Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/91

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12 S. V. APRIL, 1919.]





NOTES :-OM Dance Tunes in Salisbury Cathedral Library, 85 ' Double Falsehood ' : Shakespeare, Fletcher, and Theobald, 86 Cornish Biographers, 88 Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 89 Thomas Wakefield, Hebraist, 91 " Vestis adriatica" Chess : the Knight's Tour, 92 " Thwertnic" or " Thiertnie." Old Cheshire Custom Heavitree, co. Devon, 1553-1653 " Hand- writing " as a Surname" Pro pelle cutem," 93.

QUERIES: Richard Stockton 'Survev of Walden' French National Emblem, the Cock George Washing- ton's Wealth "Si quis forte rogat" Edna Lyall William Turner. M.F., 94 Richard Burton Grim or Grime Devey Family George Borrow : Lieut. Parry

' The Swin Boase Brothers Queen Anne's Veto Hervey or Hervit, 95 Raleigh nnd Queen Elizabeth at Sandgate Fifteenth - Century Seal Aldelima Cornish and Devonian Priests executed Lowther Mackworth, 96 Cartwnght Family Gilt Wand Parkinson Family "Derby Blues" Prince Charles Edward Stuart Wad - dingham Family Brooke Robinson " Rough " as House- name, 97 William Nicholson Proctor Family Brown Family Alnbaculia, Name of a Racehorse "Wilder- ing " : " Wilding" Clifton Family Missel Thrush-Bird- scaring Songs "Drink by word of mouth" Odessa in Roman Times Author of Quotation Wanted, 98.

REPLIES : Stags and Eglantine. 99 Henry I. : Gloucester Charter, 101 Samuel Johnson and Ben Jonson La Cour on Windmill Power Toad-Juice, 103 "Stateroom " Back-Magazine Dealers Anthony Todd Deacon in Love Edward Hyde, 104-' N.E.D.' : Changes in Accentuation Hedgehogs ' Irrelagh ; or. The Last of the Chiefs' Vauvenargues Pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass, 105 Abanazar Oath of Fealty : Kdward III. Burial at Sea Rain and Mowing Kent, Family, 106 London-Paris Airship Byronic Statue in Fleet Street Bishops of the Fifteenth Century, 107 "Rain Cats and Dogs" St. Helena 'Life of Marlborough ' "Camouflage" 'The Poor Thresher,' Song attributed to Burns "Nablette": "Bontefeu," 108 Andrew B. Wright, Local Historian and Actor Hampshire Church Bells and {their Founders Finkle Street Bell and Shoulder Inn, 109 Christmas Verses at Sheffield St. Clement as Patron Saint Sir Thomas Browne : Tom Brown, 110.

NOTES ON BOOKS : 'Indexes to Irish Wills ' : Dromore, Newry, and Mourne 'The Beasts, Birds, and Bees of Virgil ' ' Virgil and Isaiah : a Study of the " Pollio." '

Booksellers' Catalogues. OBITUARY .-John Thomas Page. Notices to Correspondents.



IN our Cathedral Library at Salisbury is a copy of the ' Catholicon ' of John of Genoa printed in folio in 1497, rebacked, but retaining its original boards and stamped leather sides, and its end-papers of Caxton's waste (which Dr. F. Jenkinson identifies a two leaves of Gower's ' Confessio Amantis, fo. xl and fo. xlvij , printed Sept. 2, 1483 at Westminster).

The leaf of blank paper at the beginning of the lexicon as well as its fair title-page, rearing the simple name ' Catholicon ' printed on it in February, 1497, were destined in process of time to be written and cribbled all over their surface by three or more penmen in the sixteenth century.

1. One of these has written the moralizing reflections :

Superflua querere '. Est vilis Cupiditatis., Necessaria querere '. Est Infirmitatis. Omnia relinquere '. est Perfeccionis. These are written in a formal hand at the op of the (verso) page which faces the title- page.

2. Below this a clerk, writing a smaller and freer script, has written the Latin

ormula of some deed of arbitration, with

nitials A., B., C., D., adopted, instead of names, as a guide for future use. Other pages in the book show like signs of its having served as a formulary of precedents for the Chapter Clerk or some other legal personage.

3. The lower portion of the page was utilized for noting down five dance tunes two of them with English names, the three others with French names as they were apprehended by an English ear in the six- beenth century. I will transcribe these tunes in hope that they may have some interest for those who have a knowledge of music, and who may perhaps be able to throw some light upon the system of notation, or upon the date and history of these tunes of Elizabethan or even earlier date. Miss Townsend Warner assures me that these five tunes, as well as the eighteen like items which occupy the recto side of the same fly- leaf, in all probability denoted an instru- mental part to a set of chansons a danser. So far as I am aware, the precise instrument for which they were here written has not been easy to identify.

4. A later Tudor hand, regardless of what had beeii written by the three previous scribes, has covered four-fifths of the surface of the page (including two of the tunes here deciphered) with about forty lines in English. I am not sure that this later writing may not be the hand of Bishop Edmond Guest, who in 1577 bequeathed all his books " to the Library of the Cathedral Church of Sar. now decayed. . . .to advance and further the Estate and Dignity of the same my Church and See."

The five tunes upon the page in question are the last of the set which begins upon the other side of that page, so I number them accordingly.