Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/297

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12 S. V. Nov., 1919.]



Mr. Savaker (according to Duncomb-Cooke) ; this appears to have been sold before the end of the seventeenth century, and the manor became part of the Garnons Estate owned by Sir John Cottrell, Bart. I should be glad of any further information about this " Mr. of the Arts."

H. F. B. COMPSTON. Bredwardine Vicarage, Hereford.

JOHN BELL. About 1736, Elizabeth Robinson married John Bell, described in Dugdale's ' Visitation of Yorkshire ' (vide The Genealogist, 1903, vol. xx. p. 188) as " of Scarborough." It was, perhaps, his granddaughter who married John Beswick of Gristhorpe before 1825 (Burke's 'Landed Gentry '). Is anything known of John Bell, or of his family or descendants ? In what parish of Scarborough did he live ?


BLACKSTONE : THE REGICIDE. Is any- thing known as to his fate at the Restora- tion, and as to whether he left any de- scendants ? Judging from the impression of his seal attached to the death warrant he was of the ancient Durham family of that name. B.

ALLEYNE OR ALLEN. I should be grateful for any information about the following boys of this name, who were educated at West- minster School :

(1) Thomas, admitted 1723, aged 13.

(2) Abel, admitted 1730, aged 8.

(3) Bernard, admitted 1731, aged 10.

(4) John, admitted 1715, aged 13.

(5) John, admitted 1736, aged 11.

(6) John, admitted 1749, aged 16.

(7) Reynold, admitted 1715, aged 15.

(8) William, admitted in 1775.

G. F. R. B.

JOHN NORCROSS. In Swedish-Danish his- tory during some years after 1716 there figures an English freebooter and captain in the Swedish service, by name John Norcross.

According to his own biography, written and printed in Denmark, 1761 and 1786, he was born in 1688 ; his father was George Norcross and his mother a Rigby. The father was at this time with James II. in Ireland and followed him back to France. The son, our Xorcross, brought himself, as he says, up to a captain in the English navy, after many adventures in the East Indies, &c. ; but had as a Jacobite to seek safety in flight, and went to Sweden in 1716, where he made himself a very unenviable reputation as a captain and robber during Carl XII. 's war with his many foes.

Is there anything written or known in England about him before 1716 or after 1721, when he seems to have been with the Jacobites in France ? Lord Carteret speaks of him as with the Swedish ambassador in England. I shall be thankful for any answer or communication on the matter. C. SPRINCHORN, Dr. Phil.

Lund, Sweden.

FOUR ROYAL RIVERS OF SCOTLAND. Which are they, and why are they called so ?

(Miss) E. W. PATERSON. 27 Queen's Crescent, Maytield, Edinburgh.

PATRICK BRADY. Could any of your readers give information about the family of Patrick Brady, scholar of Trinity College, Dublin (B.A., 1796), whose son John Brady was in the Irish Excise Office and died in London in 1848 ? A brother or relative of Patrick emigrated to the United States about 1820-30, and' died at Albion, Illinois, United States about 1860. The family was related to a Sir John Brady. Who was he ?

R. B. C. SHERIDAN. Russell House, West Kensington Gardens.

AUTHOR OF ANTHEM WANTED. Who was the author of the words of Farrant s anthem, "Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake, lay not our sins to our charge." In the Cathedral anthem book it is merely headed 'A Prayer.' F. ARMITAGE.

Law Society's Hall, Chancery Lane, VV.C.


WANTED. The Rev. Thomas Cantrell, M.A., sometime Master of Derby Grammar School, who died in 1700.

William Cantrell, bookseller, Derby, who married the daughter of John Blackwall (son of Rev. Anthony Backwall and his second wife, Thomas Cantrell's widow).

The Rev. William Cantrell, b. 1716, son of Henry and grandson of Thomas Cantrell.

I should be glad of any information what- ever, but especially facts relating to their ancestors and descendants.

L. C. BARRY. 78 Cherryhinton Road, Cambridge.

'CoBDEN: A BAGMAN.' Was ' Cobden : a Bagman wit^h a Calico Millennium,' by Carlyle, and, if so, in which of his works can it be found ? C. R. FAY, M.A.

" PETERLOO." What is the earliest use of the word " Peterloo " to denote the tumult at St. Peter's Fields, Manchester, on Aug. 16, 1816 ? C. R. FAY, M.A.

Christ's College, Cambridge.