Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/110

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. v. APRIL, 1919.

amulet, as a preservativeTfrom plague and other evils, but Lemery believed it to be -equally efficacious, as probably it was, taken internally in the form of a powder. I have not met in any professional writer kny mention of such use of the toad as that you: correspondent speak? of. C. C. B.

" STATEROOM " = PASSENGER'S CABIN (12 S. i. 307, 475). To the examples given

at the latter reference may be added :

" She had given Oapt. Whitefield twenty Guineas for the Great Cabin and State Boom. 'The Mother and Daughter lay there ; the Lady's Woman and Maid lay in a little Cabin ; the Youngkers and myself lay in the Hammocks, which we slung and unslung in the great Cabin Night and Morning, before the Maids went to Bed and rose again ; Mr. Bolt [a servant] lay in a little Cabbin in the Steerage built on Purpose. Thus our Family was exceedingly well lodg'd." ' The True Anti-Pamela : or, Memoirs of Mr. .James Parry,' 1741, p. 23. i ' '-' **J

The ship was the Two Friends, 300 tons burden ; the date of the voyage (Bristol to Charles-Town, South Carolina) was Novem- ber, 1727- January, 1728 (pp. 21, 22, 24). ROBERT PIERPOINT.

BACK-MAGAZINE DEALERS (12 S. v. 40). With reference to MR. PIERPOINT' s inquiry, I append, the names of some dealers from whom I have obtained back numbers of magazines :

Mr. George, 23 Jacob Street, Bermoridsey,


Mr. Thorpe, 53 Ship Street, Brighton.

Mr. Humphreys, 71 High Road, Streatham,


A list of such booksellers will be of great -as Distance to many. W. M. CHUTE.


Your correspondent will probably get what he wants from Messrs. George, 108 Hainault Road, London, E.ll, who are making a speciality of sets, runs, and missing Stems of British periodical literature.


MR. PIERPOINT may like to know that I have sometimes been successful in obtaining back numbers of magazines from both Mr. H. Stead, 12A Penfcon Place, Kennington, S.E.17, arid Messrs. E. George & Son, 23 Jacob Street, S.E.I. J. R. H.

ANIMONY TODD, SECRETARY OF THE O.P.O. (12 S. iv. 11, 114). He was twice >mi.rrie 1. One wife was Anne, daughter of Oiirisboph.9: Robinson of the G.P.O., London <(a m3nab8:- of a Westmorland family) ; fciio OoliDr WAS Eleanor, daughter

of Richard Smith, Esq., of Islington, co. Middlesex. The latter is the reputed mother of Lady Lauderdale. To prove this can any reader give date of either of these marriages ? What is the inscription on Anthony Todd's gravestone at Waltham- stow ? What is the date of the marriage contract between Anthony Todd and Anne Robinson mentioned at the second reference above ? J. W. FAWCETT.

Consett, co. Durham.

DEACON IN LOVE (12 S. v. 42). It has occurred to me that if the comma were placed after the word " Deacon," instead of after the word " love," the meaning of jhe sentence would become obvious at once. The chantry is stated to have been well endowed ; and the deacon was admitted bo office in the church in charity.


EDWARD HYDE, D.D. (12 S. v. 69). Edward Hyde was rector of Brightwell, and died in 1658. His mother was Barbara Castilion of Benham Valence, Berks, and she died in 1641.

She was descended from " Johanna Baptista Castilion " (sic), who was of a Piemontese family, originally of Dogliani, the name being Castiglione, from the place so called near Turin. He was granted the manors of Wood-Speen and Benham Valence in 1565 by Queen Elizabeth "for his faith- ful services to her in her ^troubles " ; and in the church at Speen, the south aisle of which is called " Castillion," there is an altar -tomb with his effigy in armour, as also one to Dame Elizabeth Castilion, wife of his son Sir Francis Castilion, who died in 1603. John Baptist's father was Sir Peter Castillion of Mantua. The present repre- sentative of the family is II Conte di Cas- tiglione Faletto. CONSTANCE RUSSELL.

Swallowfield, Reading.

Edward Hyde, baptized in Salisbury Cathedral May 12. 1606, was the seventh of the twelve sons of Laurence Hyde and Barbara Castilian his wife. There is a pedigree of the Castilian family in The Genealogist, vol. xvii. p. 74. She was a daughter of John Baptiste Castilian of Benham, Berks ; her sister Ann married Laurence Hyde's elder brother Robert.

Edward Hyde married Anne, daughter of Thomas Lambert, and had two daughters : Margaret, who married William Hearst, and Anna, who married Richard Coleman. See Wilts Notes and Queries, vol. vi; p. 435.

J. J. H.