's Illustrated ' Robinson Crusoe' A Riming Will, 308 -Library of W. Watkin Edward Wynne Derby Rim Miss Mitford and her Works, 309 Orpiment Goats with Cattle Arms of St. Wilfrid, 310 King's Gentlemen Volunteers in the Royal Navy Admirals Hood Madame de Stael Mediaeval W T ork on Knamel, 311 Col. Hon. John Scott Angelica The Knifegrinder " Lock " = Lazar-house

Archbishop of Canterbury buried at Hanterive Greatest Length of Service, 312 Pronunciation of "ea" Americanisms Portraits Wanted, 313 Job Heath's Posset Cup No. 10 Downing ^Street Reference Wanted Old Inns Hans-Town or Cadogan-Land, 314 King's Gentlemen Volunteers in the Royal Navy Army List of 1740' Worksof King Alfred 'Warren Hastings Govane Pedigrees Wanted, 315.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' The Collegiate Church of Ottery

St. Mary' Reviews and Magazines. Jottings from Catalogues. OBITUARY : William Mercer. Notices to Correspondents.


THE first Churchwardens' Book belonging to Holy Trinity, Coventry, is fragmentary, containing accounts arranged in chrono- logical disorder and with some gaps between 1560 and 1583-4. There are also' fragments belonging to 1547-8 and 1553-4. The church possessed a good income from property " Trinity land and Our Lady Land " in Coventry, Foleshill, Allesley, Coundon, Brinklow, and Whitmore ; while burial fees, bell-ringing, church - sittings, and the sale of various pre-Reformation specimens of church furniture such as the posts of the rood-loft provided additional sources of revenue. In 1570 the church-

wardens' incomings were 521. 8s. 2d., while

heir outgoings amounted to 45Z. 12s. Id.

The expenses were concerned with the repair of the church and house property, the clerk's wages, the discharge of quit- rents, and miscellaneous payments. The second Churchwardens' Book continues the accounts until the year 1619. An interest- ing feature of this volume is the presence of a few leaves of illuminated parchment in MS. with passages from the Vulgate (1 Samuel ii. 14-22, 24-30) and the Decretals on them. The following are some of the items in the accounts :

1561. Item, pa yd for iij sermons in wytson wyke . . . . . . . . . . . . xxs.

Item, payd for paper and ale for the masters in the vestre . . . . . . . . vjd.

Item, payd to Thomas Avmber for bokes xijs.

[A quit-rent of 6s. yearly is paid to the Duchess of " Sofowke," the mother of those unfortunate sisters, Jane, Catharine, and Mary Grey.]

In 1568 there occurs an item connected with a noteworthy Coventry family: "For Edward Damports grave in the porche iijs. iiijd."

1569. Item, payed for a byble .. .. xxviijs

Payed for ynkell for the same . . . . ijd.

[Probably the Bishops' Bible now in the ves- try. Inkle = linen tape.]

1574. Payed for whytlymynge the churche vs.

Payed for mendynge the byble and other bookes . . . . . . . . . . xijs.

Item for lace for the gentlewomens seats.

[These were the sittings reserved for " Mistress Mayoress and her sisters," the wives of members of the Corporation.]

Payede to John a Leye for vij hedgeakes taken in the pryors orchard and in xx landes.


[The Prior's orchard occupied the site of Chantry Place.]

1605. Pd. to Bromsgrove for a booke of thanksgiving for the Kings Matis.

[Gunpowder plot/

1606. Bee. for ij peales for Goodman Shax- speare, viijd.

[William Shakespeare died April 12, 1605.]

1617. Paid Aldersey the Jojner for amending of one of the Communion Tables lent to St. Mary hall when King James came that was broken


1618. Paid Shackspeare the Carpenter for mending the kneeling seats about the Communion Table half a day and nayles . . . . viijd.

[James I. insisted that the Coventry congrega- tions should kneel when they received the Com- munion.]

1620. Paid to good wife Bishopp towards the repareing of her sonne in sending him to London


1621. Paid to Robert Knoles for ringing on our lady day even, being the daie which the King was proclaymed . . . . . . . . . . ijs.

[Anniversary of King James's accession.]

1625. Given to a Turkey merchant that had lost his ship on the sea . . . . . . ijs.

1626. Paid for three graves for two of Powells children and Bottes [? Botten's] child of the plague .-. .. .. ..