Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/203

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12 S. V. AUG., 1919.1




C O N T E N T S. No. 95.

  • OTES : The Peace Pageant on the Thanus, 197-

Marriage Entries in Duplicate, 198 Incumbents and Patrons of Bredwardine and Brobury, 200 Lewknor Family, 201 Shakespeariana, 202 Marshal Foch's Patronymic, 203 Earl of Beacon sfi eld's Birthplace Early Maps Early London Orphan Asylum, 204 Moresnet: Alleged Small Republic Vinegar upon Nitre Plane Trees in London " Lorribus "Attention of a Soul to the Corpse, 205 American Link with Winchester Curious Personal Names, 206.

iUERIES : Huett Tomb Sir Peter Denis Chevalier Peter Dillon Cowap Mediaeval Scientific MSS.,206 Duffus Family -F. Le Hardy, Miniature Painter Shake- speare Signatures Mind, Memory, &c. Divorce Cases: List Wanted Charles Russell - " Bambino " John Williams Rev. Thomas Hugo, 207 Church of England Marriage Service Field-names Hore, Artist : Robertson, Miniaturist-Lowndes Marshall, 208 Brewing Kimes George Street, Portman Square William Anderson St. John Baptist Heads Yeardye Family Metal Mortars " Apochromatic "Bernard de Mandeville, 209 Scum of Democracy Seven Kings Charles Cooke, Bookseller Tobacco Pipes Popular Fallacies Ambassador Bats : Hair-Birds Poisoning Captives, 210 'Albania 'Philip Scot' The Village Blacksmith 'Authors of Quotations Wanted, 211.

JEPLIES : Indentures, 211 Master Gunner, 212-Litera- ture and Iconography of London Peace Celebrations, 213 Reverie in Old Ratcliffe : Death of C*pt. John Weddell Queen Anne : the Sovereign's Veto : the Royal Assent, 214 Mercury drawn by Cocks New Chesterfield Letters Representations of the Blessed Trinity, 215 Fish-yard Inscriptions in St. John the Evangelist's, Waterloo Road, 216 Norfolk Manuscripts" Pro pelle cutem " Jack Straw and Wat Tyler, 217 Stanhope Bibliography of Epitaphs -Fund for Preserving Memorials of the Dead in Ireland Folk-Lore : Red Hair Bluecoat Schools, 218 "Argyles" Lord Roberts : House in which he died Deacon in Love Daudet's ' Jack,' 219 Bowshot: the Longest Kellond Surname 220 George Washington's Wealth Tilly Kettle Proclamation Stones Anguish Street, 221 The Million Bank 'Mr. Howard '" Let the weak-st go to th wall " Dickens's Topographical Slips Boulogne : Registers and Epitaphs, 222 Authors of Quotations Wanted, 223.

iOTES ON BOOKS: 'Supplement to the Letters of Horace Walpole.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

(BITUARY :-Richard Welford.

foiices to Correspondents.


SAST LONDON antiquaries, especially, and the

reat Service of the ancient Brotherhood,

kiild, Corporation, and Admiralty annexe, fhose homes are dispersed so generally over he wide area of the modern Porfc of London, rere gratified to observe that some pride of lace was justly and naturally given to ' Trinity " in the national Pageant on the Thames on Aug. 4, 1919 ; and they only egretted that the Royal Progress could not ie extended to where so much English sea- dventure is historically localized to Old

Stepney and its maritime hamlets which were long " the Nursery of English seamen." The Spert monument in the south wall of the chancel of Stepney Church (which has been restored thrice at least by the records, viz., in 1725, in 1806, and in 1894) sets out that there, almost within sight of the famous Ratcliff Cross and Stairs and but a stone's throw from the Mansion House of the Stuart and Georgian Trinity Corporation, is laid the body of Sir Thomas Spert, kt., sometime Controller of the Navy to Henry VIII., " and both the First Founder and Master of the Worthie Societie or Corporation called the Trinity House, who died 8th September, 1541." To Spert the Corporation of Trinity House erected this memorial in 1622, " eighty yeares after the decease of theyr Founder," when the Trinity Guild and Fraternity had been changed into the Corporation of the Trinity House in official documents of the Brother- hood, though not in the common parlance on the Seven Seas. Metcalfe, in his * Book of Knights,' states that Sir Thomas Spert was among the " knight es made by ye Kinge at York Place now called Whitehall, Anno D'ni 1529, the 21st yere of his reigne." There do not seem to be any in 1622 to contest the claim for Thomas Spert as " of Stebonheth " in domicile and citizenship, and the Corporation's own memorial only fol- lowed and replaced the monuments upraised originally in Stepney Church by the founding pilot's own, family. For Norden says, writing of Stepney Church :

" Sir Thomas Spert, Knight, s-ometime Comp- troller of the Shipes tc H. 8, Dame Margery- Dame Anne, and Dame Mary, his wives, lie in the Chancell there."

By the Act passed in Queen Elizabeth's eighth year (1566), enabling Trinity, among other things, to grant licences to mariners to on the River Thames, the Guild or 'raternity is described as

charged with the conduction of the Queens Majesties Naval Royal, who are bound to foresee the good increase and maintenance of ships most meet for Her Majesties Marine Service."

This Act is revealing in other respects withal, for it recites that "by the destroying and taking away " of certain sea-marks on the coast, "to the great detriment and hurt of the Commonweal and the perishing of no mall number of people, both home and foreign trade was injured." Also that the provision of licences to mariners to row on the Thames had become necessary " the better to keep and refrain themselves from folly, idleness, and lewd company ; and for