Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/348

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.

Daudet's ' Jack,' illustrated by Myrbach, notes

on, 150, 219

" Dayerdy," meaning of word, 11, 166 David, ' Episcopus Becreensis,' 1315, origin of his

title wanted, 238, 326 Dawson (Robert), Bishop of Clonfert, his family,

188 " Deacon in love," meaning of term, 42, 104,

159, 219

Deering (George), information wanted, 319 Defoe (Daniel), connection with Alexander Selkirk


Dehany family, 268, 330 de Mandeville (Bernard), editions of his works,

210 De Miners family, its history, 170 ; see also 16,

72, 101

Denis (Sir Peter), his history, 206, 242 Dennis (Edward) the hangman, his fate, 235 " Derby Blues," history of the corps, 97, 138 Derby race of 1811, reference wanted, 124 Desaguliers (Rev. John Theophilus), D.C.L.,

F.R.S., particulars of marriage wanted, 318 " De Sanctis," the Anglo-French version, 281 Dessin's Hotel, Calais, its history, 20, 51 Devey family, information wanted, 95 Devils blowing horns and trumpets, 48, 186 Devonshire House, an old river bed behind it, 288 Dickens's (Charles) error in ' Barnaby Rudge,' about Dennis the hangman, 235 ; his careless- ness about the use of cheques, 136, 187 ; a peculiarity of his style, 164; topographical slips in ' Our Mutual Friend,' 37 ; in ' Tale of Two Cities,'fcl36, 187, 222 ; in ' David Copperfield,' 164 ; in' Sketches by Boz,' 250 Dickson (Janet), wife of John Home of Foulshot-

law, 10

Dillon (Chevalier Peter), his history, 206, 271 " Dinkum Shop," meaning of phrase, 7, 79 " Dish " in Latin, its gender, 266, 300 Divorce and bigamy, attitude of Mr. Justice

Maule, 61, 129

Divorce, list of cases wanted, 1755-1765, 207 Dobson (Lt.-Col. Sir Benjamin A.), statue at

Bolton, 312

Docwra family, its history, 260 Dodd the forger, Wills's play about, 124 Dorrian (James), M.D., statue at Bolton, 313 " Double Falsehood," play, its disputed author- ship, 30, 60, 86

" Down " and " up " often misused, 262 " Dress-maker's twist," " mantle-maker's twist,"


" Drofsilver " and " drof court," in fifteenth cen- tury, 313

Dromore, its fifteenth century bishops, 107, 161 Druids, works about them wanted, 237, 275 Dublin, tolls levied at Metal-bridge, 159 DufEus family of Kingston, Jamaica, 207 Dugdale Society proposed to publish Warwick- shire records, 223

Du Maurier (G.), key to 'Trilby,' 151, 245 Duncombe's (Sir Sanders) powder, 41 Dundas and Pitt, drinking at New Cross, 151,

1 t/O

Diirer's joke about Wilibald Pirkheimer, 231 Durrow Castle, near Tullamore, its history, 180 Durston (John), prebend of Bursalis, in Chichester

Cathedral, 276

Dutton (Mrs. Anne), her history and bible, 247 Dyer (George), his portrait and autobiography,

East Anglian characters and characteristics in

rime, 1785, 178, 246 East Hatley, co. Cambridge, monumental brass*

260 East India Company, directors, names of, ar

Charles Lamb's ' The Superannuated Man,' 2! Edgell family related to Moore family of Eghai

284 Edward the Confessor's Crown, representation

a tapestry, 238, 327 Edward III., his oath of fealty for Guienne,


Edward VII., memorial bust at Bolton, 313 Edwards (Richard), correspondence of, 16697

33, 117 Egioke family of Egioke, co. Worcester, its fal

information wanted, 14 Elections of municipal officers, churches used fc

162 Elephant, its relation to name Oliphant, 238, 30

334 Elizabeth (Queen) and Sir Walter Raleigh at San<

gate, 98, 273 Elliston (Robert William), his epitaph, 63, 13

place of education, 135, 193, 216, 250 Elmes family, whereabouts of MS. wanted, 320 Elsinore, Denmark, etymology of name, 8 Emerson (Ralph Waldo), elucidation of h

' English Traits,' 234, 275, 302, 327 English Army list of 1740, 270 English at Boulogne, records of births, marriagi

and deaths, 181 Epigram : "A little garden little Jowett made

its authorship, 288 Epictetus, translation of lines ascribed to, i

Johnson's 'Anthologia Graeca,' 10, 49 " Episcopus Recreensis," origin of title wante*

Epitaphs :

American soldiers (War, 1914-18), 36

Aubrey (Rev. Thomas), 290

Badulla, Ceylon, 37, 78, 167

Berkshire, 182

Bibliography of, 68, 129, 161, 192, 218, 274!

Boulogne, Protestant cemetery, 181

Curious Christian (Rome), 314

Exeter Cathedral, 152, 241, 273

Shallcross (Philip), animal lover, 290

" Si quis forte rogat," 94

Slaves, 26, 81

Superphosphate, its introducer, 289

Sylke (William), c. 1485, 152, 241

Wilson (Mrs. Sophia), in Ceylon, 37

Error, an example of persistent, 315

Essex Hall, Walthamstow, its history, 286

" Est melius nun quam ....," interpretation <

reference wanted, 317 Etchings by T. Parker, 1838, 183, 241 Euler's prediction of the end of the world, referen<

wanted, 42 Exchange of souls in fiction, 124, 191, 246, 279, 30(

333 Executions of Cornish and Devonian priest!

1548-9, 96, 131, 183, 243, 332 " Eyewash," war slang, 19