Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/78

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [i2s.vm.jAK.i5,i2i. How to Learn French or Spanish LATEST ACHIEVEMENT OF PELMAN INSTITUTE. " Do you think that you could pick up a book of four hundred pages, written in a language with which you are unacquainted say French or Spanish or Italian and con- taining no English words at all, and read that book through, without having to refer once to a dictionary?" "Of course I couldn't," you will reply; such a thing is impossible." Certainly it seems impossible. Yet this is just what the new method of learning Foreign languages by correspondence, introduced by the well -known Pelman Institute, now enables you, or any one else, to do. The new Pelman method of Language In- struction is one of the most remarkable educa- tional achievements of the century, and, in the opinion of those who have examined and tested it, it is bound to revolutionise the normal methods of teaching languages in this and other countries. The French and Spanish Courses are now ready, and readers who wish to receive full particulars of these Courses should write to the address printed at foot of the next column, mentioning the language in which they are interested. A little book describing the particular Course desired will be sent, gratis and post free, to any address. Based on an entirely new principle, the Pelman method is simplicity itself, and the very first lesson of the Course will amaze you. There is not a word of English in this lesson, yet you can read it with ease, and you could do so even if you didn't possess the slightest previous knowledge of the language in question. It sounds almost incredible, but it is perfectly true. No TRANSLATION. By following this method you can learn either French or Spanish in about one-third the time usually required. When you have completed the Course you will be able to read any French or Spanish book or newspaper, and to speak the language in question more fluently than the average student can after learning it for years in the ordinary way. And you will attain this proficiency without having to spend hours, days, and months studying complicated and dreary rules of grammar, or memorising long vocabularies. There is no translation and no dictionary. There are no passages of French or Spanish to be put into English, and no passages of English to be put into French or Spanish. You learn the lan- guage in the natural way, just as you would if you were staying in France or Spain. This of course, makes the study extremely interest- ing, so much so that once you begin it you will go on until you have finished the Course. By that time you will have acquired a thorough mastery of the language. Write to-day for free particulars, mentioning the particular Course (French or Spanish) in which you are interested, to the Pelman Institute (Modern Languages Dept. ), 36 Bloomsbury Mansions, Harb Street, London, W.C.I. Printed by THE ATHRNJEUM PRESS, Bream's Buildings, E.C.4, and Published by THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY (Limited), Printing House Square, London, E.C.4. January 15, 1921.