Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/442

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Notes and Queries, July 31, 1920.

St. Swithin on"a r secret tide," 335 Bank Not< Slang, 52 Celtic Patron Saints, 172 Hallowe'en, 98 Italian St. Swithin 's Day 177 Le Monument " Quand Meme," 90 " Ney " : Terminal to Surnames, 23 Nursery Tales and the Bible, 322 Was Dr. Johnson a smoker? 302

Sproat (James) on Sprot or Sproat, 274

Steel (Thos.) on Congewoi, 74

Steiner (Bernard C.), on Blakiston, the Regicide, 114

Stevens (B. F.) and Brown, on uncollected Kipling items : ' With Number Three ' : ' Surgical and Medical,' 38

Stewart (Alan) on Grosvenor Place, 156

Stocker (Charles J. S.) on Cornish and Devonian priests executed, 56

Stratton (Charles E.) Bank Note Slang, 52, 159 The Stature of Pepys, 110

Summers (Montague), M.A., F.R.S.L.* on Con- greve's Dramatic Works, 227

Sutton (G. Eustace) on earliest clerical directory, 157

Swanzy (Henry B.) on Hugh Beatty, 146

Swynnerton (Charles) on Giraldus Cambrensis, 107

Sykes (H. Dugdale) on Massinger and ' The laws of Candy, 101, 122

T. (A.) on Lord Bowen : Reference to Daniel in

the Lions den, 41 T. (L.) on Lightfoot marriage, 168 T. (S. D. K.) on curious surnames, 197 T. (Y.) on Finkle Street,' 176 Tapley-Soper (H.) on Tennyson on tobacco,


Taylor (W. T.) on " Catholic," 12 Ternant (Andrew de) on "Made in Germany,"

129 Patterson (Sam) and Burton's ' Anatomy

of Melancholy,' 9

Terry (C. Sanford) on title of song wanted, 342 Thomas (N. W.) on Mandrill, 205 Timbrell (W. F. John) on crystal standing salts,

189 Earliest Clerical Directory, 194 Pagina- tion, 138 The Rev. John Stones, M.A., 66 Tottenham (C. J.) on " Catholic," 113 Hampshire

church bells and their founders, 137 Scottish

bishops, 279 ' Tom Jones,' 23 Toujours Pret. on The sixth foot (Warwickshire

Regiment), 135 Triumvir on James GlencairnBurns,272 Grundv

Family, 272 Troubridge (E. T.) on Voltaire's ' Candide,' Pt.II,

296 Turner (Frederic) on the Moores of Milton Place,

Egbam, 118 Wilson (John) Bookseller, 21 Tmpin (Pierre) on authors of quotations wanted,

159 No Man's Land, 178 Pilgrimages and

Tavern signs, 280 Slates and slate pencils,

216 Twycross (J. B.) on " Bocace " Tree, 73 The

Hawkhurst Gang, 153 Tyrrell (T. W.) on Yale and Hobbs, 197


Udal (J. S.), F.S.A. on Prince Charles in North Devon, 150. 337 Trotman (Robert) : epitaph 113 Uvedale (Edmund), 75

Under the Southern Cross on Sir Francis Bacon and Sir Francis Godolphin, 312

V. (Q.) on degrees of " beloved "-ness, 269 Vishnitzer (M.) on Oliver Cromwell and Bogdaa Chmielnitzky, 88


W. (A. T.) on North of England, 45

W. (F.) on Leper's Window : Low Side window, 14

W. (G. H.) on Prince Charles in North Devon, 152"

The Hawkhurst Gang, 154 W. (J. B.) on Cavalier officers, 41 W. (M. Y.) on Astronomical table, 207 Ramaee..


Wainewright (John B.) on ' Anne of Geierstein,' 136 Author of anthem wanted, 23 Authors^ of quotations wanted, 52, 112, 119 The Aus- tralian Bush, 256 Baker (Rev. Aaron), 153 Baschurch (Thomas), Winchester Scholar, 165 "Bellum,"186 "Catholic," 113 Celtic patroa saints, 173 "Chinese " Gordon epitaph, 317 R s Coningsby of Salop, 155 Cornish and Devonian Priests executed : George Stocker, 171 Curious Christian epitaph, 118 Curious- surnames, 115 Davidians : David George's Sect. 227 De Blainville's ' Travels ' (London,. 1743), 270 Descendant of Pontius Pilate, at Rovereto, 335 Diets of the Swiss Confedera- tion, 296 Divorce and marriage, 249 Double- Christian names, 192 Drum (Michael), 64 Dumb animals : an eighteenth-century friend r 78 Epigram : " A little garden little Jowett made," 19 Free (John), D.D., 147 Gilbert Bishop of Lisbon, 208 Grafton, Oxon, 153 Grandfather clock : date wanted, 298 Hugh Griffin, Provost of Cambrai, 86 Harper (William), Winchester scholar, 72 Harris, a Spanish Jesuit, 227 Hoorde (William), 47 Hugford (F. E.), Abbot of Vallombrosa, 252 Imrapen : Baden in Switzerland, 292 Inns of Court in Elizabeth's reign, 298 Irish in Spain,. 188 Italian St. Swithin's day : "I quattro Aprilanti," 157 Latin as an International language, 234 Leper's windows : Low Side window, 79 Lewknor family, 44 Mathew Myerse, 36 Moorflelds, 298 Musonius, 311 No Man's Land, 130, 215 ' Northanger Abbey,' 316 Pagard (Thomas) (Packard, Packer),. 14 Parker (Charles^, 39 Pole (Arthur), 168 Portuguese Embassy Chapel, 110 Prints illustrating Irish history, 1579-80, 208 Ramage, 234 Rue de Bourg, Lausanne, 274 St. Bartholomew's in Moor Lane, 255 St. Cas- sian, 75 Sabbatical River sand, 128 a Seventeenth-century booksellers' label, 280 Soaps for salt water, 149 Symmons (J.) of Paddington House, 192 Tennyson on tobacco,. 234 Venedi and Veneti, 206 White wine, 234