Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918.

Boys, book for, voyage of the ship Leda, c. 1860, 37 Brarndean and King Alfred's last battle, 10 Brassey (Bracey) family, 54, 255 Brent (Edward), Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries, 1758, 218

Bribery at Clitheroe elections, 417, 510 Bristol Channel, possibility of its being frozen

over, 189, 302, 461 British Isles, statues and memorials in, 125, 180,

380, 468

Bronte (Charlotte), her fairy stories, 386 Brooch motto : " We fear nae foe," 417 Brown (Jane), centenarian, d. 1844, 419, 464 Browne (Charles), brother of Viscount Montagu,

c. 1577, 418 Browne (C. Orde), author of two pamphlets, 1882,


Browning (Robert) and motto from Hanmer, 506 Brussels, English " Commandant " at, 1815-16,

412 Bull (Samuel), Captain of Cowes Castle, I.W.,

c. 1658, 477

Bull-baiting in Spain and Portugal, 15, 170 " Buller's thumb," meaning of the reference to,

386, 424

Bullock (William), naturalist, c. 1810, 149, 338 Bull's Head Inn, Manchester, the history of, 134,


Bulteel (James), 1752, his history and family, 445 Bunyon family, 386 Burfoot ( ) of Withy ham, Sussex, his pedigree,


Burials, testamentary, c. 1650-1850, 297 Burlington House colonnade, the stones of, 476 Bury Street, Bloomsbury, origin of the_ name, 507 Busher (Leonard), author, c. 1614, his portrait,

210, 313

" Bus " =-aeroplane, use of the word, 415, 462, 492 Butler (Joseph), his ' Analogy,' criticisms and

translations, 56, 197, 258 Buttons on different sides on men's and women's

garments, 445, 488, 518 Byrd (Col. William) of Richmond, Virginia,

c. 1737, 274, 367 Byron (Lord), his journey from Montbovon to

Thun, 1816, 301

Cadenski (Lieut.), his duel with Lieut. R. H.

Trunton, 1812, 474, 522 Cadogan Square, demolition of buildings near, 70,

155, 236, 314 " Cadua " in Congreve's ' Love for Love,' 1695,

186, 252

Caesar (Julius), bis reform of the calendar, 50 Cake-dish, Scottish, crest on, 1712, 385, 455 Calais, city gates, the builder of, 30 Calderon de la Barca (Pedro), 1600-81, skeleton

device in his plays, 9 Calendar, Julius Caesar's reform of, 50 " Call of the. . . .," use of the expression, 69, 216 Camotius (G. P.), cartographer, of Venice, c. 1560,


" Camouflage," use of the word, 464 Candles, heavy penalty for making one's own,

c. 1769, 503 Canterbury, Archbishop of, buried at Hauterive,

Switzerland, 149, 312

Canterbury Account Rolls, the publication of, 508 Cardell (Ann) = John Toppe, c. 1600, 475 Carlton House in the time of the Regency, 300

Carlyle (T.) and Cardinal Newman's intellect, 211,. 277

Cannichael ( ), Journal of his travels, 1751-.


Carpenter (John), marine artist, c. 1827, 475 Carr, Douglas of Carr family, the place-name,,

358, 393, 424 Carstaira (Peter), M.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1857,

91 Carter (Hugh), his pictures ' Troubled Times. '

70, 476 ; ' Which shall I Play ? ' 476 Carter (R. H.), his picture ' St. Michel's Mount,'"

70, 153

Carving of Herod's cock, 168, 235 Carving on a davenport, figures and inscription,.

c. 1800, 230

Carving on pulpit, dice box and pack of cards, 443" Carving terms, for animals and birds, 446 Cary, Uvedale, and Price families, 91 , 180, 371, 490"' Cassell's illustrated edition of ' Robinson Crusoe/


Cat, Cyprus-cat, variety of tabby cat, 14 Cat and Custard-Pot, tavern sign, Bedfordshire^

89, 159

Catalogue of Irish MSS., publication of, 272 Cattle, goats kept with, 310

Cephalonia, description of Argostoli,91, 151, 233 Champagne^ (Major-General Josiah), his regiment,.

c. 1800, 250, 308, 396 Chancery, petitions to, concerning J. Lawson.

Sisson, 1833, 299

Chantey, Latin version of a sailor's, 386 Chaplains of Fromond's Chantry, Winchester, 150 Charades : I'm the loudest of voices in orchestra

heard, 298, 371, 459 ; Men cannot live without

my first, 298, 371, 459 Charles I., his journey from Newcastle to Holmbv,.

1646, 300, 361, 429 Charles (Elizabeth [Rundle]), disappearance of.

tablet in memory of, 414 Charles Edward Stuart (Prince), his arrest in

Paris, 1748, 444

Charlotte (Queen), her character, 9 " Chatter about Harriet," origin of phrase, 450 Chelsea superstition about Old Battersea Bridge..


Chesterfield (Lord), his poems, 68, 119, 173 Chettle (H.), 'Patient Grissil,' emendation, 441 Chewte, Chowt, or Chute (Christopher) and Lady

Mary Grey, alias Keys, c. 1574, 448, 484 Child, unborn, mother's influence on, 17, 76, 283 Chimney sweepers, their climbing boys, 347, 462T Chivalry in the Victorian age, 382 Chowt. See Chetcte.

Christ, His " Seven Eyes " in Welsh poetry, 462. Christian names : Jacob or James, 147, 259, 234 t.

Jill, Gillian, 49, 117 ; Testance, 91 Christmas Eve service in Exeter Cathedral, 509 Christmas " Paternoster," Italian, 501 Church, identification of, from photograph, 109 ;

Croydon,and Bishop of Sorron, 109, 178 ; mystic- significance of the alphabet in, 271, 340, 369,

459 ; carving on pulpit at Sprotborough, 443 ;

parish church of Preston, 505 " Church drops," from churchwardens' accounts

1715, 360, 430 Churches at city gates dedicated to St. Botolph,.

30, 96

Churchill (Charles), his grave and epitaph, 238 Churchill (Charles Henry), author, c, 1862, his

portrait, 210

Churchill (Lady Mary), c. 1790, her parentage, 91: Churchwardens, their duties at funerals, 476