Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/266

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he quotes, testified to its eminent lawyers and quibbling propensities. A further clue is afforded by another passage in the ' Des- cription,' 11. 45 sqq.

Vpon a stately wall Saint George doth ride (Wanting a horse) in pompe and armed pride ; Beneath there is a Den, in that the Dragon. This tells his name, whose worthy parts we brag on

Again, at the end of ' Sarcasmos Mvndo, ' or the Frontispiece explained, we get this :

If any seeke his name, and list to come To schole, enquire for Murus et Antrum.

" Anirum, a caue or denne " says Bishop Cooper in his 'Thesaurus.' Thomas Scot, gent, was a gentleman of some courage if in "Walden " he was glancing at the first Lord Howard de Walden, now Earl of Suffolk and Lord High Treasurer. It is tempting to see in the following lines a reference to the Essex divorce and the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. He can a nullitie worke, diuorce the life Twixt some and body sooner then some wife,


He knew not then, as I haue heard him say, Th* Italian fcricke, but the plaine English way Of simple Country poysoning, now he knowes To do't by inches ; Court perfection growcs.

Suffolk's daughter, the Countess of Somer- set, was tried and found guilty on May 24, and her husband on May 25, of 1616, the year on the title page of ' Philomythie. ' But the ' D.N.B. ' and other authorities give 1610 as the date at which the book was first published. Is there such an edition and does it contain the lines just quoted ? Or is 1610 a mistaken reading of Elstracke's engraving, in which the circular part of the fat sixes overpowers the upper stroke ? EDWARD BENSLY.


129). According to a note on p. 398 of the late E. S. Shuckburgh's edition of ' Two Biographies of William Bedell,' Camb. Univ. Press, 1902, Nicholas Bernard pub- lished in 1659 'Certain Discourses, to which is added a Character of Bishop Bedell.' The first of the biographies in Dr. Shuck- burgh's book is that by the Bishop's son ; the second, ' Speculum Episcoporum ; or the Apostolick Bishop,' &c. is by the Rev. Alexander Clogie, the Bishop's chaplain, who supplied Burnet with the materials for the latter 's Life of Bedell, 1685. Clogie's own work was first published in 1862, with the title of ' Memoirs of the Life and Epis- copate of W. Bedell.' Besides the two lives Dr. Shuckburgh gave between fifty and

sixty letters of Bedell, chiefly to Samuel, Ward, Master of Sidney Sussex College, and> a few from other writers, and also a short treatise ' On the Efficiency of Grace. '

EDWARD BENSLY. Much Hadham, Herts.

DE GOURGUES (12 S. vii. 189). Ogier de Gourgue, Baron de Vayres et Vicomte de Julhiac, of a noble family of Guyenne, was Tresorier de France, General des Finances a Bordeaux and Conseiller d'Etat. He died in 1593.

Jean de Gourgue IV., 3rd Baron de Vayres was President a Mortier au Parlement de Bordeaux in 1638, Conseiller d'Etat in 1643. He was made a Marquis by Louis XIV. in 1659, and died in 1684.

Arm and Jacques, 2nd Marquis de Vayres

was Lieutenant General de Guyenne in

1669, Maitre des Requetes en 1679, and

created Marquis d'Aulnay-les-Bondy in.

- 1 690. He was born in 1 643 and died in 1726.

CONSTANCE RUSSELL. Swallowfield Park, Reading.

THE CRUCIFIXION IN ART : THE SPEAR- WOUND (12 Svi. 314; vii. 11, 97, 132, 173). The several compiler?, quoted at the second reference, throw little certain light on the symbolic significance of right and left, they ignoring the differences arising from various times and places. These variations have been exhaustively studied by Professor A. L. Frothingham in The American Journal of Archaeology, 1917, xxi. 55-76, 187-201, 313-336, 420-448. The section at pp. 325- 336: ."The Left in the Christian Art of the West " may be especially useful to inquirer. My remembrance is that Frothingham's researches arose from his earlier investiga- tion as to why the wonderful mosaic, in the church of SS. Cosmas and Damian at Rome, has Paul at the right of Christ, Peter at the left, A. ELA.

Boston, Mass.

RALEIGH (12 S. vii. 170). Sir John Cope of Copes Ashby (not Canons Ashby) in Northamptonshire, married, as his first wife, Bridget eldest daughter of Edward Raleigh, son and heir to Sir Edward Raleigh Knt., of Farnborough or Thornborow, in Warwickshire. A full pedigree of the Raleigh family will be found in the ' Visita- tion of Warwickshire,' published by the- Harleian Society in 1877.


Killadoon, Celbridge.