Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/204

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[2"<i S. N 10., MAR. 8. '56.

two oo resembling two great 1'res [letters], <, for Frede- rick the king his name, with ane crowne upone the heid of the same, upone the q lk [which] cover ar conteinit fourtie sevine diamont tablets of severall qlities [qualities] and ane blank for on diamont y* hes been lost, and with the queen's pictour on the uther syde, upone the cover q r of is sett ane crowne with two ^ [for Elizabeth] efter this forme ^j ", conteining xlvi tablets great and small,

q tt caiss is enambled w* black and quhyt, and sume of en- ainbling brokine upone the syde of the queens portrat ; ane round pictour box without pictour, conteining ane great diamond in the middle, nyne smaller stones nixt sett round about, and auchtene littill stones in the third circle sett round enambled with black, quhyt, and uther cullours, in ane red velvet box, estimat all to cceccccc lib. Item, ane Jewell maid in faschioune of ane roise [rose] and crowne, with thrie pendants of gold, q r in is sett in the crowne thrie triangled diamonds under yame fyve tablet diamonds, the tape of the croune for small dia- monds and the rose undir the croune conteining aucht triangle diamonds with ane littill on the middill an 1 ilk [each] pendant haveing ane triangled diamond enam- bled all in the back with quhyt w* quhyt [s;c] amell [enamel] in an crimsone velvit caiss, estimat all to cccccc lib. Item, ane uther littill jewel in forme of ane rose, conteining ane tablet diamond in the middle and sevine tablet diamonds round about the same, with ane littill diamond upone the top y r of, and ane great pearle hanging at it flat on the baksyde, estimat to cc lib. Item, ane lock of the queen of Bohemes her hair of thrie plett, with ane eye at the top y r of, (^uhairin ar sett on everie syd ane diamont fassit-cutt*, w* ane crowne of gold upone the same enambled with black and quhyt estimat all to c lib. Item, ane littill pendant in forme of ane heart, with ane tablit diamond stone in the middle with nyne lesser tablits round, enambled with black in the bak, estimat to c lib. Item, twa eare pendants, q r in ar sett in ilk ane fyftene littill tablit diamonts with ane peare pearle f at the end of cache pendant, qlk pendant is made in forme of ane peir of bosej oppine cutt work, estimat to lib. Item, twa uther eir pendants, each on of yame ane croune of gold with sevine littill diamont stones; under the s d croane ane tablit diamont sett upone ane blak heart of gold; on the bak of the s d heart, ane quaver w' twa arrowes into it, qlk quaver hes twa arrowes into it [sic], and twa tablit diamonts and fyve littill pendants, ilk ane haveing ane littill diamond, esti- mat to c lib. Item, ane cupid of gold enamblit, w 1 ane heart hanging at his foot, q r upone is sett ane tablit dia- mond crost with ane arrow, qlk hes ane spark of diamond at ilk end, under the heart ane littill pendant rubie, w r in on the bak syde thes words (willing he woundit), estimat to xx lib. Item, ane cross of diamonts sett w* sevine littill diamonts with ane peire pearle at the end yof, en- ambled in the bak w' black enambling, estimat to c lib. Item, ane uther croce sett with emeralds, conteining four- tene tablit stones w 1 ane round pearle, hinging [hanging] at the end of the croce was on emerald stone, and is en- amblit with black and quhyt on the back syd, estimat to fourtie pundes. Item, ane bracelett, conteining audit peices of enambled gold with quhyt cullour, each peice haveing upone the tope y r of twa rubie stones, four of the s d peices haveing the rubie stones four squarit, and the uther four haveing the stones in formes of hearts, and on of the s d! aucht peices, the gold q r of is brokine in the on syde, and betwixt everie twa stones y r is sex littill round pearle, estimat all to xx lib. Item, ane bracelet conteiu-

ing sex great ovill emantis* stones fuussit-cut on both syds, sett in gold, enamblit blak and quhyt, with sex turkie [or turquoise] stones, estimat all to xvi lib. Item, ane border or heid lace of the lenth of ane quarter of ane elne, conteining thretteine ross, in the middle of everie ross ane pearle of the greatnes of ane flanders pie f, with sex littill diamonts sett in gold about everie pearle, qlk ross is formed eftir this faschione [a rude representation here], estimat to xx lib. Item, ane balsome box of gold enamblit with severall cullours, conteining fyve severall boxes, qlk haill box is of twa inches long w* ane greip [clasp] upone the end y r of, estimat to xx lib. Item, ane pictour box of gold enamblit w* grein, q r in is conteinit her husbands portrat, estimat to xx lib. Item, ane cupid of gold, holding ane ancor in his hand, twa arrowis on the uther, and under his foot on the bak syd is gravine thais words (vanitie, &c.J), estimat to xx lib. Item, ane watche plaittit with gold round faschioned and enamblit with all cullours, and on the bak y r of ane ross, estimat to Ix lib. Item, ane mortheid [Death's head] of the qlitie of ane littill buttoune, with twa deid bnes [bones] with ane lok of quhyt hair, estimate to x lib. Item, fyve pcice of gold, each on of the wecht of ane portingall dowcat cunzeat [coined] be the King of Swaden at the battell of Leipsick, sevint Sepf, 1631, estimat to cclxvi lib. xiij/s iiijd. Item, ane ring with ane triangle diamond sett in heart, with ane tablet diamont about it sett in ane eye with thrie littill sparks of diamonds in the ends of the heid of thrie arrowes with ane arrow crosing the heart, at each end y r of ane spark of ane diamond, with this ressoune [motto] ingraven (Mainie in the eye but on in the heart), estimat to xl lib. Item, ane ring, fyve littill tablet diamonds in forme] of ane croce, enamblit on the bak with greine and blew, estimat to c marks. Item, ane ring sett with ane littill diamond stone, enamblit w'in with ane mortheid with this word (my ctiire), estimat to xx lib. Item, ane small gold cheinzia [chain], weyand ane unce twelf drope wecht, estimat to Ivi lib. Item, twa uther gold cheinzias with black enambling, both weyand sex unces thrie drope, estimat to cc lib.

" Suma of the inv r [inventor] v ai [or m, thousand] cclvj lib. vi/". 8d.

"Na divisione.

"George Abernethie, wryter in Ed r [Edinburgh] cautioner [surety]."

(Recorded in the Testament Register of tiie Commissary Court of Edinburgh.")

  • i. e. cut in little faces.

J Boss, hollow,

f Pearl in form of a pear. Open cut work.


(2 nd S. i. 73. 138.)

The two-headed eagle, about which PRESTO- NIEXSIS inquires, is borne as an armorial ensign by the empires of Russia and Austria. The king- dom of Prussia bears a single-headed displayed eagle, probably derived from the ancient bearings of the dukedom of Prussia, which the Marcgraves of Brandenburgh held under the crown of Poland until 1658, and from that time in full sovereignty. The ensign of Brandenburgh was a similar eagle, but the tinctures were different. The double- headed eagle is believed to indicate the two- fold Roman empire, that of the West and that of the

  • Probably diamonds.

t What does a Flanders pie mean ?

j Probably the coinmeiiceinent of " Vanity of vauities."