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12 s. TO. AUG. 28. 1920.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Eyre, one of the counsel for the prisoner desired to compare the copy of: the Indictment with the original record, and, finding that the word

  • transgression ' was in the copy deliver'd to the

prisoner at the Bar, and not in the Caption of the Record, Mr. Farley was remanded back to South- tgato Prison till next Assizes."

Finally, on May 24, 1729, Stonecastle reported Farley's death :

" Mr. Farley, the Exeter printer, who charged with High Treason for reprinting Mist's

London (" the first Hebrew admitted to the House as such "). This gentleman never represented or even contested the City, but he sat for North Paddington from the General Election of November, 1885, until his death in June, 1887. So far from his being "the first Hebrew admitted to the House as such," he was not even the first of his name and religion to come to St. Stephens, that having been the late Mr. Arthur Cohen,

Jowrnal of Aug. 24 last, died in the gaol there last | Q.C., the great authority on international

law, who was returned for Southwark in


The -eighteenth century does not" seem to have I 1888, when he resigned. The first Jew to be

lot of a Jacobite printer in the 1880, and remained a member until February,

been an enviable one.



elected was Baron Lionel de Rothschild, for the City of London at the dissolution of 1847; but he was not allowed to take his

THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. Acting seat, despite the many struggles and vicissi-

upon ' N. & Q.'s ' own motto and advice : tudes, until 1858, to be followed into Parlia-

" When found, make a note of," T am ment the next year by another co-religionist,

anxious to enshrine in its pages the fact Alderman David Solomons, who was re- emphasizing the rapid progress made by

turned for Greenwich.


JAMES II. died Sept. 6, 1701, and so nobody would think of finding an account of a Requiem for him in the Protestant pages of De Blainville's " Travels." But at vol. ii.,


women following on their recent political -enfranchisement of their admission to the ranks of another of our learned societies, whose doors have hitherto been closed against them.

irffAgr o/ as & I s^^s*** no7 ' this interesting

as having been duly elected on June 3 last, ,7^ AT : , _. .. _ M , XT .....

^DDear thoso of Mr*?fno- ft ^ ivr;^ TnTS Morning we, and all the British Nobility

2.k^ 7T fi \ I kwong, and MISS and Gentry at Rome, went to the Church of St.

rranam the first two ladies, so far as I Laurence in Lucina, where a solemn funeral Ser-

am aware, who have ever been so elected, vice was performed for the late James II, King

J. S. UDAL, F.S.A. o England, by Order of Cardinal Charles Bar-

I berini, Brother to the Prince of Palestrina, as

r> ne . TT I Protector of England. The Reverend Father

JB08SUET ON THE HOUSE OF HAPSBURG. Jesuit Carolus de Aquino, a famous Preacher and Ine present unfortunate position of the an excellent Poet, delivered, on this Occasion, a members of the ancient House of Hapsburg vei T eloquent Funeral Oration to the Praise of recalls the prophetic words of Bossuet in ' fc e - de Monarch. _ Nothing was omitted, nay

VllO *^ tf^-rto ifist-w-t "CT-.-.V* Al^.^ J H*"^ "_ mi / \

ni.Li'a/n -G\,V,AK , A TV/T mu / - Oraison Funebre de Mane-Therese

JJ Autriche, Infante d Espagne, Reme de Jbrance et de Navarre " delivered at Saint- Denis, Sept. 1 1683

the Flowers of Rhetoric were lavished by him to make up a most pompous Panegyric. The greatest Heroes in Antiquity were but insignificant Men, compared to this excellent Prince. He was adorned, said, among many other fine Things, our

<4 _ , Orator, with all the Moral, Christian, and even

Que s il faut venir au particulier de 1'auguste the Military Virtues. In short, I expected every maison d Autriche, que peut-on voir de plus Instant, that heated by his Imagination, and by illustre que sa descendance immediate, ou, durant an Excess of Zeal in favour of his Heroe, the lespace de quatre cents ans, on ne trouve que well-beloved Son of the Society, he would not des rois et des empereurs, et une si grand affluence only have raised him to the Skies, but even to a de maisons royales, avec tant d'Etats et tant de Million of Degrees above Lewis the Great. This royaumes, qu on a prevu il y a longtemps qu'elle Ceremony was certainlv magnificent in every on serait surchargee?" Respect. The whole Church was hung with

Avrmi^w -m^ TVwxr A xrm I Black, and illuminated with an Infinity of White

36 SomerWfnn Kn*A I T^T??5? * Wax Tapers. A vast Multitude of Trophies,

rleyton Road, Brixton, S.W. Emblems and Mottos adorned not only the

T- , _ . _. I Castrum Doloris, or Burning Chapel, but also

IVJT TXT T r? ADMITTED TO PARLIAMENT. the Walls and the Columns of the Church, with MR. M. Li. K. BRESLAR, in his note on the h^e Arms of England on all Hands." Jubilee of the United Synagogue (ante, p. 127) After citing three "very remarkable ""In- is doubly in error in referring to the late Mr. scriptions in Honour of 'his late Majesty,'* taonel L. Cohen as a M.P. for the City of | in the Church itself, and one near the gate of