Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/272

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[12 8. 7. OCT., 1919.

M.P. (son, of the Robert Nedham mentioned 12 S. v. 176), but died s.p. Jan. 22, 1749.

3. Lucius Concannon, an Irishman, m. May 10, 1790, Miss Richmond, had his portrait painted by Hoppner, R.A., and was M.P. Winchelsea, 1820, till his death in January, 1823. W. R. WILLIAMS.

" AS DEAD AS A DOOR-NAIL." What is th(

origin of this expression ? Dickens con sidered " a coffin-nail as the deadest piece o ironmongery in the trade."


FLEET PRISON RECORDS. An ancestor of mine, Thomas Free, was committed to the Fleet for non-payment of tithe in 1715 Are the records of the prison available ? RICHARD FREE.

St. Clement's Vicarage, Fulham, S.W.

" GRAM " IN PLACE-NAMES. What is the meaning of the syllable common to the following place-names : Kilgram (near Jer- vaulx Abbey), Angram (Nidderdale), Legram (Bradforddale), Leagram (Mid-Lanes.) ? Is there not a place Pegram also ? Where is it ? J. H. R.

RICHARD WARNFORD, WINCHESTER SCHOLAR. He entered Winchester College in 1560, aged 14, from Sevenhampton, and became Fellow of New College, Oxford, in 1565. He is probably to be identified with the recusant gentleman of the same name who was in prison at Winchester in 1583, and who occurs in the first Recusant Roll (of 1592-3) as owning properties in Berkshire, Wiltshire, and Hampshire. Further par- ticulars about him would be welcome.


MAURICE. I should be glad to obtain any information about the following Mau- rices, who were educated at Westminster School :

(1) E. D. Maurice at the school in 1795.

(2) F. Maurice at the school in 1718.

(3) Maysmor Maurice, admitted to Peter- house, Camb., Nov. 27, 1735, aged 17, and elected a Hale scholar in the following year.

(4) P. Maurice at the school in 1795.

(5) William Maurice, admitted in 1733, aged 7. G. F. R. B.

DERIVATION OF NAMES. Can any of your readers suggest the derivation of the following names, which are chiefly of Shropshire origin : Amphlett, Crowther, Devey, Eykyn, Gittins, Hoord, and Nock ?

W. R. F. SMITH. Norton, near Shifnal.

Two POPES. Having recently, in th course of my reading, fallen upon the two annexed statements connected with two] occupants of the Roman See, I submit that a confirmation or contradiction of them would interest others than myself. Either way they merit preservation in * N. & Q.' as curiosities of history (true or false) and literature.

I. In the third chapter of Book I. of] 'Notre Dame de Paris,' Victor Hugo writes :

" Le proverbe bachique de Benoit xii., ce pape qui avait ajoute une troisieme couronue a la tiare : 'Bibamus papaliter.' "

II. Landor, in his ' Imaginery Conversa- tions ' (vol. iii. p. 406), makes Barrow ob- serve to Newton .

'* I have already seen some hundred Sectaries of that pugnacious pope, who, being reminded that Christ commanded Peter to put up his sword, replied, 'Yes, when he had cut the ear off. "

Is there any historical basis for these assertions, and, if so, was Barrow's pope Julius II.? J. B Me. GOVERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

BLACKWELL HALL FACTOR. In looking through some old deeds, I came across the following description of some of the parties, viz., John Smith of London, Blackwell Hall Factor. Can you enlighten me as to what a Blackwell Hall Factor was ? The date of the deeds is about 1820.

J. M. ELDRIDGE. 7 St. Aldate's, Oxford.

GENDER OF "DisH " IN LATIN. Can any one tell me what is the gender of the word "Mazonomum" (or -on, or -us)? The question arose from an attempt to turn Hi ! diddle-diddle " into a Latin hexameter by a, friend who wanted to introduce it. When referred to I could only cover my ignorance by the following cloud of words :

14 Mo,^oz><5yuos is a masculine, dish

Because I say so," said Liddell.

" You may call it any gender you wish,"

Said lexicographer Riddle.

" But it's fiddle-dee-dee, old Liddell, D.D.,

For both you and your coadjutor*

Will agree with me, when you're able to see

That Mazonomum is neuter."

As a matter of fact Liddell gives it as Maovo'//.o5, Riddle gives it as Mazonomum, and another dictionary which I consulted

  • ives it as either Mazonomus (masculine), or

Vlazonomon (neuter).

J. FOSTER PALMER. 3 Oakley Street, S.W.
