Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/371

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



Stocker (Charles J.) on George Stocker, Devonian

priest, 183 Stockton (Helen Hamilton) on Richard Stockton

of Kiddington, 94 Stone (J. Harris) on author of quotation wanted,

239. Stratton (Charles E.) on ' The Poor Thresher '

(song), 66 Strugnell (G. Kenneth) on schools, &c., of St.

Dunstan's-in-the-East, 69 Swithinbank (J. W.) on furniture screws and pegs,

236. Three metal mortars, 209 Swynnerton (Charles), F.S.A., on a Gloucester

Charter of Henry I., 73 Sykes (H. Dugdale) on Tourneur's ' Revenger's

Tragedy ' ; ' Second Maiden's Tragedy,' 225

T. (W. M.) on "Clarte est la bonne foi des philosophes," 39, 135. Coleridge on immor- tality, 39.

T. (Y.) on Brown family of Brown's Bay, 98. Byron's bust at Oxford, 122

Tapley-Soper (H.) on Heraldic : captor and his captive's arms, 133. " Scrounge," 18. " Eye- wash," 19

Tavare" (Fred. L.) on Charles I. farthing found, 195. Cromwell (Mrs. Susan), 232. Discoveries in coins, 301. Early map of New York, 204. Westcott (Philip), portrait painter, 246

Taylor (J. Marshall) on Bluecoat Schools, 126

Taylor (William) on Prudentius's ' Psychomachia,'

Temple (Sir Richard C.) on clayballs as Christmas collecting boxes, 39. Correspondence of Richard Edwards, 33, 117. Four gun salute at officer's burial at sea, 38

Thomas (Ralph) on Cornish biographers, 88

Thorns (Alex.) on " scores," 165

Thorn-Drury (G.) on William Peer, the alleged actor, 331

Thorne (J. R.) on " Digger " and " Bill Jim," 19. Heart burial, 134

Toke (N. E.) on " As dead as a door-nail," 304

Treich (L.) on foreign offspring of ' N. & Q.,' 38

Tomson (Octavius) on J. Turner, painter, 69

Turner (Frederic) on Moore or More family of Egham, Surrey, 264, 284

Turpin (Pierre) on devils blowing horns, 186. Edward the Confessor's crown, 238. Repre- sentations of the Blessed Trinity, 215

Tyrrell (T. W.) on " Three Cripples " tavern, 334


Udal (J. S.) F.S.A., on hereditary scholarship, 297. Shield of Flanders, 323. Suggested change in the Royal Arms, 1

V. on Fund for Preserving MemoriaL=fof the Dead

in Ireland, 218 Valeat quantum, on Wright family of South

Elmsall, 159 Venn (John) on '^Alumni Cantabrigienses.'66


W. (A. T.) on Marazion place-name, 328

W. (F.) on Finkle as street-name, 109

W. (G. H.) on Charles I.'s journey from Oxford to Southwell, 326. Locality of Fremland, Essex, 295. Nicholson (General John), 330. Seven Kings, place-name, 249. Thames tunnels, 298

W. (J. B.) on ' Greek Anthology ' at Eton, 75

W. (J. C.) on bibliography of epitaphs, 218

W. (J. D.) on labour, land and capital, 154

W. (W. R.) on " The Derby Blues," 97. Kent family, 106

Wainewright (John B.) on ' Adeste fideles ' and Rabelais, 329. " As dead as a door-nail," 304. Cambrai and Le Cateau mentioned, 1577, 26. Challoner's (Richard) family, 235. Clenock (Rev. Dr.), 161. Clerke (Edmund), clerk of the Privy Seal, 83. Coorg State princess, 298. Cotesmore (Thomas), 292, 334. Derivation of names, 326. Durston (John) and Dale (John), 276. Executions of West-Country priests, 96, 332. Emerson's ' English Traits,' 275. For- gotten writers, 150. Garrett, Portuguese poet, 182. Hoorde (William), 179. Hopkins, Michell and Cotesmore, priests, 292. Knibb (Joseph), clockmaker, 123. Lakes Fascholler and Calen- dari, 13. " Lambendo effingere " and " Lick into shape," 69. Lewknor family, 201. ' The Light Invisible,' book-title, 123. Maison Rouge, Frankfort, 321. Marazion, 328. " Non- naturals," 176. Occurrence of " camouflage " in American telegram, 42. Old clock and watchmakers, 153, 237. Peat (Rev. Sir Robert), 23. Powell (David) priest at Brussels, 295. Richard I.'s captivity, 21. Russell (Charles) or Russel, Winchester Scholar, 207. Rutter family name, 54. St. Henry the Englishman, 50. Scot (Philip), 211. ' Struw- welpeter ' in English, 68. Sylke epitaph at Exeter, 152. Wainewright (Jeremiah), 180. Warnford (Richard), Winchester Scholar, 266, 324. Wodecocke (Lawrence), 318

Wallis-Tayler (A. W.) on Grafton, Oxon., 320. Hamilton of Liscloony, 317. Longworth Castle, Herefordshire, 320

Walters (H. B.) on Hampshire church bells and their founders, 109

Ward (Joseph Heald) on Herrick's debt to Andrew Willet, 37. Parkinson family, 97

Waters (Arthur W.) on Charles Lamb's em- ployers, 287

Watkin (Hugh R.) on Crusaders' names, 293. Kellond surname, 189. Proclamation stones, 275

Watson-Taylor (John) on Edward Hyde, D.D., 105. Louisa spelt Lueazer, 276

Wayman (H. W. B.) on Anguish as street-name, and " scores," 165, 221

Weekley (Prof. Ernest) on Cowap surname, 247

Weeks (Wm. Self) on Bell and Shoulder tavern sign, 109. Churches used for election of municipal officers, 127. Clay balls as Christ- mas collecting boxes, 79. Foundling entries in Parish Registers, 71. Indentures, 211. Mar- riage entries in duplicate, 198. Rose of Denmark tavern sign, 138. St. Alkelda, 190. ' Three Black Crows,' its authorship, 160

Welby (Alfred) on " shiffle-shuffle," 177

Wheeler (C. B.) on points in ' Quentin Dvrward r 268. Tombstone inscription, 305