Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/363

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



B. (H. C.) on Col. Barnard, 1778, 238

B. (H. W.) on Kleinschmidt (J. J.), 295. " Now then ! " . 295 Wilson (Major), 321

B. (J. P.) on Richard Baxter's family, 66

B. (B.) on Duncombe's (Sir Sanders) powder, 14. " Romer " months, 150

B. (R. S.) on Bluecoat School at Warrington, 159. " Heater-shaped," 22. Meaning of " Penniles Bench," 126

B. (T. K. E.) on custom connected with school prize compositions, 70

B d on Thomas Greenwell, 294

B n (A.) on Cheveley and Tudgay, painters, 68

Baddeley (St. Clair) on De Miners family, 16, 170. Henry I.'s Gloucester Charter, 16, 74, 101. Roger de Gloucester, 17. Shrapnel ( Win. Fisher), F.S.A., 67

Baker (H. R. Popham), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., on Barr family arms, 153. Bartlett (Rev. William), 125. Earls of Kilmorey and theBagnal family, 176, Harrison (Dr. Thomas) of Bath, 125

Baldock (Major G. Yarrow), on Rev. Thomas Hugo, 248

Balfe (M.) on rede-birds, 329

Barnard (Geo. W. G.) on Society for Preserving the Memorials of the Dead, 249

Barnard (H. C.) on Barnard or Bernard family, 68, 182. Haggatt (John), 68. Taylor (Harry) of Lending, 319

Barns (Stephen J.) on epitaph to slave in Essex, 26. Foundling entries in Parish Registers, 71

Barrule on Mind, memory and understanding, formula, 207

Barry (L. C.) on Cantrell family, 291

Bayley (A. R.) on the French national emblem, 131. King rescued by dogs, 317. Odessa in Roman times, 137

Beard (Charles) on Edward III.'s oath of fealty for Guienne, 9. Ripon spurs, 119. Spurriers' terms, 42

Beddows (H. T.) on foundling entries in parish registers, 72

Bell (Alexander) on the Anglo-French " de Sanctis," 281

Bennitt (Mrs. S.) on Brooke Robinson of Dudley, 97

Bensly (Prof. Edward) on Aristotle on the Greek Temperament, 22. Authors of quotations wanted, 26, 83, 139. Bird-scaring songs, 132.

l Browne (Sir Thomas) confused with Thomas Brown (1663-1704), 6. Byron's bust at Oxford, 163. " Drink by word of mouth," 330. Emer- son's ' English Traits,' 302. Epictetus in

  • Anthologia Grseca ' of Johnson, 49. An Exeter

cathedral epitaph, 241, 273. " Gamp " as adjec- tive, 333. Gender of ' dish ' hi Latin, 300.

, Gibbon's prophecy about ' Tom Jones,' 303. Griffiths (Ralph), 307. Henry de Langenstein

! and Henry de Hoyta, 298. Inscriptions in St.

John the Evangelist's, Waterloo Road, 135.

! Johnson (Samuel) and Ben Jonson, 103. " Lam- bendo effingere," "Lick into shape," 129. The longest ^bowshot, 278. " Nablette " and " Bontefeu," 108. Missel thrush and mistletoe seeds, 165. " Nos habitat, non tartara." source of , 119. The Pope's crosier, 24. Prudentius's ' Psychomachia,' 75. Sol as a woman's name in England, 21. " Three Black Crows," its author- ship, 160. " Tragedy of Nero " and ' Piso's Con- spiracy.' 323. " Vestis Adriatica,' 92. West- minster Hall roof, 157. " When you die of old age, &c." 325.

Benson (W. K.) on the Homes of Foulshotlaw and

Janet Dickson, 10. Kinghorn of Fireburnmill,

near Coldstream, 10

Bere (Charles) on " Hell for leather," 5 Bernau (Chas. A.) on Norfolk manuscripts sold,

182 Berry (Oscar), F.C.A., C.C., on John Wilson,

bookseller, 277 Bland (F. M.) on Campbell's (Sir Gilbert) poems,

238. Richenda, Christian name, 237 Bloom (J. Harvey) on bird-scaring songs, 160.

Brewing rimes, 209. Grim or Grime, place- name, 137. Heavitree, co. Devon, 1553-1653,

93. A letter of Warwick the Kingmaker, 120.

Mothering Sunday at Bewdley, 65. Orling-

bury family, 14. Portraits on gravestones, 306. -

Quarrymen's terms, 289. Shield of Flanders,

323. Trousered piano legs, 301. "When you die

of old age, &c.", 325 Bottom (R. H. B.) on Arnold's (W. H.) identity,

166. " Pro pelle cutem," 164 Bowes (Arthur) on merchant marks, 23 Bracey (F.R.) on an error in Bosweirs, ' Johnson,*

176 Brabrook (E.) on Shakespeare and the garden, .

306 Bradbury (F.) on " Argyles " or gravy pots, 219,

248. Crest on church plate, 50. Paten used aa

salver, 50

Bradstow, enquiry about Niccolo da Uzzano, 11 Brandreth (Henry Samuel) on French political '

saying, 69 Bridge (Dr. Joseph C.) on Considine's (Capt. Wm.),

memorial at Chester, 261. Cowap surname,

272 Broadwood (Lucy E.) on the song " The Poor

Thresher," 108 Brown (John W.) on foundling entries hi parish

registers, 72. The knight's tour in chess, 136,

325 Brown (William) on David, " Episcopus Re-

creensis," 238 Bulloch (J. M.) on Dillon, (Chevalier Peter), 206.

Epitaph to the introducer of superphosphates, ..

289. First American soldiers to fall in war

(1914-18), 36. " Handwriting " as surname, 93.

Pseudonyms, 329. Scripps (James Edmund), -

65 Burnham (M.) on title of book wanted, 267

C. (C. A. ) on Sir Charles William Taylor, Bt., 153

C. (E. G.) on a Byronic statue in Fleet Street, 82. " Why don't they eat cake ? " 53

C. (H.) " Crest," a measure, 69. Fleete (William) of Selworthy, 74. " Hedsilver," " Drofsilver," " Drofcourt " and " Perksilver," 313. Hoorde (William), 241. Warnford (Richard), 324

C. (W. A. B.) on David, " Episcopus Recreensis,' 326. " Deacon in love," 219. Fifteenth century bishops, 273. Hooker's (Richard) bust, 306. Jenner family, 245. Lakes Pascholler and Ca- lendari, 61. Richard I.'s captivity, 77. West- country priests executed in 1548, 131

C n (H.) on " Boche " and "Snob," 182. Mal- vern Priory tombstone inscription, 267

Canavan (M. J.) on Thomas Shepard, 271