Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/21

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12 S. VI. JAX., 1920.]



differing little from the first one by him, except that the coat was thrown open, showing a heavy gold watch-chain. I have a large coloured photograph of this very pleasing portrait, showing a heavy gold double chain round the neck and going down towards the waist, and thought it was purposely displayed by the artist, because Sir Walter was Sheriff of Selkirkshire.


GENERAL JAMES OGLETHORPE. 1. Is the year of his birth definitely known ? B. Wright (Memoir, p. 5 and App. pp. 393-6) gives it as 1689 (June 1st). Others say 1696 2. Was he named ' James,' or ' James Edward ' ? 3. Is there a portrait of him anywhere ? H. F. B. COMPSTON.

Bredwardine Vicarage, Hereford.

JOHN THORNTON. In 1405 John Thornton of Coventry contracted to fill the great east window of York Minster with coloured glass, the work to be completed within hree years ; whilst in 1410 one John Thornton, presum- ably the same man, was admitted a freeman of the City of York.

Is anything known of Thornton's career either previous or subsequent to these years, that could identify him as the John of Coventry who, in 1353, was one of those engaged about the glazing of the king's new chapel at Windsor ?



MONKSHOOD. Can any reader tell me why the common monkshood is called Aconitum napellus ? If napellus is an adjective why does it not agree with the neuter noun ? In any case what does the name mean ? The botanical books I have been able to consult throw no light on the subject. J. ANDERSON SMITH, M.D.

CAPT. I. W. CARLETON. Can any of your readers "refer me to a life of Capt. I. W. Carleton, who wrote the ' Young Sportsman's Manual ' published about fifty years ago by Messrs. Bell & . Daldy ? The ' D.N.B.' contains no notice of him. He wrote under the name of Craven. S. P. KENNY.

Primrose Club, St. James's, W.

HENRY JENKINS : KILLED IN A DUEL. Is anything known of Henry Jenkins, who according to an old MS., was killed in a duel by a Mr. Glover, brother to Bichard Glover, the author of ' Leonidas ' ? Was he a soldier, and who were his parents ? He married Hannah Taylor, born 1726.

H. C. B.

JOHN WITTY. At 6 S. ii. 148 appears the following query ! ' John Witty, author of works on Mosaic history, against Deism, 1705-34. Who was he ? W. C. B.' He was the B.ev. John Witty, son of Bichard Witty, of Lund, Co. York. Baptised there 1679. Entered St. John's College, Cambridge, 1696. M.A., 1711.

Can any reader help me as to what livings he held or where he died ? In 1709 two letters were addressed to him, " att M r John Wyatt's house at the sign of the Cross in St. Paul's Church-yard" (Ad. MSS. 4276). After this I can find no trace of him.

The date 1734 given by the previous querist above is hard to understand, as his last work in the B.M. Catalogue is dated 1707. L - s -

CAPT. J. C. GRANT DUFF. I am at present engaged in the preparation of a new edition of Capt. J. C. Grant Duff's ' History of the Mahrattas,' and am anxious to obtain for the introduction some details of his career as well as a copy of a portrait which might be used as a frontispiece. I shall be glad to be placed in communication with the present representatives of the family.

S. M. EDWARDES, C.S.I., C.V.O., Indian Civil Service (retired).

Miss GORDON, SCHOOLMISTRESS, SOUTH LAMBETH. In 1838 a Miss Gordon, who was evidently a school teacher at South Lambeth, issued 'A Guide to the Genea- logical Chart of English and Scottish His- tory.' What was her full name and what is known of her ? J. M. BULLOCH.

37 Bedford Square, W.C.I.

GRAIN-SEEDS LENT BY CHURCHES. During my stay in Europe several times I met churches renowned to have used in seed time of scarcity to lend their grains for sowing, which the borrowers could return without any interest after harvests. But now my memory fails to name them exactly. Will a kind reader help me by giving some examples ? KUMAGUSU MINAKATA.

Tanabe, Kii, Japan.

' SONNETS OF THIS CENTURY.' I have somewhere read that upon issue of the above collection, edited by William Sharp, and published by Walter Scott in 1886, diffi- culty arose in connection with copyright claimed for one or more authors who were included. Can it be stated to which of the contents such claims applied, and if the latter assumed any tangible form ?

W. B. H.