Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/455

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12 S. ill. OCT., 1917.]



Savoy. This line became extinct in 1831 by the death without issue of Anne Marie's great-grandson, Charles Felix of Savoy ; but what I desire is the link between the house of Sardinia and the Queen of Bavaria. I also wish to trace the descent of the Dukes of Parma from the same princess- Please replv direct. RUTH WAUGH. 21 Bowerdean Street, S.W.6. ^[Tables showing the descent of the present King of Italy from Charles I. were printed at 12 S. ii. 267, 358, 496, and may possibly be helpful.!

DR. BATESON ON COLENSO. At the open- ing of the new chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge, a sermon was preached by a bishop in which he excommunicated Bishop Colenso, who had formerly been a fellow of the College. At the dinner which followed, Dr. Bateson, the Master of the College, made a speech in which he defended Colenso, and bitterly resented the attack made upon him. I have read the speech, but cannot remember when or where. It was pub- lished, I think, in some biography. I should be glad of the reference to it. W.

JUSTISS FAMILY. Nathaniel Chauncy married Mary Justiss, who died Jan. 29, 1784, aged about 52, and was buried in the Mercers' Chapel, Cheapside. Can any of your readers kindly supply me with the names of the parents of this Mary Justiss or with any particulars of her family ?

H. C. SURTEES, Brigadier- General.

Carlton Club.

KENRICK PRESCOT, D.D. I am seeking a few biographical particulars about Kenrick Prescot, D.D., Master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge (1700 ?-1779 ?). Can any reader furnish them ? R. HEFFER.

Saffron Walden.

ST. PETER'S FINGER. What does this mean in the following passage, which I find quoted from Bishop Hall's ' Satires ' ?

But walk on cheerly till thou have espied St. Peter's finger at the churchyard side.

Book V. sat. 2.


LUTETIAN SOCIETY. Information de- siderated on the founders and some of the publications, which included Dowson's trans- lation of Voltaire's ' La Pucelle.'


GROLIER SOCIETY. Particulars re found- ing and press issues will oblige. Please reply direct. ANEURIN WILLIAMS.

Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon.

WOMEN ORDAINED TO THE PRIESTHOOD. - Where can I obtain particulars respecting the presumably new discovery that women were ordained as priests in the Christian Church from Apostolic times down to A.D. 395, as asserted on col. 2 of p. 777 of the July number of The Quiver for this year ? W. S. B. H.

[The reference is probably to the ordo viduarum, of " order of widows," " widow " being used in the sense of elder, as was " presbyter." There are references to presbyteresses in the ' Acta et Martyrium Matthsei,' Mabillon's ' Ordo Ro- manus,' ix. 91, and Hittorp's 'Ordo Romanus,' p. 88. There seems more evidence for the or- dination of women to the diaconate than to the presbyterate. Dictionaries of Christian anti- quities will give further references. A committee appointed by the Archbishops -of Canterbury and York is at present conducting research as to the early ministry of women.]

K.C.B. : ITS THREE CROWNS. Can some reader of ' X. & Q.' inform me what is the origin or signification of the three crowns to be found on the star of a Knight Com- mander of the Order of the Bath (Military' Division) ? C. T.

SIR JOSEPH AND LADY COPLEY. Can any of your readers inform me in which memoirs besides those of Gronow and Lady Morgan are mentioned Sir Joseph Copley of Sprotborough and his beautiful wife, formerly Lady Abercorn ? M. T. F.

HEART ATTACKS WARDED OFF BY A CORK. What is the origin of the idea that to wear a cork about one's person will keep off heart attacks ? G. A. ANDERSON.

The Moorlands, Woldingbam.

DISCOVERIES IN COINS. Mention has re- cently been made in the newspapers of the discovery of a " quarter-guinea piece, date 1718," inside a copper coin of George I. which it was found could be " unscrewed " ; also of a penny piece of 1797, in which was a token (dated 1794) of M. Lambe & Son, tea dealers, Bath, having on it a view of the India House, and on the reverse a camel with load.

These discoveries have reminded me that my father was surprised to find one day that a copper twopenny piece of 1796 which he had could be unscrewed, and inside of "it was a beautifully executed miniature. Un- fortunately he "lost it, probably through passing the coin in a money payment.

It would be interesting to know whether other somewhat similar discoveries have been made. (Rev.) CAMPBELL LOCK.

Emscote, Ryde, Isle of Wight.