Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/508

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418 NOTES AND QUERIES. [i*s;viii. MAY a 1,1*21. and (if one may believe the cynical Parker) 1 " FOUR -BOTTLE MEN" (12 S. viii. 310, did so that, shorn of two letters, the college 357). I should have said that neither four- would then adopt his own name : I nor two- but three-bottle men was the com- M Audley N. j moner label, or libel. Does not Sir Walter His wife's name was Elizabeth. Two of Scott .make the King allude to the elder his brothers-in-law were Henry Duke of Suffolk, father of Lady Jane Grey ; Peveril as a " three-bottle baronet " ? The size of port-wine bottles has been re- and Lord Thomas Grey. Both were ulti- : ferred to - I have in m y cellar otherwise mately beheaded on Tower Hill. Their WPty, a variety of old bottles, some with mother was Margaret "Marchioness o f seals bearing ' Wm. Jackson, 1774," others Dorsett," who was the godmother of Queen Lincoln College," apparently about the Elizabeth. Margaret was born a Wotton. same date ' others with long necks and M. E. W. probably older. Is there any public collec- tion of such glass in which these specimens LANCASHIRE : SETTLERS IN AMERICA (12 S. would find a p g ermanent home ? vui. 227, 375). Availing myself of MR. ATM RAY SANBORN'S suggestion in the last para- ; graph of his reply at the second reference,! FIRE PICTURES (12 S. viii. 370). H.M.S. may I call his attention to the entries in vol. Bombay, screw, wood, line of battle ship, ii. of Savage's ' Genealogical History of 67 guns, Captain C. A. Campbell, was Lie- New England ' of the names " Hobart, stroyed by fire off Monte Video on Dec. 14, Hubberd, Hulbert and sometimes Hulburd." 1864. Ninty- seven officers and men perished, From a letter sent me by the postal authori- of whom 34 belonged to the Marines, ties for identification some years ago, 1 1 J. H. LESLIE, Lieut. -Col. gather that there still exist in America TT ^ f T> i members of a family preserving the last- T 1 H ^ S ' Bc T T ba ? ^ buri ff F 1 lores named variant of the name of Hubert- S^/*^*** ^ideo; 91 lives lost; the original form. ge? J 4 / 1! ^ 4 ; Haydn s Dictionary ot From his surprise at the same people ! Dates < see - Wrecks > spelling their names in these different ways, ! < The King's Ships,' vol. i., states that the Savage does not appear to have known Bombay belonged to the Hon. E. India that the " 1 " in these names is liquid, or Company, and was built in 1747. It was rather mute (as in Holborn, Folkestone, burned off Monte Video in 1864. Alnwick as silent as in " salmon "), and my , R g. PENGELLY. point of curiosity, which I hope to be , able to satisfy through MR. RAY SANBORN'S i JOSEPH AUSTIN, ACTOR, 1735-1821 (12 courtesy and the ever-widening circula- j S. viii. 347). Oxberry's 'Dramatic Chrono- tion of ' N. & Q.,' is whether any old-estab- logy up to 1849' gives 1740 as the year lished Hulburds still remain in New England, of Austin's birth, and his last appearance and if so whether they preserve the original in the character of Bertram in ' The pronunciation as in 1635 and in the pre- Spanish Friar ' ; date of death, March 31, ceding centuries. PERCY HULBURD. 1821. The ' Thespian Dictionary,' 180?, incidentally mentions Austin in its notice HENRY BELL OF PORTINGTON (12 S. viii. O f Joseph Munden, as, with his partner 371). Henry Bell's sister married my Whitlock, being a party to the sale own grandfather, and a tombstone exists to Munden of their " concerns in the in Eastrington churchyard giving the names theatres of Newcastle, Lancaster, Preston, of their twelve children, of whom my father Warrington, and Chester," and retirement was the seventh. Being myself the youngest o f Austin thereon. W. B. H of his family I cannot speak of personal knowledge, but from talk heard and trea- THE YEAR'S ROUND OF CHILDREN'S sured by me in youth I gathered that the GAMES (12 S. viii. 309, 355). In 'Memoirs Henry Bell of Portington was a friend of o f an Oxford Scholar,' 1756, the author John Wesley, and, though himself remain- writes : " My Amusements were boyish, ing a Churchman, was always kind and playing at Taw, whipping of Tops, and all hospitable to the Methodist local preachers the Train of Plays which succeed each who came to visit his neighbourhood, other through the various seasons of the He and his brother-in-law (my grandfather) year." A. H. W. FYNMORE. died in the same year. SURREY. Arundel.