Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/541

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Notes and Queries, Feb., 1918,



Mottoes :

Arcai meo non confido, 403 Dura bo (I will endure), 215 Faugh-a-Ballagh (clear the way), 14 Invicta, 477

Netno me impune lacessit, 117 Nvdrisco il buono et spengo il reo, 278 Nutrisco et extinguo, 215 Overcome all difficulties, 419, 482 Remember, 385, 455 Tria juncta in uno, 487 TJt amnis vita labitur, 478 We fear nae foe, 417

Mounds, Indian, U.S.A., origin and purpose of,

90, 154, 372, 431

" Mountain "=>a wine, use of the word, 387 Mountford, Montford, or Montfort families, 506 Mountrath, the last Earl of, said to have been

deformed, 188

" Mumpsimus," origin of the word, 464 Murray (Sir David), Bart., and the '45 Rebellion,

his death, 506 Music, its power to " charm " snakes, 57


Naples and the vicinity, guide-books to, c. 1700,


Nash (Beau), epigram on, 69, 379 Navy, relic of, iemp. Charles I., 36, 77 ; King's

Gentlemen Volunteers, 1692, 229, 311, 315 Neanderthal, ravine in Rhenish Prussia, early

human remains in, 494 Nelthorpe (Edward), steward of St. Paul's School

Feast, 1699, 128, 220 Netherlands, English travellers in, their books,

333, 364, 399, 456

' New English Dictionary,' additions and correc- tions, 187210, 312228 266 297, 522

298325 479

New Testament MS. of the 15th century. 507 New York, origin of name Wall Street, 301, 259 ;

as capital city of U.S.A., 170, 338, 428 Newcastle to Holrobv, Charles I.'s route, 1646,

300, 361, 429 Newman (John Henry), in Sicily, 1833, 28 ; Carlyle

on his intellect, 211. 277 Newman (Thomas), grocer of London, 1609, his

pedigree, 210

" News," synonyms for, used c. 1624, 187 Newspapers : evolution of the evening paper. 261 ;

' Smith Street Gazette.' 1849, 447 ; Trewman's

' Flying Post,' 355 ; ' The Weekly History,' 87 ;

' Whittington Gazette,' c. 1849/447 Newton (Capt.) of Lincolnshire, c. 1730, 71, 180 Newton (Sir Isaac) and Capt. Newton, c. 1730, 71,

1 80 Nine of diamonds and the Curse of Scotland,

494 Noakes or Noyes ( ) of Southcott, Reading his

pedigree, 210 Nonconformity, earlv, in Devon and Cornwall, 273,

337, 425 Northumberland Fusiliers, regimental badges of,


" Nosey Parker " = inquisitive person, 170 Notables born in 1800, 148, 216 ' Notes and Queries,' Service Roll, 60 Novipmagui?, ancient city, and the Noviomagians,

~>8o Noyes. See Noakes.

Oaky," use of the word, 1714, 330 Obituary :

Boase (Frederic), 40 DougUs (William), 374 Ellis (Alfred Shelley), 494 Francis (John Collins), 1 Leighton (Henry Reginald), 524 Mercer (William), 317 Sherborn (George Thomas), 40

Odours not disagreeable, but injurious to health,

179, 220 Ogle (Sir William), c. 1645, his ancestry and

posterity, 92, 421 Okeover (Rowland), M.P. Stafford, 1085-7, 90,

156, 176

" Old Bembow," 1702, carved figure, 91 Old Cleeve, effigy in the church at, 109 Olympian games, Pherenice and tho, 51 Onion, its supposed effect on a magnet, 503 Ord (Mrs.), the " blue-stocking " of Fanny

Burney's diary, 418

Orfeur (Rev. Thomas), d. 1715, his marriage, 128 Orpiment, its use in ancient burials, 249, 310 Othello, negro lacquey named, 1685, 146 Oudenarde, the siege of, in 1745, a letter describ- ing, 509 Oughtred (William), mathematician, his son, 128

'* Pacificist " : " pacifist," use of the words, 479 Paddington Pollaky, reference to, in the opera

' Patience,' 509 Parish registers, aids to their decipherment, 478,

522 Parliament, contemporary members of the same

name, 69

Parliament, Long, members of, 299, 366 Parma (Dukes of), their descent in the Stuart line,


Parrot, epitaph on, 506

" Paternoster," Italian, for Christmas, 501 Pauley (John), Wf^thester scholar, 1535, 474 Peacock (Thomai Love), his connexion with

Chertsey, 444

Peasant costume, distinctive, of Ireland, 479 Pedigrees : Edwards family of Talgarth, 418 ;

Stanhope family of Linby, Notts, 418 ; Stewart

family of Mount Stewart, 418 Pedigrees of various families, 210, 315 Peerages, instances of the sale of, in 17th and 18th

centuries, 479

Pell and Mildmay families, 418, 517 Pellegrino, his picture ' The Madonna and Chile 1 ,'

70 Penington (Isaac), Lord Mayor of London, e. 164'J,

28, 74

Penny minted in the year 1864, 448 Pepys (John) of Salisbury Court, c. 1631, 474 ' Pericles,' IV. i., an emendation, 382 Perkins (Sir W.), founder of Chertsey School, IftC Pershall (John), M.P. Stafford, 1761-2, 90, 156 Peter the Great, reported journey in Ireland, 443 Peter and Tucker families, 504 Pherenice and the Olympian games, 51 Phillip (John), R.A., 1817-67, portraits by, 272.

391, 457

Phoenician traders in Britain, 210, 281 Pickenige ( ), schoolmaster at Windsor Green,

1780, 149