Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/337

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12 S. III. JrxE, 1917.]



1823 : Erected this Church, A.D. 1824 ; and died at College Buildings, Jamieson Street, Sydney. 8th August, A.D. 1878, deeply regretted by all Classes of the Community in all the Australasian Colonies, by whom he was regarded not only as a distinguished Divine, but also as an eminent Patriot and Statesman, in proof of which the Statue in Wynyard Square, Sydney [*], erected to his memory by public subscription, is a stand- mg testimony.

3. Marble tablet on east wall. To the Memory of George Lang, who lyes interred beneath the pulpit of this Church, which he was honoured by divine providence to be instrumental in erecting. He was born in Scotland, educated at the Uni- versity of Glasgow, and died in Sydney xviii. January MDCCCXXV., aged xxiii. years.

4. Marble tablet on south side of pulpit. Erected by the Scots Church Congregation, and other friends, in memory of Wilhelmina, daughter of William Mackie of Greenock, Scotland, and wife of John Dunmore Lang, D.D. Born at Greenock, A.D. 1813 ; Arrived in Sydney, A.D. 1831, and died at Blackheath. X.S.W., 6th October, 1891, esteemed and beloved by all who knew her.

The next article will give inscriptions in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.

J. W. FAWCETT. Consett, co. Durham.


" 1688. Jane ye daughter of Henry Walter of Roach, Esqre.,was baptized the 22nd of October."


The Rectory, Stow-on-the-Wold.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

THE " HOUSE " OF. Some publishers, notably Cassell and Pearson, have adopted the method of describing themselves as the "House of Cassell" and the "House of Pearson." When did this practice come into the publishing world ? I know that I constantly used it in the pages of Scribner's Book-Buyer twenty years age, owing to my intense dislike of the commercial con- tractions "Messrs.," "Co.," and "Limited" which put me off reading a paragraph in which they appear, suggesting, as they do, that they come entirely from the advertising side of the "house" brought in this way under notice. J. M. BULLOCH.

123 Pall Mall.

  • On base of Dr. Lang's monument in Wyn-

yard Square: John Dunmore Lang, D.D., Patriot and Statesman, Born 1799, at Greenock, Scotland ; Died 1878 at Sydney.

TRAVELLERS' JOURNALS WANTED. Can any reader inform me where I can find the Journals of the following travellers, who went from Basra to Aleppo : Beawes, 1745 ; Carmichael, 1751 ; Holford, 1781 ? They are not in the British Museum.


Royal Geographical Society.

LAMBE FAMILY. Mary Lambe married Josias Phillips, May 23, 1799, in St.. Luke's Church, Dublin. He died Feb. 9, 1835 (will proved Feb. 21, 1835), and had a son Thomas, who married Elizabeth Dockrell, April 28, 1836, in St. Luke's Church, Dublin.

George Audouin assumed the name of Lambe in accordance with the will of his uncle Hall Lambe of Dublin, who died in 1801. I should be obliged for details of the parentage of Mary Lambe, date of her birth, and the names of her brother and sisters. What is the connexion with the Audouin Lambe family ? E. C. FINLAY.


Stanhope of Horsforth, Yorkshire, married

(1) Anne, sister of Sir George Rawdon ;

(2) a daughter of Dr. John Finlay, D.D. ;

(3) ? I should be glad of further in- fo rmatioii.

To what family did Dr. John Finlay belong ? E. C. FINLAY.

1729 Pine Street, San Francisco, California. U.S.A.

74TH REGIMENT OF FOOT. Can any reader of ' X. & Q.' tell me where the 74th Regiment of Foot was stationed from 1760 to 1766, when this regiment was reduced ? WM. JACKSON PIGOTT.

HEACOCK FAMILY. Can any correspon- dent of ' N. & Q.' give me particulars of a family of Heacock of Newington, Middlesex, to whom the following arms were granted in 1746 ? Erminois, an elephant az. ; on a chief of the second a sun between two beehives or. Crest : a hind sejant reguard ermiftois, cellared gu., reposing dexter foot on beehive or. WM. JACKSON PIGOTT.

Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

BENEDICTINE PICTURE : INTERPRETATION DESIRED. I am interested in a small Swiss panel in stained glass, now in Patrixbourne Church (Kent), being one of a series of charming medallions presented in 1837 by the Marchioness of Conyngham. It repre- sents a scene on the shore of a lake with an island in the middle distance, on which are an abbey and a small town with a church. The scene represents a Benedictine saint stand- ing on the mainland at the door of a chapel