Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 3.djvu/78

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 B. ni. JAK. 27. 1017.

(who d. 1729), and m. the daughter of - Bernard. If this is correct he would be first cousin to the Colonel of the Blues, Field- Marshal John, second Duke of Argyll (which still further supports my supposition), and a younger brother of John, who became fourth Duke of Argyll in 1761.

1st Foot Guards (12 S. ii. 163, 229; iii. 11).

(Continued.) Richard, Viscount Coote, d. Oct. 28, 1740.

John Scott exchanged to captain and lieutenant-colonel 3rd Foot Guards, April 23, 1743 ; second major thereof (and brevet- colonel), Dec. 4, 1747 ; first major; Feb. 25, 1748, to April 27, 1749; m. Sept. 29, 1748, the sister of Sir James Carnegie, 4th Bart., M.P.

Edward Strutton retired Feb. 20, 1744.

James Durand was Deputy Governor of Carlisle in 1745, when hewascourt-martialled, but honourably acquitted, for the loss of the town to the Scotch ; and lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, July 21, 1760, to June 12, 1765 ; major-general, June 24, 1759. His brother, John Durand, was captain of an Indiaman in the East India Company's merchant service, and acquired a large fortune in India. He afterwards became a London merchant ; was " Contractor for Masts" in 1769; M.P. Aylesbury, 1768 to 1774 (when defeated there) ; Plympton Earl, February, 1775, to 1780 ; and Seaford, 1780 to 1784 ; a Commissioner of Greenwich Hospital in 1781 till death; an Elder Brother of the Trinity House, July 22, 1775, till he d. at Woodcot Lodge, Carshalton, Surrey, July 19, 1788, aged 69; High Sheriff, February, 1767. Query, if they were sons or grandsons of Brigadier-General Peter Durand, Chief Engineer at Port Mahon in 1715 ; or sons of John Durand, ensign in Col. Fred. Sibourg's Regiment of French Foot, 1707 ; placed on half -pay when naturalized about 1714 ; drawing half -pay in 1740 (Dalton).

James Baker d. June 24, 1744 (Hamilton).

Thomas Bruce d. Feb. 27, 1748.

Robert Urry retired Jan. 20, 1747.

John Parslow resigned Feb. 20) 1755.

Richard Brewer exchanged to another regiment, June 17, 1740.

, Charles Gordon exchanged to major of the 6th Marines, April 21, 1743 ; lieutenant- colonel thereof, 'May 1, 1745, till broke, Nov. 10, 1748.

Robert Waller exchanged to major 38th Foot in Leeward Islands, April 22, 1743; marked " dead " in 1748 ; his successor appointed, Feb. 16, 1748.

Hon. George Boscawen, brevet-colonel^. Aug. 18, 1749 ; A.D.C. to the King, Oct. 4, 1749 ; major-general, Jan. 14, 1758 ; com- manded the 3rd Brigade in the Duke of Maryborough's attempt upon the French coast in May, 1758 ; second in command on the Irish Establishment, June, 1765 ; Lieutenant-Governor of Scilly Islands, 1750, till death ; Deputy Ranger of Witney Forest,, Oxon, June, 1751 ; licensed, Feb. 2, 1743, to m. Ann (aged 30), daughter of John Morley Tervor, M.P.

Hon. John Waldegrave, second son of James, 1st Earl Waldegrave, b. April 28 T 1718 ; exchanged to captain-lieutenant and lieutenant-colonel 3rd Foot Guards, April 11,.

1743 ; captain and lieutenant-colonel do.. Aug. 28, 1743 ; second major (and brevet- colonel), Feb. 25, 1748 ; first major, April 27,. 1749, to 1751 ; major-general, Feb. 10, 1757 ; lieutenant-general, April 10, 1759 ; dis- tinguished himself at St. Malo, 1758 ; led the van at Mind en, 1759 ; Governor of Plymouth, March, 1760, till death ; M.P. Orford, 1747 to 1754; Newcastle-under- Lyme, 1754, till he succeeded his brother- James as 3rd Earl Waldegrave, April 8 r 1763 ; Groom of the King's Bedchamber^ 1747 to 1763 ; Master of the Horse to the Queen Consort, 1770 till death : K.G. ;. Lord Lieutenant of Essex ; died of apoplexy on his way to Bath, Oct. 22, 1784.

W. R. WILLIAMS. (To be continued.) (12 S. ii. 444.)

The will of Capt. Henry Rufane was dated"

1744 and proved 1761 (73 Cheslyn). He names his mother Margaret and brothers Francis and Major William Rufane. The will of his mother Margaret (translated from the French) was dated 1759, and proved 1761 (72 Cheslyn). The will of Francis Rufane was dated 1746 at Antigua, and proved 1760 (71 Lynch). He was a lieu- tenant in the regiment there; recited the will of his father Major Francis Rufane of South- ampton, who died July 28, 1743, appointing his wife Margaret and son Major William Rufane executors ; and bequeathed the- residue of his estate to his elder brother Major William Rufane. V. L. OLIVER.

, (12 S. ii. 482.)

There is, I think, an error in the second footnote. Sir Edward Leighton, Bart., was, according to the Blue-books of Members of Parliament, M.P. for Salop county in the Parliament of 1698-1700, and for Shrewsbury- borough, 1708-10. His son Daniel Leighton