Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/205

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is a vii. AUG. 28, i92o.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


86, and was bur. at Ballyshannon, co. Donegal (M.I.) Although apparently not included with his father in the list of persons attainted by James II. in 1689, he accom- panied him to England, returning to Ireland when the authority of William III. had been established, and in 1695 and 1697, he was one of the Commissioners for assessing the Poll Tax under the Statutes of Will. III. c. 15 and 9 Will. III. c. 8. In 1698 he held a similar post for assessing the Tax granted under the Statute 10 Will. III. c. 3. His Will dated Sept. 17, 1753, was proved Dec. 10, 1753. In it he gave and devised to his nephew Colonel Francis Reynolds, and his brother John Reynolds his freehold called Farsetmore, as also his farm of Coolbeg which he held by Lease from Trinity Coll. Dublin, by the name of Coolremen and Keeren with his Dwelling House, &c., on the same, also the three leases he held from the See of Raphoe, viz., Kilcar, Killrean, and Strabele with Salmon Fishing, the Customs of the Fairs and Markets of the town of Raphoe, their heirs failing, then to Lieutenant William Reynolds and his heirs, and failing of heirs to him, to William Reynolds of Londonderry, Merchant, and to Ensign Faulkner, and failing their heirs "I leave to Dr. James Reynolds the said Free- hold and Farms, and also the sum of 10 a year, &c." He mentions his niece Mary Chambers and her husband Capt. Brook Chambers ; his niece Ellinor Dundasse ; his niece Rebecca Reynolds ; his niece Frances Dyson and her four children ; his niece Lory Reynolds and her sister, also Michael Reynolds, &c.

(ii) Anne Hewetson, named as Legatee in the Will of Sir Henry Caldwell dated June 27, 1721, proved Jan. 19, 1726.

(iii) Mary (?) Hewetson, who married William Reynolds of Donegal, gent. [See pedigree of Reynolds of Coolbeg, co. Donegal].

Administration Bond dated Oct. 3, 1717,. was granted to his wife Mary and son Francis.

IV. Rebecca Hewetson, of Ballintra, co. Dublin, married the Rev. Richard Foster or Forster son of Sir Christopher Foster or Forster, Lord Mayor of Dublin. Of Baltrea, co. Dublin, Clerk. In his Will dated Oct. 13, 1657, proved Jan. 20, 1659, by Rebecca- Foster or Forster, his widow, he desired to- be bur. in the Church of Swords, and by her left issue, two daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, and a son, Richard Foster or Forster who married Elizabeth Dunsterville.

Kilbarron Vestry Books (co. Donegal)/ contain several references to the Hewetsons,. the following refer to the Michael Hewetson. who died in 1753.

" 1735. May 9th Church to be rebuilt, the

seven following gentlemen to be empowered to' appoint Situation, &c. : Mr. Wm. Dickson,. Mr. John Dickson, Mr. Michael Hewetson r Mr.- John Jennings, Mr. Tho, Atkinson, Mr.- Henry Major, Major John Folliott (Geov Knox,- Vicar).

" 1738. The following appointed to borrow money not exceeding 150, &c., &c., for carrying on building of new church : Coll el John ffolliott,, Mr. Michael Heivetson, Mr. Wm. Dickson, sen.,- Mr. John Jennings, Mr. C. Concannon, Mr. Hen. Davis, Mr. John Atkinson, Mr. Henry Major, Mr. Thomas Dickson, and Mr. Wm. Dickson, junr.

In 1743 portions of ground in various parts of the New Church as indicated on a- plan mentioned were granted to different members for the building of seats thereon, and amongst others it mentions: "and the half of No. 24 for Mr. Michael Hewetson."

For the foregoing I am, as I have said,, indebted to Mrs. R. J. Reynolds of the Mullens, Ballyshannon, who has also- collaborated with me in compiling this and other pedigrees relating to Reynolds o" Coolbeg, Eccles of co. Fermanagh, &e.



(See 12 S. ii. passim; iii. 46, 103, 267, 354, 408, 438 ; vi. 184, 233, 242, 290, 329;

vii. 83, 125, 146.)

The next Cavalry Regiment (p. 65) Ligonier's Regiment of Horse was raised \in? December 1688, by William, 4th Earl of Devonshire, in support of the cause of William, Prince of Orange. It was equipped as a Regiment of Cuirassiers, and ranked as the 10th Regiment of Horse. In 1746 it ranked as the " Fourth Irish Horse." In 1788 it became^ the " 7th Regiment of Dragoon Guards," the title " Princess Royal's " being added in- April of that year. This title, slightly altered, the Regiment still (1920) retains.