Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/19

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12 S. IV. JAN., 1918.]


not until 1715 tha,t any emblem appeared, when Hughes gives

Vivitur ingenio costera mortis erunt. This may be construed : " One lives in one's genius, other things pass away in death."

It is not known upon what, if any, authority Hughes inserts this " emblem." The words appear on the scroll surrounding Emblem I. in Peacham's ' Minerva Britannia ' (1612), where a hand is shown protruding from behind a curtain (drawn to conceal the rest of the figure), having written the words " Mente Videbor " (" by the mind I shall be seen ").

The question is, were the words given by Hughes for " Colin' a Emblem" borrowed from Peacham's book, or is there an older source ?

Colin is said to shadow the author of the ' Calender ' (published without an author's name until 1611, when it was included among Spenser's works). But Colin cannot possibly be Edmund Spenser, so it does not seem improbable that in the omission of the December emblem in 1579, and in the particular words inserted by Hughes, there is a clue to the real author of the poem.


19 Burghill Road, Sydenham, S.E.26.

BURTON AND YOUNGS FAMILIES IN NOB- FOLK. Henry Burton of Wreningham married in 1765 Elizabeth Youngs at Ash- wellthorpe ; both were buried at Langley. Can any of your readers supply me with the maiden names of their mothers, and tell me where they were born ? Neither of the parish registers gives any help.


Lmton, Cambs.

MARY CHRISTIAN alias WILLSON, 1750. She died at Ratcliffe. Had a son Andrew Hearsey Willson, and brother Theophilus Hearsey witness Andrew Hearsey (brother?). Any clues to her two husbands and an- cestors and descendants will oblige. I believe that twenty-two girls have been named after Hearsey s and Christians ; vide Baird, Elliott, &c. A. C. H.

THE POPE'S CROSIER. The Pope is said

( never to carry a crosier unless he enters the

v diocese of Treves a statement for which the

authority of St. Thomas Aquinas is claimed.

v Can any student of the Angelic Doctor verify

this statement ?

The reason that I have seen given is that when St. Peter sent SS. Eucharius, Valerius 5 , and Maternus from Rome to that city,

St. Maternus died on the way, and the others returned to tell the sad news in Rome ; but St. Peter sent them back with his staff to lay upon the dead man, and he revived. Since then the Pope never carries one, but resumes in the Treves diocese that given to St. Eucharius. A. E. P. R, D.

ST. GEORGE : Two INCIDENTS IN HIS LIFE. I should be very grateful if any of your readers could give me the authorities for the two following incidents in the life of St. George, viz., 1, his restoration to life at the hands of the Blessed Virgin ; 2, his arming by the Virgin and angels. These two scenes occur in ancient glass at St. Neots, Cornwall, and also in the English fifteenth -century alabaster reredos at La Celle, France.

In 1849 an English alabaster panel of St. George and the Dragon was exhibited in Liverpool, before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, by the late Rev. J. J. Moss. This has unfortunately been lost sight of ; it would be of much interest if its present whereabouts could be dis- covered. PHILIP NELSON.

ANTHONY ARMS AND ANCESTRY. Burke' s ' General Armory ' gives very briefly the arms of Anthony " of Suffolk." How is the leopard displayed ? It is an awkward charge to display artistically between two flaunches. Where in Suffolk was the family formerly located ? Any information will be gladly received.


The Yew Trees, Kirby, Essex.

ANGLICAN CLERGYMEN. I should be glad of some biographical details of the careers of the following clergymen :

Wilson Bewicke, D.D., Rector of Ross and Bcdenham.

Charles Cooper, D.D., R. of Kirkby Overblow, Yorks.

John Dade, V. of Stillington, Yorks.

Francis Lhirondell, R. of Skirmur, Essex (1770)

Richard Marsh, B.A. Cantab., beneficed in Essex (1750).

Gilbert Nelson, R. of Okeley Magna, Norfolk (1748).

John Orde, M.A., R. of Wensley, Cork.

John Peareth, V. of Aldworth, Berks (1720).

Thomas Slack, R. of Skirmur, Essex (1770).

Robert Swinburn, V. of Findon, Sussex (1748).

Please reply direct. J. W. FAWCETT.

Consett, co. Durham.