Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/283

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12 S. IV. OCT., 1918.]



held 20 Jan., 1405/6, 'Johannes Kent de Bedyng Mercer, quserens.' He supposes him to have been the grandfather of the boy commemorated by a small brass in the chancel of Headborne Worthy Church, near Winchester, thus inscribed :

Hie jacet Johannes Kent quondam Scholaris Novi Collegii de Wynchestre & films Simonia Kent de Redynge cujus anime propicietur deus. He was admitted as a Scholar on the 23 Aug., 1432, and died Aug. 31, 1435.

" Simon Kent was Mayor of Beading in 1430. In 1461 he sued John Kyrkeby, ' maryner ' ol Southampton, for a debt of 81. Nicholas Kent was churchwarden, 1601."


Sandgate, Kent.

EMPBBSS EUGENIE AND THE KIBK- FATBICKS OF CLOSEBUBN (12 S. iv. 104). William Kirkpatrick, resident in Malaga, was the second son of William Kirkpatrick of Conheath, in the county of Dumfries, a descendant from Thomas Kirkpatrick of Knock, who was paternally descended from Closeburn, and contemporary with Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, the first Baronet.

William Kirkpatrick settled in Spain early in life, and married Dona Francisca Maria, eldest daughter of Don Henrique, Baron Grevign6e, by whom he had one son and four daughters. The son and one daughter died in infancy. Of the three surviving daughters :

I. Dona Maria Manuela married the Comte de Teba, who upon the death of his elder brother became Comte de Montijo, Grandee of the First Class, Duke de Pena- randa, &c., and succeeded to the ample possessions as well as numerous titles of that illustrious house. They had two daughters :

1. Dona Maria Francisca de Sales, Countess de Montijo, who married the Duke of^Berwick and Alba.

2. Dona Maria Eugenia, Countess de Teba, married Napoleon III., Emperor of the French.

II. Dona Carlota Catalina married her cousin Thomas James, son of John Kirk- patrick of Conheath, and had issue four sons and a daughter.

III. Dona Henriquita married Don Domingo Cabarrus y Quilty, Count de Cabarrus, and had two daughters.

When the Comte de Teba made pro- posals of marriage to Dona Maria Manuela Kirkpatrick, it became necessary for her father to prove that his ancestry was such as to justify a Grandee of Spain in forming

the connexion. He said to his proposed son-in-law : " You trace up to King Al- phonso XI. If I trace to King Robert Bruce, I suppose his Majesty will be satis- fied." He laid before the king a patent from the Heralds' Office at Edinburgh, certifying bis descent from the ancient Barons of Closeburn, whereupon the king readily gave his assent to the marriage.

John Kirkpatrick, the eldest son and heir of William Kirkpatrick, Esq., of Conheath and Caerlaverock, and first cousin of Sir James Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, married Janet, daughter of Thomas Stothert, Esq., of Arkland, and by a patent from the Heralds' Office in Edinburgh granted to him May 16, 1791, it is certified that through his great - great - grandfather, Thomas Kirkpatrick of Knock, he was paternally descended from this ancient and distinguished family.

William Kirkpatrick of Conheath was descended in a direct line from Alexander Kirkpatrick, Baron of Kirkmichael, Dum- friesshire, which barony he obtained as a reward for the capture of James, 9th Earl of Douglas, at the battle of Burnswark, 1484 Alexander was second son of Roger Kirk- patrick, Baron of Closeburn, and the Hon. Margaret, daughter of Thomas, 1st Lord Someryille. William, the last Baron of Kirkmichael, died in 1686. His second son Robert was father of William Kirkpatrick of Conheath, the great-grandfather of the Empress Eugenie. In 1784 he still held a part of the barony of Kirkmichael. By his wife, Mary Wilson of Ketton in Galloway, he had a large family. His eldest surviving son John, as previously mentioned, married the daughter of Thomas Stothert, and had issue four sons -and one daughter, Maria Isabella. It was his second son, Thomas James Kirkpatrick, who married his Spanish cousin Carlota Catalina, sister of the Countess Montijo ; whilst the only daughter, Maria Isabella above named, married Joseph Kirk- patrick of St. Cross.

Quite recently a memorial window and a brass bearing the Kirkpatrick arms and motto, " I mak sicker," have been placed in Niton Church, Isle of Wight, " in memory of the Isle of Wight branch of the Kirk- patricks of Closeburn, who held lands in the island for 200 years." The occasion of the memorial was the death of the last male representative, Richard Temple God- man Kirkpatrick, of this branch of that ancient family. JOHN L. WHITEHEAD.
