Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/642

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 29, 1921.

Sarah's Coffee-house, Cheapside, 73

" Sarcacolla "= Gum-resin, 92

" Sat-gemma "=Bock salt, 92

Savoy, Palace of, 45, 97, 135 "

Savoy Chapel, 97

Sayce (Edward) of Llangattock, 250

" Scolopendra Cetacea," its modern name, 267

Scots Guards, early muster rolls, 468

Scott (John) of Amwell, Quaker poet, 319, 339

Scott (Sir Walter), unpublished letter of, 501

Scrolls of the law, burial of remains, 288

Seafield (Frank) -Alexander Henry Grant, 19

Sea-water and madness, 392, 439

" Second Wind," explanation wanted, 211

Secretary of State for the Colonies, creation of office, 416, 452

Secretary of State for War, creation of office, 416, 452

Secrett surname, 95

" Seevier," meaning of word, 109, 173, 193

Selborne church bells, 371, 418

Semaphore signalling towers,

Sergeant or Serjeant, army spelling, 158

Serjeants-at-law, robes of, 37, 98

Servington family of Devon, Dorset, and Somer- set, memorials of, 49

Seward (Edmund) and Southey, 31

Shakespeare : Associations with : ' Among the Shakespeare Archives,' 301, 322, 342, 363, 381 ; corrigenda, 405 ; statuette of, 47

Shakespeariana :

' Merry Wives of Windsor,' suggested German

source of, 211 Shylock, character of, 5, 18, 96, 156

Sharpe (Dr. John Gregory), 1713-71, his parent- age, 45

Shave surname, 95

Shaw (Claudius), Lieut. -Col. Royal Artillery. 1835-7, 269, 396

Shaw family of Mosshead, 129

Sheffield : old underground passage discovered, 488

Sheldon (William and Ralph), tapestry manu- facturers, 466, 517

Shelley, a poem of, 331, 375

Sheriff's posts, their use, 508

Shipmeadow, co. Suffolk : rectors of, 510

Shorthand, books on, 191

Shrapnel (Major Henry), Royal Artillery, 290

" Shylock," Shakespeare's conception of, 5, 18, 96, 156

Sidney (Sir Philip), his personal appearance, 329

Signatory marks, 391, 437

Sign boards, famous, 38

Sign painting, 16

Simmons (Nevill), publisher of Sheffield, 232 F

Simpson (Rev. John), 1742-1812, 83

Sinodum, claim to be site of Clovesho, 6

Smith (Bartholomew) of Peterculter, d. 1758, 391

Smith (Benjamin), b. 1744, 92

Smith (H. Maynard), his ' Early Life and Educa- tion of John Evelyn,' 467

Smith (Richard), d. 1776, West Indian merchant, 29, 92, 217

Smith's (Sidney) " Last Flicker of Fun," 270, 296, 338

Smith family and Charles II., 488

Smithfield cattle market, removal in 1855, 475

Sneezum, surname, 137

Snitterfield and Richard Shakespeare, 301

Snow as ship's name, 72, 178

Snowballs, punishment for throwing in 1787, 406

Society of Antiquaries, women as fellows of, 167

Soissons, the vase of, 509

Somersetshire dialect, example, 421


1 Just Plain Folk,' 72, 158 ' Poor Uncle Ned,' 287, 373, 438, 514 Sailors' chanties, 48, 95, 114, 138, 198 ' Sweet Lavender,' 107 Sonning, " province " of, 401 ' South African Commercial Advertiser, The,

1828, extracts from, 107

Southampton, eighteenth century writers on, 73 Southwell (Rev. Henry), his ' University Family

Bible,' 230

So vereign = Mayor, 172 Southey and Malvern, 31 Spanish Tracts and Broadsides, 207 Sparks, maker of Worcester china, 250 'Spectator': signatures of contributors, 131,

158, 174, 196

Speedwell and the Pilgrim Fathers, 265 Spencer (Sir John) of Hodnell, co. Worcester, 331 Spooner (Rev. W. A.), of Oxford, and " Spooner- isms," 35, 36 " Spoonerisms," examples, 6, 35, 36, 52, 79, 117 ;

in French, 487 Squanto or Tisquantum and the Pilgrim Fathers,


" Squil," use of the word, 126 Stabbins (Mr. Frederick William), centenarian,

b. 1815, 87

Staffordshire, rolls of Lords-Lieutenant of, 312 Staffordshire porcelain, makers of, 410 Stage directions, grammar of, 109, 377 " Stagnum," meaning of the word, 48, 133 Stainsby family, 129 Stainsby House, Horsley Woodhouse, Derby,

129, 176

Stallybrass surname, 137 Stanley (Dorothy), 110 Stationers Company, registers of, 427 Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 84 Steuben (Charles Baron de), German historical

painter, b. 1788, 169, 193, 257 Stiven's (Mrs. Betty), epitaph in Tobago, 148 Stoneham (Lieut.-Col. Abraham), b. 1776, 7 Stourhead and Alexander Pope, 231, 256, 298 Stratton garlic, 168 Streatham Parish Church, fourteenth-century

effigy in, 369

Strongitharm, surname, 213 Stroth or Struth (Sir William John), 290, 373,


Stumackchin, surname, 137 Sue (Eugene), English edition of works, 431 Sunderlin (Lord), at Chamonix, 149, 197

Surnames :

Beehag, 95 Brickbatt, 137 Cheval or Chevall, 350, 458 Curious, 15, 95, 176, 213 Fostersmith, 408 Hoather, 331, 396 Hogsflesh, 176, 213 Manderstoun, 28 Mayall, 290, 374