Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/74

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 s. v. MARCH, 1919.

FRANCIS HARVEY OF NATAL. I wonder if some reader of ' N. & Q.' has in his possession, and would lend me for perusal and bibliographical purposes, a series of pamphlets written by Francis Harvey of Verulam in Natal, father of the late Thos. Morgan Harvey of London. He wrote under the pseudonym of Zethar an auto- biographical account of his early days in Phillack, Cornwall.


88 Horton Grange Road, Bradford.

CHEVELEY AND TUDGAY, MARINE PAINTERS. I am desirous of obtaining particulars about John Cheveley (born 1745, died 1786 : was he a lieutenant in the navy ?) and - - Tudgay, both painters of marine subjects. The latter lived during the middle of the nineteenth century. A. B N.

CANTWELL FAMILY. Information about the crest and history of the Irish branch of the Cantwell family will be welcomed. Please write direct to E. J. CANTWELL.

14 Claude Road, Drumcondra, Dublin.

ABANAZAR. A distinguished popular journalist has forgotten De Quincey's warn- ing that " as people read nothing in these days that is more than forty-eight hours old, I am daily admonished that allusions, the most obvious, to anything in the rear of our own time need explanation." The writer, in criticizing some statesmen now in power, refers to them as " Abanazars " who have involved themselves in a new mess more awkward than the one from which they recently struggled. The reference is not explicable in the books ordinarily in a public library. Who was Abanazar ?


DUDLEY BERNARD OR BARNARD. In- formation is sought concerning Dudley Bernard, son of Abel of Clewer, Berks, gent., of St. Albans Hall. Matric. Oct. 11, 1639, age 18 ; M. A. 1642 ; B.D. June 6, 1646. Of what parish was he vicar, and when and where did he die ?


JOHN HAGGATT described in the original MSS. as of Magdalen Coll., Oxford, and as a son of Bartholomew Haggatt of Wells, Somerset was installed by proxy in the prebend of Comb XV., Wells Cathedral, pursuant to the mandate of Bishop Gilbert, on June 6, 1581. I shall be grateful if one of your readers who has access to the usual books of reference will kindly inform us of what parish he was the vicar. He appar-

ently died 1588, as in that year his successor was installed as prebendary in Comb XV. His name is not in Weaver's ' Somerset Incumbents.' He could not be the John Haggatt of Somerset who matriculated at Magdalen Coll., Nov. 24, 1581, aged 16 six months later. H. C. BARNARD.

Burnham, Somerset.

HELICON LLOYD OF MERIONETHSHIRE. Can any reader give particulars about this personage, and say where in this county he lived ? ANEURIN WILLIAMS.

SUSANNAH OWENS. Information concern- ing Susannah Owens, known as " Egg gal," who was married at Keith Chapel Aug. 4, 1748, will oblige.


Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon.

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EPITAPHS. Is it pos- sible to compile a list of works on or dealing witeh pitaphs ? J. W. FAWCETT.

Consett, co. Durham.

[The Catalogue of Books in the Beading-Boom of the British Museum has the following under ' Epitaphs ' :

English Monumental Inscriptions Society. Begister of English Monumental Inscriptions. 1911, &c. 8vo.

Jervise (A.). Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial-Grounds and Old Buildings in the North- East of Scotland. 2 vols. 1875, '79. 8vo.

Parsons (P.). Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of 100 Churches, chiefly in Kent. 1794. 4to.

Pettigrew (T. J.). Chronicles of the Tombs. (Bohn's Beference Library.) 1888. 8vo.

Suffling (E. B.). Epitaphia : being a Collec- tion of 1300 British Epitaphs. 1909. 8vo.

Other works on the subject are :

Cansick (F. T.). Epitaphs from Monuments in St. Pancras. 2 vols. 1869-72. 8vo.

Cansick (F. T.). Epitaphs from Monuments in Hornsey, Tottenham, Edmonton, Enfield, Friern Barnet, Hadley. 1875. 8vo.

Bavenshaw (T. F.). Antiente Epitaphes (from A.D. 1250 to A.D. 1800). 1878. 8vo.

Weever (J.). Antient Funerall Monuments, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent. 1767. fol.]

' STRUWWELPETER ' IN ENGLISH. ' Der Struwwelpeter,' first published in 1845, is now in its 405th edition. It is the most popular of the works of Heinrich Hoffmann, a doctor of medicine, who was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, June 13, 1809, and died there Sept. 20, 1894. The English translation, which is at least as good as the original, would appear to have been pub- lished simultaneously. At any rate, the B. M. Catalogue says that the 4th edition of the English version was published at Leipsic in 1848. Is it known who wrote it ?