Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/352

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [2d S. N 17., APRIL 26. '56.

book had been written in England. We do not say that the French correspondence is so interesting to English readers as the domestic would have been ; but both have their value ; and we are grateful to M. Guizot for that which he has given us. His calm sobriety is especially suited to the task of unwinding the meshes of that tangled web in which Monk's cunning enclosed every- body of any importance. M. Guizot's subject gives him also an opportunity of dwelling upon the jealousies and weaknesses of the republicans to him an ever congenial theme. He delineates the leaders of that party as ex- tremely perverse and impracticable, and describes the result as in great part proceeding from their mutual jealousies and want of unity. Whether this be true or not, we will not determine. In England, as in other countries in which they have had rule for a brief period, the real republicans were never more than a small mino- rity of the people.

Thanks to Mr. Gosse and his fellow naturalists, who have shown how to keep Marine Aquaria, and to the ex- ertions of Mr. Lloyd, who has found means to supply London lovers of nature with all the materials necessary for their construction, they are now almost universal as drawing-room ornaments. But they are more than mere ornaments ; they are instruments of study, and incentives to a desire for a knowledge of the natural history of the great deep. To spread abroad such a knowledge has been one of the main objects of Mr. Gosse in all his de- lightful writings. But we doubt whether any volume he has yet produced is better calculated to effect such object than Tenby, a Seaside Holiday, which he has just issued, and in which he gives a detailed record of a summer visit to Tenby, and of all his tide-pool explorations, cavern searchings, microscopic examinations, in short, of his daily doings as a naturalist. Mr. Gosse's book will, we are sure", tempt many to Tenby ; and when there, go far to make them thoroughly acquainted with all the wondrous works of nature to be found in that beautiful locality. It is indeed a most delightful and instructive volume ; and though especially adapted to Tenby, will be found a most agreeable and instructive companion to visitors to every part of the sea-side.

The new number of The Quarterly is amusing almost beyond The Quarterly's average. Besides its political articles on the Peace and its Effects on Turkey, and on Montalembert, it has pleasant chatty papers on British Family Histories and The Haldanes; an interesting notice of tbe mammoth vessel ' The Great Eastern,' now building at Blackwall ; and good critical articles on Sir G. Coruewall Lewis's Early Roman History, on Ruskin, and on Soitthey's Letters, the last containing a thorough vindication of the elder Murray Glorious John from some charges of illiberality in his dealings with the Lau- reate, which we feel assured Southey himself would not now have given to the world.

" We learn with pleasure," says The Illustrated London News of Saturday last, " that Messrs. Whittaker & Co., the proprietors of Mr. Collier's well-known and highty esteemed edition of Shakspeare, published in 1843, in eight volumes 8vo., have just concluded an agreement with Mr. Collier for a revised and cheap reprint of it, in six 8vo. volumes. Mr. Collier's edition is especially valuable for the fulness and accuracy of its collations with the early quartos."

Among the important announcements in the list pre- fixed by Mr. Murray to the Quarterly, is that of a A New Biographici. Britannica, by various hands. In announcing this undertaking the editor and publisher invite the co- operation of all men of letters who have given attention to special biographical subjects, or who possess docu- ments illustrating the lives of all particular persons, and

who are requested to communicate to the editor of the Singraphia Britannica, care of Mr. Murray, Albemarle Street.

We are glad to announce that Mr. Winter Jones has been appointed Keeper of the Printed Books of the British Museum, feeling well assured that under his watchful superintendence the monstrous deficiencies which now exist in the Department of English Literature will be supplied as rapidly as opportunities permit.

BOOKS RECEIVED. Popular Music of the Olden Time, <;., by William Chappell, F.S.A. This sixth part, which treats of the music of the reign of James the First, more than equals its predecessors in interest. It contains also some admirable old English tunes.

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography by various Writers. Edited by William Smith, LL.D. Part XV. This important work is rapidly approaching completion. The present part extends from Pytho to Thalassi, and how complete the work will be, may be judged of by the fact that the article Roma occupies about 130 pages, and is profusely illustrated with woodcuts.

The Life and Adventures of Jules Gerard, the Lion Killer. This new volume of Lambert's Amusing Library for Young and Old, comprising Gerard's Campaigns among the Lions of Northern Africa, is very appropriately intro- duced into this cheap but well printed series.

The Two Cottages


Are two new issues of Parker's excellent series of Tales for the Young Men and Women of England.

The Pilgrim's Progress, for the Use of Children in the English Church. Edited by the Rev. J. M. Neale, M.A. The words "second edition " in the title-page show the success which has attended Mr. Neale's arrangement of Bunyan's wondrous allegory.



Particulars of Price, &c. of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names aud ad- dresses are given for that purpose :

NEW SPORTIKO MAGAZINE, 1852, 1853, 185. 1855.

DITTO DITTO for Jan. and Dec. 1847.

DITTO DITTO for May to Dec. 1850, inclusive.


Wanted by Thos. Millard, 70. Newgate Street.

LICE'S PORTRAITS. (Prints. Parts 44 to 48. (Harding's Royal 8vo.

Edition.) 1831. SCOTT'S BIBLE. ( Seeleys' Edition. Royal 8vo. London : 1831. Nos. 51.

71. to 76. 78. to the end. GIL BLAS. 2 Vols. 12mo. (Roscoe's Edition.) Illustrated by George

Cruikshank. Or Vol. II. only.

Wanted by J. $ J, Leighton, 40. Brewer Street, Golden Square.


The length of our NOTES ON BOOKS, many of u-hirh we hare been com- pelled to omit, renders it imperative that we should postpone replying to several Correspondents until next week.

JONES will find the subject of Swords as an Article of Dress illustrated in our 1st S. i. 415. ; u. 110. 218., &c.

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, to that the Country Bank-sellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver t/iem to their Subscribers on the Saturday.

NOTES AND QUERIES" is ako issued in Monthly Farts,for thecon-

"inbtrs, mini have stamped copies forwarded direct from the Publisher. The subscription for the stamped edition of "NOTES AND QUERIES" (including a rert/ copious Index) it eleven shillings and four- pence for six months, which may be paid by fost-Qffice Order, drawn in favour of the Publisher, MR. GBOBQH Bra, No. 186. Fleet Street.