Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/329

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12 S. III. JCNE, 1917.]



when it characterizes him as " amiable and beneficent," and ends with the words :

" To do good and to distribute were the Delight of his life. By these he being dead yet speaketh."

I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness, for facts or verifications, to Mr. W. Lem- priere, Deputy Clerk of Christ's Hospital ; Sir A. W. Ward, Master of Peterhouse ; and the Rev. W. P. Bickford.



(See ante, pp. 1, 44, 81, 122, 161, 205, 244, 262, 293.)


Richard Edwards to John Marshall (rough draft). (O.C. 3445.)

Cassumbuzar July the 13th 1670 To Mr Marshall

The 26 past month dispeeded away a Cossid to you with a bill of exchange for 600 rs. and Some letters from Mr Vickers which I hope are Safely arrived with you.

I have desired Mr Vincent to write to Mr Elwes to pay you a Small Summe (being the produce of 4 Sword blades sent thither), which, if you receive, I entreate you would doe me the favour to lay out in 2 or 3 halfe peeces Baroch Stuffes* for breeches, and the rest (if any remaine) in 1 bottle of the best flower oyle| and Some OtterJ and Chua.

Sir, I had not assumed the boldnesse to have given you this trouble, but that I am, by my good friend Mr White (from [whom]!! you will now receive a letter) encouraged and engaged to endeavour the Procury of a Correspondency with you, which I must confesse I Seeke very preposterously, in that it Should rather be my aime by [The letter breaks off here.] [No endorsement.]

  • Broach is the usual European spelling of

Bharoch, in Gujarat, where the English established a factory in 1616. It was noted for its piece- goods. A caravan trade, was carried on between Patna and the factories of Surat, Baroda, Broach, and Ahinadabad.

t Essential oils.

i Attar of roses.

Chaicicd (chanted, choicd, chod), a fragrant ointment made up of four ingredients, either sandalwood, wood of aloes, saffron, and musk, or ambergris, saffron, musk, and the juice of the flowers of the arbor tristis.

I! This word is left out in the original. There is no blank.


Richard Edwards to John Vickers (rough draft).

(O.C. 3448.)

Cassumbuzar July the 14th 1670 To Mr Vickers

My last to you was of the llth Inst. Per via Ballasore, whither thought you might have been gone. I hope it will come Safe to your hands, because therein desired you to Send a Copie of the Company's Generall to the bay, which possible, if Some of our malignants should See, they would make Some doe about, but you need not now trouble your selfe to Copie it, having received it Per last Cossid in your generall.

Yours of the 8th Inst. received the 12th at night, advising your receipt of mine of the 30th past month and 2 Currt. and your approbation of my disposall of your money which I am very glad of. f pon your advice that longees are not like to prove [? profit- able]* Mr March intends to invest as little as may be in that Comodity, having for that purpose Sent for the weavers to [whom]* he gave out the money and forbid the making of any more then what is upon the loomes, intending the rest in Comoditys that may be of more likelihood to vend. I need not add any thing Concerning the disposall of thoa goods in your hands, knowing your en- deavours will not be. wanting to doe what may be for the best. And as to the fashion and price of the Escri tores I leave it [to]* you, nor did I entend to limitt you by men- tioning 20 rs., but only thereby in part to direct you in the goodnesse and prize.

I received togither with yours a letter from Mr White, who, as you advise, hath lost his voyage and is put in to winter att Carwarr nigh Cochin, and I would desire you to enquire by what conveighance the letter came, and if may meete with the like to write to him, and whither there would be any Surety of any Small bundles reaching his hands or no.

The news of the Ship's arrivall we received here the 9th Inst. but I have not as [y]et received a letter. I have in my other writt to you concerning my letters to dispeed them forward, if no generall Cossid shall be sent presently after the receipt of them, and that what things I may have come over, you would take into your custody ; but if I have nought but letters, I desire you would Secure

  • These words are omitted in the original.

There are no blanks.