Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/45

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12 S. V. FEE , 1919.]



and allied associations, and when was it discontinued ? I have failed to get any definite information on the point.


CLAY BALLS AS CHRISTMAS COLLECTING BOXES. Peter Mundy, a Cornishman, in describing some Portuguese sports that he saw at Macao in 1637, says that the com- petitors used " little round hollow empty earthen halffe baked balles .... beeing like to such as are made For servauntts to gather Mony att Christmas etts. festi vails."

Can any reader inform me whether such collecting boxes were peculiar to Cornwall (Mundy was born at Penryn), and whether there is any record substantiating Mundy 's statement ? I have failed to find any trace of the custom. R. C. TEMPLE.


continuation of my inquiries regarding the Gokisworthy family (see 12 S. iv. 185, 228, 258), I am advised that there is also a place- name " Goldsworthy," and I ask for any information from your readers on this point. I shall take pleasure in replying direct.


49 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, New York.

[Bartholomew's ' Gazetteer of the British Isles ' states that there is a tithing named Goldsworth in the parish of Woking, six miles north of Guildford, in Surrey.]


Can any of your readers inform me what exactly is meant by " jur de la vile " ? The phrase occurs in accounts of the legal procedure of borough courts. A defendant, unless he is a foreigner, is entitled to an adjournment to this "town day" after his appearance to answer his summons. Was it the 'regular weekly meeting of the borough court, or has it some special significance ?

J. S. F.



hauer in his 'Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason ' (chap. i. 3) attributes to Vauve- nargues the following epigram : " La clarte est la bonne foi des philosophes." But I cannot find it in the works of the Frenchman. Schopenhauer may have com- pounded it from recollections of nos. 4 and 5 of Vauvenargues' * Reflexions et Maximes ' : 4 * L ? clar *e orne les pensees profondes." 5. " L'obscurite est le royaume de 1'erreur." But, if Schopenhauer really quoted from Vauvenargues, perhaps some reader can give the exact reference. W M T


S. T. COLERIDGE ON IMMORTALITY. The Rev. Samuel Minton, on the title-page of his

  • Unworthy of Eternal Life ' (in reply to

Canon Liddon), quotes from S. T. C. without a reference :

" I am confident that the doctrine [of conditional immortality] would be a far stronger motive than the present : for, no man will believe eternal misery of himself, but millions would admit that if they did not amend their lives they would be undeserving of living for ever." Can any reader of * N. & Q.' supply the reference ? It is probably to some letter or conversation. I cannot find it in S. T. C.'s ' Works.' W. M. T.

SCOTCH UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. Are there any published works dealing with, or giving lists of, graduates of the Scotch Universities Edinburgh, Glasgow, &c. ?

Consett, co. Durham. J ' W FAWCETT.

[The British Museum Catalogue contains the following works relating to the subject : ABERDEEN.

List of persons admitted to the degree of Master of Arts, in the University and King's College of Aberdeen, from the year 1800 in- clusive, pp. 67. Aberdeen, 1866. 8vo.

Lists of officers. University and King's College, Aberdeen, 1496-1860. By P. J. A[nderson]. pp. 94. [Aberdeen,] University Press, 1893. 4to.

Boll of alumni in Arts of the University and King's College of Aberdeen, 1596-1860. Edited by Peter J. Anderson, pp. xiii, 275. 1900. 4to. EDINBURGH.

A catalogue of the graduates in the faculties of Art, Divinity, and Law, of the University of Edinburgh, since its foundation. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo. [Edited by D. Laing.]

Alphabetical list of graduates. .. .from 1859 to 1888. With historical appendix, pp. 139. Edinburgh [1889]. 8vo.

List of the graduates in Medicine in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh from 1705 to 1866. (Alpha- betical index of names.) 2 pt. Edinburgh, Neill & Co., 1867. 8vo.


A roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow from 31st December, 1727. to 31st December, 1897, with short biographical notes. By W. Innes Addison. pp. x, 695. Glasgow, MacLehose & Sons, 1898. 8vo.

The matriculation albums of the University of Glasgow from 1728 to 1858. Transcribed and annotated by....W. Innes Addison. pp. xiv, 607. Glasgow, 1913. 4to.


Discipulorum nomina in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! in Academia Andreana, 1842 1846]. 4 pt. Andreapoli, A. Reid, 1845. 8vo. The matriculation roll of the University of Saint Andrews, 1747-1897. Edited, with intro- duction and index, by James Maitland Anderson. Edinburgh, 1905 [and later], Blackwood & Sons. 8vo.

There are also some lists of graduates in special years or subjects.]