Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/147

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12 S. V. JUNE, J919.]




C N T E N T S. No. 93.

NOTES : Morlandsand Newcomes, 141 -Byron Apocrypha, 143 Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 145 Bibliography of Histories of Irish Counties and Towns, 147 Philadelphia Link with London Indentures Bed- ford House, Bloomsbury, 148 Door-Knocker : "Bat" Mills at Bransford-Land of Punt " Flummery " Jenner Family, 149.

QUERIES : Carlyle on the Constellations " Ronier " Months J. Perry, Artist Forgotten Writers Daudet's 'Jack,' 150 Pitt and Dundas at New Cross 'Trilby ': ' Life of Henry Maitland ' : Keys Wanted Dr. George Robertson BaiHie "Get the needle" John Shakespear of Ratcliff, 151 Submarine Boat at Paris Stanhope Stoyte Family Exeter Cathedral Epitaph Bannister of Antigua- Alderson, Glass Makers-Carew Tournament Richard Hooker's Bust St. Akelda, 152 Sir Charles William Taylor, Bt. Riddle by George Selwyn Shakes- peare and the Garden Old Clockmakers Jack Straw and Wat Tyler Barr Family Master Gunner Somerset Incumbents, 153 New Chesterfield Letters Kellond Surname Labour and Capital Wayte Family Heraldic : Sable, a Lion Rampant Mercury drawn by Cocks James Cockle, of Cockle's Pills -Tilly Kettle" Argyles " or Gravy-Pots The Houghton Meeting, 154.

REPLIES : Queen Anne : The Sovereign's Veto : The Royal Assent, 155 Lilliput and Gulliver, 156 Westminster Hall Roof Aldelima, 12SO, 157 Bluecoat Schools, 1^8 War Slang" Macaroni "Deacon in Love Hon. Lieut. George Stewart Metal-bridge, Dublin Wright of Elm- sail. 159 ' Three Black Crows'-Grim or Grime Bird- scaring Songs Hedgehogs, 160 Bishops of the Fifteenth Century Rev. Dr. Clenock Boase Brothers Biblio- graphy of Epitaphs, 161 Churches used for the Election of Municipal Officers John Miers, the Profilist New Shakspere Society's Publications French Revolution : " Eat Cake," 162 Alabaculia, Name of a Racehorse- Byron's Bust at Oxford "Penniles Bench" Mews or Mnwys Family Good Friday Pleasure Fairs, 163 May "Rough" as House -Name Dickens's Topographical Slips " Pro pelle cutem ' Anthony Todfl, 164 Anguish Street: "Scores" George Borrow Missel Thrush and Mistletoe Seeds, 165 "Daverdy " The Swin " Rain cats and dogs" The 'NED.': Changes in Accentua- tion Toad-Juice Graves planted with Flowers, 166 Burt. Miniature Painter Badulla, Ceylon : Tombstone Inscription Hervey or Herver,, 167.

NOTES ON BOOKS: 'Corn from Olde Fieldes ' The Story of Dr. Johnson.'

Booksellers' Catalogues. Notices to Correspondents.



QUESTIONS have during many years been directed to ' N. & Q.' respecting the families of Morland and Newcome and the schools which they maintained with conspicuous success in these North London suburbs during the second half of the eighteenth century. The evidence which I have accu- mulated enables me, I think, to set forth in some detail the history of these families and their connexion with the schools in question.

Among the papers of Hackney Parish ihurch (Y. 163) in the Free Library of that aorough is a licence to Martin Morland to e a teacher in his house at Hackney, Middlesex, dated May 16, 1672. This Martin Morland was the son of Thomas Morland, Rector of Sulhampstead Bannister, Berks. His brother was Sir Samuel Morland, who was educated at Winchester and Magdalene College, Cambridge. I have not traced the places of education of Martin Morland.

The three sons of Mai tin Morland al^ became fellows of the Royal Society. I cannot find any trace of the schools at which they were educated or of their having proceeded to either of the Universities.

Benjamin, who was the eldest son, carried on his father's school in Hackney until his election to the High Mastership of St. Paul's in 1721.

Joseph, the second son, became a doctor of physic at Epsom ; and Samuel, the youngest son, became a schoolmaster at Bethnal Green.

We can dispose of the last first. Samuel Morland, who was a strict Dissenter, and is described in ' The Annual Register ' as one of the best scholars of his time (' N. & Q.,' 8 S. vi. 368), was the schoolmaster i nder whom Philip Yorke, afterwards Lord Chan- cellor Hardwicke, was educated, his school being " at the Blind Beggars House at Bethnal Green " (Harris, ' Life of Lord Hardwicke,' pp. 14-22 and 49, where are two Latin lettters from Morland to Hard- wicke).

Samuel Morland had two sons Martin, of whom I know nothing, and Samuel, a physician at St. Albans.

Dr. Joseph Morland, the second son of Martin Morland the schoolmaster, left, I believe, no issue.

Benjamin Morland is stated in Lysons's ' Environs ' to have been buried in Hackney Churchyard, but a search failed to discover his tomb. There is, however, in the Hackney Public Library a manuscript book of moumental inscriptions in St. Augustine's, Hackney, from which I take the following :

Here lyeth the Body of | Elizabeth Morland | late wife of | Benjamin Morland | she died on the j 7th day of November | Anno Domini MDCCXIX | aetatis suse L.VIII | [Latin inscription not legible].

H. S. E.

Benjaminus Moreland R.S.S.

Filius Natu Maximus Martini Moreland A.M.

A Quo Latinis Grsecisq: lit'ris eruditus

Optime Patri optimo respondit

Cum bonis artibus animum sedula excoluisset

Dehinc ad graviora studia progressus

Decendi Munus Suscipete statuit