Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/344

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Arnold (W. H.), author of " The Devil's Bridge,

&c., 126, 166

44 Art of Conversation," its author wanted, 267 " As dead as a doornail," its origin, 266, 303, 304 Astertion flowers nasturtium, 267, 302 4 Atheist's Tragedy,' by Tourneur, its date, 228 Aubrey (Rev. Thomas), Rector of Brobury, his

grave, 290

Auchmutz (Robert), American loyalist, his tomb- stone, 236 Audlem near Nantwich, connected with Aldelima,


Augury from magpies in Shakespeare, 5, 116 Australian memorial inscriptions : St. James's

Church, Sydney, 174 Austrian money from London Mint for Abyssinia,

12 Aviation, project, in 1835, 58, 107; prophetic

verses in eighteenth century, 64 Aylesford, Countless Stones, bibliography wanted,


Badulla, Ceylon, tombstone at, 37, 78, 167

Bagnal family, its history, 176

Baillie (Dr. George Robertson), information

wanted, 151 Baillie (Thomas), particulars wanted of four

persons of that name, 293

41 Bambino," wax figure, information wanted, 207 Bank note slang, 309 Bank of England, its nickname, 238 Bannister (Anthony), his statue, at Hull, 147 Bannister family of Antigua, information wanted,

152 ' Baptiste Mantuani Carmelite,' poems, particulars

of editions, 12

Baring family, memorial at Exeter, 89 Barnard, Col", 1778, painted by Romney, particu- lars wanted, 238 Barnard (Dudley) or Bernard, information wanted,

68 Barnard or Bernard family, information wanted,

68, 182

Barr family arms, information wanted, 153' Barroon as street name, information wanted, 317 Barth, place-name, its reference, 238, 279 Bartlett (Rev. W.), Rector of Newark, 125 Bat, figure of. as door-knocker, explained, 149 Batchelor (John), his statue at Cardiff, 146 Bats entangled in hair, 210 Baxter (Richard), his family, 66, 130 " Bayninge," obsolete name of bird, 125 Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of), alleged pension to Martin Tupper, 11 ; birthplace, 204, 328; description of Gladstone , 1 1 ; educated at Walthamstow, 287 ; statue at Bolton, 312 Bedford House, Bloomsbury, particulars of sale

in 1800, 148 Bell 'John), of Scarborough, information required,

291 Bell Tavern, Broad Street, Bristol, particulars

wanted, 295 Bells, Hampshire church, and their founders, 44,

109, 304 Benedict XII., Pope, statement about him

questioned, 266, 305 Berkshire tombstone inscriptions, 182 Bernard (Dudley) or Barnard, information sought

Bertram de Bourne,' ballad, information wante<


3ewdley apprentices and Mothering Sunday, 6; ' Biajer " sea-gipsies, 24 Bibliographical Society of Ireland, inauguri

meeting and objects, 111

Bibliography :

Ackermann (A. S. E.), 'Popular Fallacies


' Boyle (Capt. Robert), Vovages of,' 29

Briefs, church, 294, 331

Byron (George Gordon, 6tb Lord), h

Apocryphal writings, 1 13, 143 Byron as a character in fiction, 80 Byron's ' Don Juan,' cantos 17 and 18, 17


Campbell (Sir Gilbert), his poems, 238 Caractacus, works on, 237, 275 Cistercian Order, 320 ' Countless Stones,' Aylesford, 318 Crusaders, MS. list, 236 de Mandeville (Bernard), editions, 210 ' De Sanctis ' the Anglo-French version, 28 Druids, works on the, 237, 275 Du Maurier (George), kev to his nov

'Trilby,' 151, 245 Diirer's engraved works, 231 Epitaphs, 68, 129. 161, 192, 218, 274 Hamilton (Walter), F.R.G.S., his article


Henricus de Hoyta, 265, 298 Henricus Hembuch de Hassia dictus <

Langenstein, 265, 298 Immurement (mediaeval), 320 Irish county and town histories, 147 Knox's ' spirit of despotism,' 176 London Feace Celebrations, 175, 213, 315 Mam (David M.) writer on the Engli

sonnet. 236

Mortars, domestic and others, 250, 277 Isew Shakspere Society publications. 162 Norfolk MSS., 182, 217 Plane trees, 205 ' Popular Fallacies,' by A. S. E. Ackerman

210 Prudentius's ' Psychomachia,' translation

14, 75

Richard I's captivity, books on, 77 Roberts (Morley), key to his novel, ' Life

Henry Maitland,' 151, 269 Robertson (John), pseudonymous poet, 49 Royal Bengal, Madras or Bombay Artillei

bibliography of works by officers hi the, 1

Lt.-Col. J. H. Leslie and Lt.-Col. D. Smit


Scientific MSS., mediaeval, 206 Scott's ' Quentin Durward,' 268, 306 Souls exchanged in fiction, 124, 191, 246, 21

306, 334 Southey (R.), contributions to ' Critit

Review,' 187 Stained glass, old, 70

' Struwwelpeter,' English translations, 68 ' Swiss Family Robinson,' 1st Eng. editic


Temple -Bar, iconography, 253 Thackeray (Wm. M.), ' The Newcome

key to, 14, 77

Thames tunnels, 181, 297, 298 Wheatley (James), Methodist cobbler, 267