Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/501

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12 S. III. DEC., 1917.]




C N T E N T S. No. 75.

NOTES: 'The English Conquest of Ireland,' 495 -Lord Dinham's Arms at Winchester College, 496 Richard Bdwards's Correspondence, 498 Irish Family History : Delamar of Westmeath, 500 A Christmas " Paternoster," 501 The Port of London and the States, 502 " Corruptio optiuii pessima" William Amherst Onion v. Magnet Candles : a Heavy Penalty James Tassie : George Bomney, 503.

QUERIES : Quakers' Yearly Meeting J udge Haliburton, Creator of " Sam Slick "Laying a Ghost Fraser Family at Eton Oil Painting of a Man's Head' Venus and Bacchus 'Tucker and Peter Families, 504 Arms of the Sheriffs of Staffordshire Stallions at Funerals 'The Water Plane ' Engravings of War Scenes Leiden Degrees Preston Parish Church, 505 Epitaph on a Parrot .Tan Weenix Tournaments at Berwick Brown- ing and Hanmer Montford or Montfort Sir David

L'Murray and the '45 "Tabling their batons," 506 Bloomsbury Street-Names Yates Covent Garden Green-RoomSir Andrew Melvill R. Dodd, Marine Painter J. Shafto : Solomon Dayrolles Lifege Abbess and Corpus Christi New Testament MS. of Fifteenth Century, 507 Yeoman of the Mouth Composition for Veal and Lamb English ' Garden of Health 'Matthew Arnold on Beethoven Cobden and St. Pancras Canter- bury Account Rolls Giffards of Tiverton, 508 York Litany Exeter Cathedral and Christmas Eve "Dirty work at the cross-roads " Paddington Pollaky Dodson Family Regimental Badges : Northumberland Fusiliers Siege of Oudenarde, 509" Winesour " Plum Wroth Family Great Bowyer Bible Authors Wanted, 510.

REPLIES : Clitheroe and Bribery, 510-" Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre," 515 Signboards and Shop Devices Zionist Movement Magic Squares in India Pell and Mildmay Families, 517 Booksellers of Glasgow and Edinburgh St. Peter's Finger Me Bride Buttons, 518 Firebacks and Stove Ironwork Col. Duncombe " Hab" as a Nickname Low Ford : its Locality, 519 Riddle, 1856 Van Tromp's English Descendants Rolls of Lords Lieutenant "Austria, the China of Europe "Tankards with Medals Inserted "Self ": a Dictum " Loaf ner" : Meaning and Derivation,'520 S_tatue as Water- Fountain Australian Slang Sorcery in Essex in ]S63, 521 Military Duel Parish Registers Young Ladies' Companion March Hare Authors Wanted, 522.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Registra Antiqua de Llantilio Crossenny et Penrhos ' ' Folk-Element in Hindu Culture.

Booksellers' Catalogues.

OBITUARY : Henry Reginald Leighton.

Notices to Correspondents.


'THE ENGLISH CONQUEST OF IRELAND' i.e., the English translation of the ' Ex- pugnatio Hibernica ' of Giraldus Cambrensis made by an Anglo-Hibernian, probably early in the fifteenth century was edited by F. J. Furnivall for the Early English Text Society (original series, vol. cvii., 1896). It does not appear to be known that this work had been already printed by Brewer in 1871 from other manuscripts (' Calendar of the Carew MSS.,' pp. 36-117, and 261-317).

Recently the subject has been touched upon by Dr. J. H. Round ('The Commune of London, and Other Studies,' 1899, pp. 146-9) r who was unaware of the existence of Furnivall's edition. In consequence it may not be superfluous to place on record the fact that there are at least five manuscripts of this English version in existence, and that they may be divided into two distinct groups :

1. Trinity College, Dublin, E. 3. 31 (No. 592), paper, 28 numbered folios, former press-marks A. 2. 5 ; D. 33 ; BBB. 32 ; written apparently in a hand of the latter part of the fifteenth century (not early fifteenth century, as stated by Furnivall) ; for a facsimile of the script see Gilbert ('Facsimiles of the National MSS. of Ireland,' part 3, 1879, plate 38, and p. xv). Ff. la-27b, with no title, the text as printed by Furnivall (pp. 2-150), who wrongly gives the press-mark of this MS. as E. 2. 31. F. 28a r no title, the commencement of the prologue to James Yonge's translation of the ' Secret* Secretorum ' (cf . Steel e's edition, Early English Text Soc., Extra Series, vol. Ixxiv , 1898, pp. 121-2) ; it occupies col. 1 only ; col. 2 and f. 28b are blank. As lar as I am aware, the existence of this fragment of Yonge's version had not been hitherto mad& known.

2. Trinity College, Dublin, F. 4. 4 (No. 593),. paper, 182 numbered pages, written in hands- of the latter part of the sixteenth century ; on p. 153 occurs the date 1554, and on p. 79 the signature of the former owner, Dr. Madden. Pp. 1-55, a copy of the preceding MS. (ff. la-27b) with no title, and with spelling modernized. Round's statement. (op. tit., p. 148) that this MS. contains a- different work is inaccurate. Pp. 56, 57, are blank ; pp. 58-182, in another hand, with no title, contain a series of historical and genealogical memoranda dealing with Ire- land.

3. Bodleian, Rawl. B. 490. Ff. la-28a, fifteenth century ; text printed by Furnivall (pp. 3-151) ; for a facsimile of the script see Gilbert (op. cit., part 3, plate 36, p. xiv). Ff. 28b-72b contain Yonge's translation of the -' Secreta Secretorum.'

4. London, Lambeth 598, ff. la-31a, fifteenth century ; text printed by Brewer (' Cal. of the Carew MSS.,' 1871, pp. 261-317). Orthography more modern than that of Dublin E. 3. 31. Brewer (pp. xxi-xxiv) mentions the fact that this chronicle has been supposed to have been written by a certain Thomas Bray, but there is not a particle of evidence to support this attribution.